Hello there Sunshine!!!! And Happy Wednesday, ya'll.
It is raining cats and dogs here in the holler. But yesterday was a sunny day and Mr. Pinker and I hit the road on a day trip to the Mennonite community which is a county over from us.

The night before as Mr. Pinker was heading to bed, I said "Hey, I have an idea. Let's go buy some plants for the garden tomorrow! "
"That's sounds like a great idea, " said Mr. Pinker as he headed off to bed.
Early yesterday morning, I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to go. Mr. Pinker cleaned out the back of the truck and soon we were on our way.

As we made our way down the winding roads, my heart began to thump as I saw the little white sign. "There it is! There it is!" I exclaimed with glee!!! Imagine me jumping up and down in my seat for I was!

Mr. Pinker turned his head in every direction. "Where? What? The greenhouse?" he asked in confusion as he began to brake.
"No , Silly !!!! The quilt shop!!!!" I exclaimed.
"I just knew you would want to stop here, said Mr. Pinker sweetly as he began to slow down and turn into the driveway.
"Oooh I hope they are open, " I said to no one in particular as I remembered our last visit - they were closed then. And to my delight they were open.
"I'll wait in the truck, " said Mr. Pinker.
" Why?", I asked " Don't you want to come in and buy all kinds of pretty fabrics with me? "
"I'll let you take care of that, " said Mr. Pinker with a smile and then he slipped me a little moolah for my quilting acquisition pleasures.
As I closed the door and sprinted to the quilt shop, I could hear him faintly say , "Bring back the change"
I almost turned around, but I played dumb and acted like I didn't hear him. Lol. ๐๐"What change ", I thought as I snickered .
When I opened the door, I was delighted by the most beautiful bolts of fabrics stacked on long tables. I made my way along all of the tables and then settled on my selection of fabrics.
I have to confess I could have spent the whole day there admiring the pretty fabrics and pieced quilts, but I remembered that Mr. Pinker was sitting in the truck admiring the horses on the farm.
Sooo I was good and just bought a few pieces of fabric and soon was on my merry way with the biggest smile on my face.
Mr. Pinker had waited patiently in the truck for me . I opened up the door with my small bag of fabric and plopped into the seat. His eyes were as wide as saucer when I handed back his moolah. "I just got a few pieces of fabric," I said feeling quite proud.
"What?! I can not believe that! I thought you would be in there for hours. " Mr. Pinker said smiling.
"Well, I can go back in," I joked.
And then all of sudden Mr. Pinker said "There it is ! There it is! The greenhouse!!!" He started up the truck, spun up the gravels and down the road we went . ๐๐ฒ
"Whew" I heard him mumble "I adverted that".
I just smiled and rolled my eyes .Little did he know that I had a Goodwill trip planned for him a little later. ๐๐
Any whoo off we went in search for plants.
We went to two greenhouses where we found plants for my sister's garden. I didn't go hog wild on buying plants either - just tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
A long line of laundry |
The farms are always so lovely to look at .

Rows and rows of cabbage |
No children were at the school. Do you see the school bell near the roof? I have an affection for schoolhouses.

Later in the day, Mr. Pinker and I made our way to the ball field and there I caught up on the free Spring Mystery SAL hosted by Joy at Days Filled with Joy

Are those rubber boots not the cutest?

Joy has such a generous heart. She is sharing a small motif for five weeks in this stitch along. Below are the links to the portions she has shared so far.
Eeeh! Friday she will be sharing Week 3's motif. Hmmm! I wonder what will be in the next block?
Have a beautiful day , my sweeties!!!
As always...
Happy Stitching and Quilting, ya'll
Thank you for the sweet visit.
It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine. - Eeyore
Hugs and Stitches!!!!๐ค๐งต❤
Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo.

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet.