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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Summer Blues, Salads, and Ho Ho Ho!

The cucumbers keep on coming!  

Welcome, ya'll. Come on in and sit a spell!

The garden is still keeping me busy. 

For the 4th of July, I made a  yummy to my tummy Creamy Cucumber and Tomato Salad.  It was a big hit at the cookout. 

2 Cucumbers sliced
2 Tomatoes sliced
1/4 cup of onion chopped
1 cup of creamy Salad Dressing ( I used JFG mayo; my favorite)
2 Tablespoons of sugar or to taste
a pinch of salt and black pepper to taste
1 teaspoon of vinegar
dash of dill 
In a large salad bowl, add the cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, salad dressing, sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar and dill, add and adjust to your taste. Chill.  

For an extra zing, I added just a dash of Tony Chachere, but I add that to everything. 

This past week I canned zucchini,  squash and  dill pickle spears.  More zucchini will be going in the canner today.  I ordered some dissolvable canning labels from Amazon. Hopefully, they will be easy to remove when cleaning the jars. 
 Look at this cutie patootie teeny quilt.  It is Summer Blues Quilt Archaeology  design by Pam Buda of Heartspun Quilts. It will be going into the hoop very soon. 

But in front of it is the  Churn Dash quilt that I pieced last year.

This quilt is from Patriotic Little Quilts. 

Ho! Ho! Ho! It's Embroidery Thursday! 

This month I will be working on embroidering some wee Christmas ornaments. Simple country ornaments for a new tree theme I have in mind.- A Country Christmas.   

You want to join me?  If you do , just grab the doodles and your favorite colors of floss and you can go to town !  I will be sharing 4 each week that is if the Lord is willing and the creek doesn't rise.  

My little doodles are hand drawn so they are never perfect, but they provide me a bit of enjoyment. 

Let me show you how I am creating my simple ornies.


🧵1.  I stitched the motif using DMC 498 using the back stitch. I did not stitch the stitching lines along the edge.

🧵2. Cut the embroidery out leaving a generous amount of fabric along the edges. 

🧵3. Layer embroidery, batting, and backing. Pin in place. 

🧵4. Along the stitching lines, using 2 strands of DMC 498 create the running stitch along the edges.

🧵5. Trim the edges about 1/4" away from edge of quilting. 

🧵6. I used 4 strands of red floss and created a loop tying into a stitch in the back of the ornament. 

Wahlah! I little embroidered ornament to add to a country Christmas tree. 

Wouldn't these be cute as coasters too or maybe a mini quilt? 

To prim it up , you might think about giving it a good ole ' coffee/ tea bath. 

🎄  🎄   🎄   🎄  🎄   🎄  🎄
Oooh ! That reminds me , I need to do a Christmas Parade here in the near future. It is Christmas in July! So much to do and so little time. I guess I better kick it into high gear and get to work. Don't ya think? 
Hmmm! I wonder if I could get you to slice some of the zucchinis up for me as I get the canner ready? I promise I won't leave you in the kitchen working  while I sneak off to quilt . 😂😉 

Ya'll have a terrific Thursday and let me know if you try the cucumber salad. I would love to know what you think. 

As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow! 

Hugs and Stitches !!!🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much. 


Did you know that reduces obesity, diabetes, and heart disease and is good for the skin. Hmmm! I need to plant more cukes! 




  1. Oh yum, I love cukes and that salad looks yummy. I also love your idea for the doodle ornies. How stinkin cute are they. Something else to start on. You have a great day, my friend. ❤️

    1. Happy Thursday, dear Patti. I hope you had a very lovely day. We have been enjoying the cukes so much . Tomorrow we will be picking tomatoes. I hope you enjoy the wee embroideries. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  2. Your summer blues quilt is beautiful! I didn't participate on the sew along, I'm working on a Christmas quilt! Enjoy those pickles!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Gretchen. It was a fun little quilt to work on. It will not take long at all to quilt it as well. I hope you enjoy working on your Christmas quilt. I can not wait to see it. Hugs.

  3. Lovely little phrases Melisa. I must add them to my to do list, they’d make a cute mini quilt! Thank you so much for your generosity, hugs, Barbara xx The Flashing Scissors ☺️👍🙋‍♀️

    1. Aaw thank you so much, dear Barbara. I think a mini quilt would be adorable too. So many possibilities . Have a great day and a blessed weekend. Hugs.

  4. Once again you've outdone yourself with goodies for us - thank you so much! I love Christmas in July! I'm also working on a Christmas quilt - sewing together pieces of scraps to make blocks. Didn't realize I had so much! LOL! Have a blessed day and thank you again. Blessings.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, dear Donna. There are so  many Christmas projects that I want to work on. I hope you are enjoying your quilt. Oh it is fun that you are using your scraps too. Have a blessed day and a great weekend. Hugs. 

