Enter If you Dare ! There is 3 more days to Halloween!

Welcome, sweet Witchie Poos. I say that affectionately for I am a witch too, but of course we are all good witches- weaving magic with needle , thread, fabric and floss. Oh ,what mischief we can conjure up this time of the year.
My large black cat is perched near my Halloween tree which is filled to the brim with Halloween cuteness!
Oh, how I wish you could see it in person;🤗 it is a lot prettier than the photo can capture . May I say that this is my favorite Halloween tree to date.
My Halloween tree is perched in an old bushel basket that my Nanny painted years ago.
I promise you there is a tree in there somewhere underneath all of that Halloween! 😁😂
The top of the tree is the perfect place to hang my hat after a long night of riding on my broom.
Please forgive Broomhilda's feet stitcking out of the tree' she is a little wobbly on her broom. 😄
Brewing cauldrons, happy jacks and magical stitches reside in this tree. Spooky Time is a freebie from Lizzie Kate.

With all that is brewing , my memory has failed me on who is the designer of Happy Halloween. Do you know?
Double double , boil and trouble - Little Jack Trifle and Eeek! A Spider! are two of my freebies that I brewed up moons ago .

Little embroidered pillows peek from the branches.

What is that I hear coming from the kitchen?!

Boo! Did I scare you? I sure hope not. I have two new ghosts to add to my collection.

I am so happy to introduce to you Boo and Jack. This my newest stamp that can be whipped up in a few shorts hours. Is Boo not the cutest ghost ever ? Aaah look at Jack with only one tooth- Now tell me how can you resist him?! LOL.
After making Boo and Jack, I quickly gathered a piece of muslin and drew out a little ghost to make into a wee doll. Hmmm what should I call him? Maybe Casper?
Anywhoo, the instructions are below on how I made this little guy. Wouldn't Boo and Jack and even sweet Casper look as cute as a button in a Halloween treat bag?

1. I traced the pattern onto a piece of muslin folded over onto itself. I added 1/4" seam allowance around the edges which is not on the pattern. Pin the muslin together and cut the ghost pattern out.
2. Sew around the edges of the ghost leaving an opening to stuff the ghost. Clip the inner curves being careful not to clip the thread. Turn inside out.
3. Stuff your ghost tightly with Polyfil. Whipstitch the hole used for stuffing closed.
4. I wanted to prim my ghost up so I used a mixture of white and a dab of black Apple Barrel acrylic paint from Walmart. I painted my whole ghost. Sometimes I dipped my paintbrush in water to thin the paint down. Paint the eyes and mouth with black paint.
5. As the ghost was drying , I pulled out my cinnamon. When the ghost was about tacky dry, I sprinkled cinnamon and rubbed it in with my fingers being careful not to distort any features. Shake off any excess and then let ghost fully dry.
6. Once dry, add a ripped homespun bow.
Wahlah! Casper is complete! Easy Peasey!
I was going to make several of them for bowl fillers, but then I had the grand idea of propping Casper into an old rusty spring for display until the other ghosts magically appear. 👻👻👻
Today I will be weaving my magic needle and working on Casper in a quilt block. How cute will that be?
If you are interested in stitching this piece, just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends.
Well, sweet friends, I am so delighted that you stopped by for a visit. I truly appreciate you. 🤗❤😘
There will be Trunk or Treats and a Halloween festival going on today. If I am lucky , perhaps a few little ghouls will come visit me before they head to the activities. Have a spooktacular day and ...
As Always...
Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll
During the day I do not believe in ghosts, but at night I am a little more open minded. 👻
Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤
Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo.