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Saturday, November 30, 2024

It is a Holly Jolly Christmas Parade of Previous Freebies -2024

The Christmas countdown is on!  26 more days until the big day!  

Graphic from Pinterest

  Welcome, Sweetness and a very lovely day to you.   I am dreaming of gingerbread men, tinsels, jingles bells and a jolly bearded man shimming down the chimney.  How about you?  Well, I am keeping the real meaning of Christmas in my heart as well. ⛪

This is such an exciting time of the year. I always look forward to pulling out my trees and decorating them to the  hilt.   I am slowly adding more and more stitched ornaments to my trees.  

Are your nimble fingers working up a storm on Christmas projects?

I thought today would be a perfect day to jump on the sleigh  and look back at previous stitches and doodles that I have  shared. Plus it reminds me of what I need to pull out. 😀🤗🎅🤶 Fair warning, this is post has loads of photos.   If you see any pieces that you are interested in , just click the colored links and you will be magically transported back to the that post. 

I hope you enjoy. 💚❤

Christmas Stamp

Itty Bitty Thumbprint Cookies

Itty Bitty Gingerbread House

Santa Is On His Way

Tree Delivery

Old World Santa 

Gingerbread Trifle

Sweeping Snowman Trifle 

The Holiday Tree

Snow and Love Stamps


Christmas Blessings 

 Heart the Christmas Cow

Margie the Christmas Horse

Penelope the Christmas Pig- Barnyard Christmas 

Peace on Earth

Prim Winter Church 

Prim Winter Love , 


Prim Winter Home, Prim Winter Peace   Prim Winter Joy   Prim Winter Faith  

and Prim Winter Angel 


and Prim Winter Hope 

Prim Winter Gifts

Prim Winter Cheer

 Chicken Sled 

  Santa's Ride , 

 Special Delivery , 

Christmas Barn

Christmas Bucket,

 Christmas Tractor , 

Santa on the Farm,  

Mrs. Claus on the Farm ,

 The Stockings Were Hung 


   Santa's Visit  ,  

Hanging the Star .   

, Skiing on the Farm ,

  Farm Truck  ,

 Baking on the Farm ,

 and Christmas Goat .

Christmas on the Farm

A Christmas Flock- Barnyard Christmas 

Farm Truck

Christmas Stack Barnyard Christmas 

 Bringing Home the Tree  

 Christmas Stocking

Santa's Hens

Candy Cane Sprinkles

Candy Cane Cottage

Snow Cream and Snow Guys 

Chicken Mitten

Winter Tree Sampler

Winter Manor

Winter Stamp

Winter 1869 Crock

A Cup of Christmas Cheer- Santa Mug 

Santa  Stamp

Frosty Stamp

Snowflake Sledding and Chickens 

Winter Saltbox  and Prim Winter Tag 

Mooey Christmas 

Always Believe

Mr. McChill

Mr. McChill in progress. 

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Christmas Eve Saltbox

Ho  Ho Ho Stamp 

Country Christmas Doodles Week 1  , Country Christmas Doodles Week 2 , and  Country Christmas Doodles Week 3

Behind my dough bowl is Plum Street Sampler's freebie  called 12 Days of Christmas which was posted on Paulette's blog in 2015. Click on the colored text to visit her post. 

Country Christmas Doodles Set 4

Let It Snow Sampler  

Santa Clause sampler

Pictured are Little House Needleworks " Country Christmas " and Istitch Designs 2020 Freebie Joyeux Noel which is in her Nov. 28, 2020 post. 

Winter Jar- Mason Jar Series

Winter Quilt  & Winter 



Prim Winter Blessings

 Winter Haul 

Christmas Time Doodles 

Santa Mug Doodle

Always With Thee

Candy Canes, Holly and Evergreens

Snowman 1869 Crock and Doodle 

Snow Crock Doodle 

"A Cold Winter's Day- Dot's Saltbox" 


Let it Snow"  and " Sled Time , The Tree March  and "Just a Sweeping!!!" , Chasing Snowflakes" , " Learning to Ski " , Mittens for Sale ,   Blown Away ,   Snowball Hunt , The March  ,   Playtime, and Winter Time




Thank you for taking the time to stop by and look at my humble work. I hope to add to my collection in the near future. 

Have a wonderful and blessed day and 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped in each other
- Burton Hills
Hugs and Stitches!!!  And Snowman Kisses. 
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  . ❤ Christmas is never the same without you.


