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Monday, November 25, 2024

Pickin 'at Turkey Holler House Freebie

The countdown is on! 

3 days until Thanksgiving ...

 30 days until Christmas

  Can you believe it?  Whooa there Nelly! Slow this holiday season down! Hee! Hee! 

Welcome, y'all. Well I have been missing for a few days which I will explain at the end of the post , but first let me wish you a wonderful start to your week. How was your weekend?  I bet it was busy , busy, busy. Are you hustling about with holiday preparations? 

 Today Mr. Pinker went to Wally World aka Walmart and Food City for the last minute groceries for the grand feast on Thursday. He said it was a mad house down there. 


 He had the dickens of a time finding wax beans but finally found them at Food City. 


Gosh, he is such a sweetheart to fight the crowd for me. Hee! Hee!  Anywhoo...I think we have all that we need .  I will be pulling out the serving bowls that we will be using here soon and washing them up. Busy , busy , busy!

I have been slow as molasses on my stitching and quilting lately. But over the last few weeks, I have been able to finish a new house stitch or two.  I know it is rather late to share a turkey house, but I thought I  might tempt you with a house for next year  if you are so inclined. 

Pickin' at Turkey Holler and "And the Snow Fell.." ready to be finished. 

 My newest stitch  is called Pickin' at Turkey Holler

My sweet friend , Lisa on IG , inspired the name when she said the turkeys were little pumpkin pickers. Hee! Hee!  Oh yes, those hens are ! I think they are gathering pumpkins for a pumpkin pie. What do you think?


I really enjoyed stitching this piece. I think because I was playing with so many floss colors.

 I was a bit surprised by how many floss colors I used.  17 DMC  threads including: DMC 300, 301, 437, 610, 730, 733, 782, 783, 831, 840, 838, 844, 869, 921, 976, 3046, 3857.   

The 3 colors that I fell in love with were 3046, 976 and 730. They are so pretty paired together in the 1621 banner. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


I think my dough bowl is about filled to the brim with fall stitches. 

Did you notice my white vintage ceramic turkey?

 That little gobbler flew into my shopping cart on a recent thrift store jaunt.  He was just too cute to shoo out of the buggy so I let him take a ride to my home. I always look forward to adopting a new turkey each year.  😀🦃Sadly, I did not get out all of my turkeys this year, but I am sure they will flock down from the attic come next year. 

2023 Thanksgiving display

Ok now to other news. Over the last few months I have been facing some health issues.  I won't go into all the details because that is no fun at all, but it has slowed me down on doing the things that I love like quilting, stitching, and visiting all of my sweet friends in blogland and IG. My energy level is low , and though I have good intentions, there are days that I am just plain tuckered out. The good news is that over time, hopefully in the next few months, I will be fit as a fiddle and  will be fine and dandy.  So I am looking forward to new projects and finishing old ones. 

I do want to thank all of you for always being so kind , supportive, and encouraging. Y'all are the bestest of the best!!!!

I wish you a wonderful week and thank you for dropping by. Love ya'!😘🤗 Now let's get ready for gobble day! 😀🦃🦃🦃  Gobble! Gobble! 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


When  I count my blessings, I count you! 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . I miss and love you so much.    ❤👼

1 1/2" strips are cut for making four patches. A new little quilt is in the works. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That


  1. So sorry to hear you've been "under the weather" this month!! I hope you are starting to feel better now...???
    We are hosting T-day here this year --gosh, I haven't done it in about 10 yrs!! I did the last minute pick up shopping early on this morning...good thing as I've been hit by some kind of stomach bug--ugh!! A bit better tonight, hoping it will pass quickly!! Lucky for me my Tommy has stepped in and taken over a lot of things...he is a sweetie;)))
    Take care and rest up now...hugs, Julierose

    1. Oh I am so sorry that you have been feeling poorly too , Julierose. I hope that you will feel completely better by Thanksgiving. It sounds like your dear hubby is like mine- always willing to lend a hand when need be. How sweet and lucky you are. I wish you and your family the most blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for the well wishes and sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. I always love your house designs and these look great! I'm sorry to hear of your health issues, you just take it easy and get your rest. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Janet for the sweet well wishes and lovely compliment on my newest house. I really enjoy sharing the little houses and this one was such a joy to stitch. I have always had a "thing" for turkeys and yellow houses. I wish you a very lovely Thanksgiving. Warm hugs.

  3. First of all, I'm so sorry you've been dealing with some unwanted health issues, Melisa. I'm right there with you--it's no fun getting older is it? I do hope you'll be fit as a fiddle in no time at all. Love your newest house and all the colors. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your family. It's exhausting to host, but wonderful to be with family and make all those new memories. You take care now! ♥

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Carol. You are so right ! Getting older is for the birds. LOL. I had a ball stitching this little house. I felt like a kid playing with all of the floss colors as I pulled them out. I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope your sweet grandson will get to come home for the holidays. The grandchildren bring all of the excitement to this time of the year don't they? Hugs and Blessings.

  4. Sorry to hear about your illness. Please rest and take care of yourself. You will be in my prayers. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for all the sharing of your talents with us.

    1. Aaaw , Sonja thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can not tell you how much your prayers mean to me. I am looking forward getting back to normal that is for sure. I wish you and your family a very Happy and blessed Thanksgiving. Warm hugs from the holler.

  5. Aaw it just warms my heart to hear that you like my newest turkey house. I will get to enjoy for a few more days at least. LOL. Thank you so much for the warm words of support. They mean more than you will ever know. 😘🤗❤ This is my favorite time of the year so I hope to enjoy every minute of this holiday season. Thank you so much , sweet Mary. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  6. Ooh, I am sorry to hear about your health problems. Please take care of yourself. I had health problems 3 years ago and after a big surgery I feel good again. So every day is a blessing and I enjoy each day. Well, getting older is not big fun but make the best of it. My oldest friend always tells me that we can now do things we couldn't do when we were young.
    Your new house looks cute and really I will stitch some of your houses when the days are cold and not so comfortable.
    Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving with you love ones around.
    Greetings, Gabi

    1. Good morning, Gabi and Happy Tuesday. Thank you so much for the well wishes. I am glad to hear that you are doing better. It takes time sometimes to completely recuperate. I have learned that I do need to listen to my body. Thank you also for the kind words on my new house. It was a fun little stitch. I hope you enjoy which ever house you chose to stitch when the days cool down. Have a wonderful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  7. Dear Melisa, enjoy Thanksgiving and take care of yourself ! I hope you feel better soon and as said in the other comments we all get older. Thank you very much for the new house pattern. I have already printed it.

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Annelies. Your kindness means more than mere words can express. I hope you enjoy this little house. It is always a joy to see your stitching whether it is one of my designs or another's . You do such beautiful work . Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  8. I see that the preparations for Thanksgiving are well underway.... Good for you!!!!!
    I hope you enjoy the holiday with family and friends.
    I hope you get well soon, Melisa.
    Hugs from Seville

    1. Oh yes they are, Isabel. The grocery shopping is done and we have already started to work on some of the make ahead dishes.This is one of my favorite holidays. Thank you so much for the sweet well wishes. I wish you a lovely day, dear. Hugs.

  9. So sorry to hear about your health issues. I pray you will feel better soon. It's such a busy time of the year for everyone. Please take care of yourself and listen to your body. I love the new house stitch. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, dear Joy for the sweet well wishes and prayers. I have been learning to slow down a bit, but I have to admit that it is hard. I am trying to listen to my body more though . I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  10. So sorry you've been feeling off for so long. But it sounds like you've got the reason and a treatment plan. Fingers crossed it all works out and you are soon back to your normal energy level. Love the little Turkey Pumpkin house. Enjoy all your holiday prep and have a wonderful holiday with your family.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I am not used to having low energy so it has been difficult to adjust and a bummer more than anything, but I hope to get back into my groove despite this little set back. I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. Is Grad Girl getting to come home? I sure hope so. Hugs

  11. Dear Melisa, I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. I miss you when you're not here, but you have to take good care of yourself, please!! We love you and will be here when you feel like joining us. You will especially need to rest after the busyness of this week. So try not to overdo it. I love the new stitch. Thank you! Sending you virtual hugs and prayers that you will be on the mend very soon. Love, B

    1. Aaah Brenda your sweetness just warms my heart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the well wishes and encouragement. You always know how to bring a smile to my day. I have been learning to rest a bit more each day, but I have to admit that it sure is hard. LOL. Like you I like to be a busy bee. I wish you and your sweet family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs and love.

  12. Melisa, sending prayers you get on the road to recovery soon. Take care of yourself and gobble til you wobble. 🙏🩷🤗🙏 thanks for the new turkey chart, I’ll start it later this year.

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, dear Patti. I am going to do my best to be as fit as a fiddle soon. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Warm Hugs from the holler.

  13. Melisa, I'm so sorry you have been facing some health issues. Sending you big quilty hugs and lots of good thoughts for healing. 🩷 I love the new turkey and house stitch - you are so creative! Thanks for sharing it. Mr. Pinker is a gem for doing that shopping for you! That's where we are headed in just a few minutes - to pick up all those last minute groceries.

    1. Oh thank you so much , sweet Diann. A warm quilty hug and well wishes do me good. I hope that you were able to get all of your last minute grocery shopping done. I was tempted to go out shopping for pleasure today, but I dare not. LOL. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs

  14. Pickin' at Turkey Holler is an adorable stitch. I love your dough bowl full of pillows! Praying that you feel much better soon, Melisa!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jeanna. I had a grand ole' time stitching the new turkey house and my dough bowl is certainly filling up. I truly appreciate the sweet prayers and well wishes. Have a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  15. I'm so sorry you're experiencing health challenges. I've added you to my prayer list, my friend. Please take care and follow doctor's orders. I'm feeling a little out of touch...what day is it? Lol. Darlene J

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Darlene. I have been following the doc's orders to the T . I hope my strength will build each day . Oh I have those kind of days - where things feel out of whack. Don't you just hate them? LOL. Have a happy happy Thanksgiving, Sweetie. Hugs.

  16. Your stitchery is just adorable. Prayers for recovery and health.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Chris for the sweet prayers.They mean so much to me. You are so very kind. I had a ball stitching the new house. It took awhile to get it finished , but better late than never. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  17. Melisa, please know you are in my prayers. With the holidays in full swing, rest, take it easy...yeah I know...but still. ;-)
    Woke up this morning to 3 new posts from you - where have I been? LOL!
    Love your new stitch though I might put in chickens instead of the turkey - my dd and her wife bought pumpkins for them and they went crazy over them - who knew? LOL!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Donna for the sweet prayers. I truly appreciate them. I have slowed down a lot , but I think that has been hard on me as well because I like to go at full steam. LOL. You know how it is... Aaah chickens would be just delightful . Hmm I do need to create a chicken house. Oh wow , I bet your daughter chickens did have a grand time with the pumpkin. Lucky yardbirds indeed. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  18. Thank you for the newest Manor stitch. It's so full of Autumn goodness. So nice! I loved the little peek of the winter house behind it, too. I love red houses! Wax beans? Sounds interesting. Your Mr. is such a treasure. Take care of you, dear friend. I will keep you in my prayers.

    1. Aah you are so welcome, Ginny. It was a fun stitch and so was the Manor behind it. I hope to post it soon. I have a thing for red houses too. I just can not resist them. The wax beans are basically yellow green beans, but they sure are hard to find around here. LOL. I made a bean salad today. It is yummy. Warm hugs and thank you for keeping me in your prayers . That means so much to me .

  19. Thank you for sharing your life and your free designs with us. Prayers for you to be restored to good health. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Aaaw thank you for the sweet warm prayers. Your thoughtfulness means the world to me as does your sweet visit. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  20. I always love to come to your blog and read about all your preparations for the holidays. And thank your for sharing the turkey house, it's never late and I will put it on my to-do list for next year, I think it's lovely! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all your family!


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