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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Margie the Christmas Horse- A Barnyard Christmas Freebie

Good morning ya'll. 

Look what has came out. All of my Barnyard Christmas ornaments. They make me so happy and bring back a lot of memories. ! 😍🤗 

 Last week you met Heart the Christmas Cow

My newest addition is called Margie the Christmas Horse. 

Years ago my youngest daughter begged for a horse. She and her best friend would ever so often go and ride horses at one of her friend's relatives. So Little Miss S. just had to have a horse. At the time horses around here were quite expensive. But my daughter's friend put us in touch with a nice lady who rescued horses. 

  One day , Mr. Pinker and Little Miss S. went to see all of horses. Of course Mr. Pinker had towed the cattle trailer just in case they found the perfect riding horse . Sure enough when they arrived back home, the trailer had a horse in it. 


 Little Miss S. gave her the name Margie . Margie was a sweety . In fact, she had been a fine horse in her day , but now she was very old,  and a little  on the thin side. We had the vet come look at her as well as a local horse expert , and they told us that despite being thin she was healthy and nothing was wrong with her. 

I was a bit perplexed as why Little Miss S. had to have her since she was so old and could not be ridden, but she fell in love with her  plus she was free. 😀😊🐎🏇🐴. So Margie found her home on the farm. Most of the days she lingered outside of   the pig barn  and occasionally  she would stroll down to one of the lower fields. Of course , Little Miss S. soon lost interest as most kids do and Miss Margie was ours to take care of , but that was ok with Mr . Pinker and I .  

Margie lived her final couple of years comfortably on our  little pig farm with all of the food she wanted  and deeply loved. So this humble little ornament is in honor of her.   

If you are interested in stitching MARGIE THE CHRISTMAS HORSE ,grab the images below. Many of ya'll know but I always encourage you to read my little disclaimer and note about getting my charts. 

NOTE: Normally I have been able to create links to the charts and instructions which were in JPG form. For some reason, recent updates on Google Docs. has prevented me from doing that and I am not able to create a pdf without having to deal with storage issues.  Many dear stitchers say they right click, save the image and then print.  I think some have copied and pasted it to a Word document that they can print off as well. I hope you are able to find a way to enjoy this chart. You will have to click each page to save. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and for all of the helpful tips and ideas. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding . I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs.


 I stitched Margie on 14 count green Rit dyed aida. If you are interested in my finishing piece, click here where I tell you more about who inspired me and where I got the wooden die cuts. 

Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit and taking the time to read about Margie.  Have a blessed and wonderful day and 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

No matter how old I am , I am always going to want a pony for Christmas! 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. who loved all kinds of animals.  Love and miss you, Amo.


  1. Wow another cutie. Thanks for sharing your designs for free.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Susan. Margie was a lot of fun to stitch up. Hope you enjoy. Have a very lovely Tuesday

  2. Darling! Thank you for this new pattern!

    1. Aaah you are so welcome, Donna and thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. I enjoyed sharing the story of our sweet Margie. Happy stitching.

  3. Replies
    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. Margie was such a sweetie and a bit spoiled as she should have been. Have a fabulous day.

  4. thanks much for the horse freebie and the animal stories that you share.makes my heart happy.

  5. What a wonderful story. Margie was lucky in her later years, to be loved and taken care of by your family.

    1. We were quite fortunate to have sweet Margie. She brought us a lot of joy and so many fond memories. I feel good that she was the queen of the farm. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit . And a very Happy Tuesday

  6. Oh, Margie is so sweet! I have made a horse ornament for a horsey GF for many years! Thank you for this year's ornament! She's perfect!

    1. Aaah how fun, Ginny. I hope that you enjoy this little stitch and what an honor to give it as a gift. Thank you so much. Happy stitching.

  7. How nice to read the story of Margie. A rescue horse who was rescued again by your family, and taken care of during her final years.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jenny. Margie was quite pampered here on the farm. She was such a sweetheart and very gentle. Have a blessed day.

  8. Margie the horse is a beauty, what a lovely way to honor her memory.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diana. Margie was a very special horse and so gentle natured. She was a lovely addition to our farm and is definitely missed . Have a very lovely day.

  9. Thanks so much! I love your story.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Suzanne. Margie still holds special place in our family's hearts. She was a sweet gentle soul and brought us a couple of years of joy. Thank you for the sweet visit.


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