  5. Yum on the cucumber salad! I have cucumbers growing, too - tiny still, but they're on their way. You are working on some sweet quilts, and I love the little ornament idea. Those would make fun tags for gifts, too!

    1. Don't you just love it when fresh veggies starting coming in? It won't take long before the cucumbers are ready to pick. Enjoy. Gift tags would be adorable for the embroideries. Thank you for the idea. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  6. The cucumber salad sounds wonderful. I took a picture of the recipe LOL. Your ornament tutorial is great! I love those little pieces.

    1. We have had a great crop of cucumbers, Jeanna . They do not have a mild flavor which was nice in the salad. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  7. Much applause for this excellent repertoire of works, Melisa!!!
    I would gladly have some of that cucumber salad while looking at the pretty Christmas decorations!
    A hug

    1. Aaww thank you so much, Isabel. It has been so nice to have fresh veggies in. Have a beautiful day. Hugs. 

  8. My granddaughters, daughter and I love tomato and cucumber salads. Yummy and refreshing. I also enjoy slicing cucumbers very thin and use them in place of chips when I have a sandwich. The Christmas redwork stitcheries are adorable. Thank you, once again.

    1. Fresh cucumbers are a great summer time treat. It is so great that even your grandchildren enjoy them. One of my grandbabes like them. Lol. We have been eating them like chips each evening too. Hope you had a wonderful day, Darlene. Hugs.

  9. The salad looks so fresh and delish! I am going to try that recipe. Is that a pepper in with the cucumbers? Thank you for the sweet Christmas doodles. They made up into adorable ornaments. Your 2 quilt tops are both so pretty! When you add your special hand quilting they will be even more gorgeous.

    1. Oh it was , Ginny. It was mild and refreshing which is just like I like. That is a pepper - one of the 1st of the season. I am looking forward to when the jalapenos come in. I just loved stuffed jalapenos. Thank you so much on my little quilts. I started working on the Churn Dash last night. It will quilt up quickly. Hugs.

  10. I didn't know cucumbers were good for the skin! You sure have a great crop!

    1. I think this is the best crop we have had in awhile . We are enjoying have fresh cucumbers whether in salads or just eating them sliced up. Hope you have a very lovely day and thank you for the sweet visit, dear.

  11. I do love me some 'mater and cucumber salad with some Vidalia onion thrown in. Your dressing sounds awesome! I've never heard of JFG mayo though! We grew up on Bama as that was my dad's favorite and then Blue Plate and now we use Duke's! I'll have to see if I can find some of that and give it a try! Your ornaments are really cute and seem easy to make! Have a great weekend, my friend! Hugs!

    1. Oh yes gotta have Vidalias . lol JFG is a TN mayo ; they also make coffee. I remember Bama mayo and the jellies as well. I have never tried Dukes, but I have heard good reviews on it. Thank you so much for sweet visit. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  12. I knew cucumbers were good for the skin but didn't know they were good for the heart too. Good to know and your basketful looks amazing! Thanks for the recipe -- already printed up and will be making soon. Have a great day, stay cool, and keep on stitching!

    1. I just happened to be reading up on cucumbers the other day and I was surprised by all of the health benefits. Today ,I sliced up a small cucumber and placed it in my ice water. It gave it a nice refreshing flavor. Have a wonderful weekend, Susie and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  13. Your little red, white, and blue quilt is so cute, Melisa! And those embroidered ornaments are adorable. What a quick and easy ornament to make as a gift, too. Will have to remember this post :) Hope you have a wonderful day ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. I finally got my little quilt in the hoop and have been working on it for a few minutes each day. It has been a relaxing stitch. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  14. Christmas ornaments are so cute and so easy to do and finish, thank you for the great idea. Canning in the heat here in Arizona, not so much fun, lol. Have a wonderful weekend, sending your warm hugs from Arizona.

    1. Oh they were very easy and quick to make, Mary which is right up my alley. Lol. I can not imagine canning in the heat of AZ . It certainly heats up the kitchen here. Today we canned salsa. I think we have enough for the year. Lol. Stay cool and have a fabulous weekend, dear Mary. Hugs.

  15. I love cucumbers - always have since I was a little girl. To eat them now, I have to get out every seed and peel every bit of skin off - dietary issues with the cancer. So I'm not eating many, and missing out on all those benefits! Thank you for the Thursday Christmas embroideries!

    1. Aaaw I am sorry that you are having to limit yourself on cucumbers , but I can certainly  understand why. It is hard when foods we love do not work with our needs. I hope you have a wonderful  weekend, Susan. I know you will be busy. Hugs. 

  16. Just seeing your salad makes me crave it, yummy! And your Country Christmas doodles are so pretty!! It's good to prepare in advance for December!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diana. We  have really enjoyed this summer's bounty from the garden. I agree we better get started early on Christmas crafts. It will be here in no time. Hugs. 


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