Blog Archive

Monday, January 2, 2023

Everybody Loves A Parade- Well I hope so .

 Good morning, snow bunnies!!! Happy Monday! 

 Are you stitching winter or have you moved on to Valentine's and spring stitching? 

I am hip hopping back and forth between winter and Valentine's stitching . I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my freebies that I have shared that are winter themed. Many of these you have seen in the Christmas parade, but maybe there is one of two that you have not seen.

 If you are interested in learning more about the stitch or doodle, just click on the colored text and you will be transported back to the post where you can find the chart.  I hope you enjoy.

Some of these  stitches are Christmas ornaments, but they could be stitched for winter as well.  

Prim Winter Love  

Prim Winter Peace

Farm Truck

Bringing Home the Tree  

Prim Winter Blessings 

Winter Tree Sampler

Winter Manor

Winter Stamp

Winter 1869 Crock

Frosty Stamp

Snowflake Sledding and Chickens  This is one of my Winter favorites

Winter Saltbox  and Prim Winter Tag 

Mr. McChill  This is my stitch while I was working on him. I do need to FFO him and share him again. 

Mr. McChill in progress. 
Let It Snow Sampler  

Winter Jar- Mason Jar Series

Well that was a quite a parade wasn't it?  If the sun shines and the creek doesn't rise, I hope to post  a couple of new winter freebies this week. 

I am so grateful that you took the time to stop by for a visit today . Have I told you that you are awesome lately? Well you certainly are!!!🤗

Have a super day, sweeties and as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Winter forms our character and brings out our best. - Tom Allen

Hugs and Stitches and Warm Winter Wishes !!!🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who was a winter fashionista  . Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤

Ya'll come back now, ya hear ! 


  1. Thank you for the wonderful parade of stitches!!! I love looking carefully at all your vignettes, Melisa!!! Happy new year!!!

    1. You are so very kind, Nancy; thank you so much. I do love displaying my little finishes ; they certainly bring a smile to my day. Happy quilting.

  2. That was a fantastic parade, Melisa!! Happy, happy New Year!!

    1. Aah thank you so much , dear Brenda. I do love winter stitching. Happy New Year and have a fabulous week.

  3. Love a good parade and yours are always so much fun to view, Melisa! While my current project has hearts, it isn't Valentine or winter related. Have a great week!

    1. Oooh I can not wait to see what you are stitching, Robin. Thank you so much on my winter parade. I was surprised on how many winter pieces I have worked on . Lol. Have a great week.

  4. It certainly was a beautiful parade, I love all the winter cross stitch projects and your quilts too, but I think I will start on Valentine to be able to catch up. I already have my eye on your Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diana. You are always so kind and supportive. I hope you enjoy Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox. It is one of my favorites for I love the roses in it. Hugs.

  5. You have so many fun snow stitcheries, Melisa! I still need to finish up the Frosties - all they need is a border and some quilting. But new projects call to me, too - like your January doodle. So cute!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Diann. I do enjoy winter stitching that is for sure. You sound like me on getting distracted by squirrels, but oh, how much fun it is to start a new project. I am sure you will have Frosties completed when the mood strikes. I just finished mine the other day. Have a fabulous week. Hugs.

  6. I loved your winter parade;) Happy New Year!

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Vicki. I did not realize I had so many winter pieces. Happy New year .

  7. All so lovely. I really enjoy seeing how you finish them all off. So creative. Happy new year.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Tammy. I struggle with finishing pieces, but I eventually something comes to me. I would rather have them finished than lingering in a bin. Lol. Have a very lovely day.

  8. I just got home from our Dollar store where they had a big display of Peep's in all sorts pof flavors 🤢 I'm happy to see it is still snowman season here! Time passes quickly enough these days. I just want to stop and enjoy your flakey fellas.

    1. OH wow! Peeps already! Lol. I went to our Dollar General the other day and they were putting out bee decor. I am still in the winter mode here. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit Maureen. Hugs.

  9. You do such beautiful hand work. I want to start a new cross stitch but have to wait until I finish quilting the backlog of quilts! Thank you for the great embroidery patterns. Hugs Happy New Year

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Nanette. I have enjoyed working on all of these winter pieces. I wish you the most productive year on completing your quilts. I am sure you have had a lot of fun piecing them over the years and are looking forward to finishing them. Happy quilting. Hugs.

  10. A beautiful parade of winter embroidery, Melissa!
    A hug

    1. Oh thank you so much, Isabel. I do love stitching for the winter season. I hope that your week is off to a very lovely start. Thank you again for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  11. Replies
    1. Lol, Jenny. I did not realize I had so many winter finishes. I was quite surprised. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  12. So many fun stitches, so little time! Thank you for sharing all the wintery, snowy goodness! I have meant to mention how I enjoy the finishes that you do on your stitching! So creative!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. To be honest I struggle with finishing. I try to be as thrifty as possible and usually go back to the pillow finish for they are so easy to store in a small space. Have a very lovely evening. Hugs.

  13. I Love a parade... especially a parade of beautiful patterns and projects! Very inspiring!

    1. Aaaah thank you so much, Kathy . You are the sweetest. I had a great time pulling all of these pieces together. Thank you for the sweet visit. Happy quilting.

  14. You must be so proud of your winter parade, Melisa--having not only stitched and finished each one, but also designed them. Truly remarkable and I really enjoyed watching the parade with you today. Wishing you every happiness in 2023! ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. It is a joy for me to look at all that I have completed. I did not realize that I stitched so many. I am looking forward to adding to my collection this year as well. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  15. I love all the designs and how you finish them!! Thank you for sharing them with us!!

    1. Oh you are so kind, Carol. Thank you so much. I did not realize that I had so many winter pieces until I started to look them over. I do love stitching during this time of the year. Happy New Year , dear

  16. Thanks so much for showing your lovely stuff. Can't thank you enough for all your cute free patterns. They are my favorites. I love your country decorating.


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