  1. Gosh, Melisa! So many patterns! I love them all! I know I stitched “Let it snow”, now I wonder where that went? 😂🤣 I want to stitch them all, and hope to stitch some at least. 😁 Well done making this lovely round up post - quite the marathon. 💜👍 Hope things are improving health wise. ☺️👋🙋‍♀️💜💜💜🤗🥰xx👋💜💜💜

    1. Oops, forgot to say this comment was me - Barbara @flashingscissors. 😆 Now to go and find that stitching. 😂😂🤣 😁👍🙋‍♀️👋🤗🥰xx

  2. Amazing! What a collection. Yes, it's looking a lot like Christmas. Tomorrow I start to decorate. Some things are already there. I was on the attic to get something for a friend and I opened one box to look in. What did I find?? Lots of red balls for the tree. Yippie, this year the tree is red. It will be great fun to fancy up the tree and listen to Willie Nelsons Christmas Songs. I will be happy!! (or crazy?)
    Hope your health is improving.
    Have a great weekend,

  3. Wow... I love :-)))
    what beautiful work. Wonderfull.
    Thanks for's a joy to see.
    Today we traditionally hang up the Advent star – inside and outside –
    and yesterday I drank some mulled wine to get in the mood.
    All the best and a nice Advent season.
    And lots of fun for you with embroidery, crafts and handicrafts... Advent time is a wonderful time.
    Hug and thanks Viola

  4. What a wonderful collection of Christmas "goodies" you have made--I am "up" for Christmas this year--hope to get started on my few little decorations this weekend...hugs, Julierose

  5. WOW! Thanks so much! I've saved the page so I can really go over these later! We really appreciate your generosity! Blessings!

  6. (Little Penpen) these are so sweet and thank you for being so generous to share your talent with us. I was looking for some quick Christmas ornament patterns last night, and here you are with this post! Thank you!!!!

  7. Oh my what a grand parade to watch while I ate breakfast this morning!! Thank you for your generosity of sharing your freebies!!

  8. This was the best Christmas parade I've seen in ages! Thank you for sharing your talents with us. You are so talented! Hugs!

  9. Melisa, what an amazing resource this is! I have stitched some of your Christmas and winter designs already, but now there are more on the list. Thank you so much!

  10. What a fabulous Christmas parade! Viewing it sure put me in the spirit to get back to work on a quilt project that I would like to finish before Santa arrives!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  11. I loved the Christmas/Winter parade you featured, Melisa. It reminded me of some previous designs that I should get stitched up. Happy Saturday!

  12. Wow Melissa You are so talented and kind. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your designs with all of us.


  13. all I can say is--OH my goodness--look at all the lovelies you have stitched and then shared--do you have any fingers left???? I have done alot but--not nearly as many as you have given us--but it gives me hope that in the future I can still stitch for my hearts content!!
    Do hope your health is improving--it is no fun not to feel--yourself and not have the energy you used to have--so keep on taking care of yourself and keep cranking out the beautiful stitch projects--love and hugs, di

  14. I love them all!! I have saved many of the patterns!! Just wish I had the time to get them all done!!

  15. What a fun Christmas parade of crafts! I spotted a few that I have in my house. Thanks for sharing them for us to stitch with you.

  16. Wowzer - amazing assortment of Christmas stitching!!! Makes me want to start stitching one right now. Happy Holidays and Hugs, Melisa!!! DarleneJ

  17. What a wonderful winter flurry of your talent. So many I've stitched and so many more I've YET to stitch. Thank you for this parade!

  18. Thanks for your wonderful parade! So many cute designs. I see some I want to start right away. I love the angel "always with thee." Take care

  19. Thanks so much for sharing all these over the years! They are so much fun, especially seeing the whole bunch together ❤️

  20. I wrote a comment yesterday telling you that I had that Bluebird pattern for you and if you could email me your name and address so I could send it to you. Unfortunately, I forgot to include my email so here it
    I love all your Christmas stitches and especially your farm animals and the church but they are all precious! Thank you for sharing.

  21. Just beautiful and fun! I would love tutorials on how you finish your pieces! They are all so darn cute!!!

  22. Your creativity is unstoppable. How wonderful for us! Thank you for sharing these beautiful and gorgeous designs.

  23. Oh, my goodness, Melisa! SO, SO many darling Christmas creations! Do you ever sleep--ha ha :) Thanks so very much for each of these! And Happy December ♥

  24. Wow! Such a wonderful collection of Christmas, all of them so beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your creations with us!

  25. Wow also! What an amazing display of your creativity and generosity! I enjoyed looking at each and every one, Melisa!

  26. I love every one of those designs, Melisa. You are so sweet and generous to share your talent with us. I see quite a few to add to my list for the future.

  27. Girl, this is amazing!!! You are the queen of Christmas stitching!!! And photography!


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