Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Lots To Do Tuesday

 Good Tuesday morning, Sweetness. Please do come in and join me for a spot of coffee. Oh , bother no munchies to chow down on this morning. Please forgive me;  I will try to do better next time.  🤗

Yesterday was a lovely fall day with the temps all the way up into the upper 60's, but by late night rain moved in. Cooler weather is on the way. I expect I will be pulling out the sweaters, mittens and coats in a few short days. 

This calf looks ready for winter with its fluffy fur coat. 

The grandchildren are off from school this week. So far they have been spending their time in the woods. It is hunting season so whether they get anything or not, they enjoy their time in nature. Today the boys will be here running amuck here in the holler. What a grand time I will have watching them! ❤🤗 Hmmm, I wonder what we will get into. 

Perhaps I can settle them down to work on a puzzle. The oldest picked out this puzzle from Amazon to work on . 

I bought a vinyl tablecloth from Walmart to cut down and lay the puzzle on just in case little hands or feet knock puzzle pieces about. 

It is that time. Time to write the plans for the week. 

First. I hope to work on my Scrapberry quilt. 

I  have finished quilting the wonky berries. 

Eeeh! I am doing the "Scrap Happy Hoe Down" for I finished quilting the strawberries.

 Oh those wonderful wonky scrappy strawberries. This has been a labor of love.  🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓

Now I am on to the borders! Yee! Haw!  I will be doing a Baptist Fan quilt design in the borders. My goal is to get one border completed this week. 

Look what has spilled out onto the floor! Lots and lots of cross stitch and stitched ornaments. I will finish decorating the downstairs this week. I just love Christmas stitching don't you? 

A few wee embroidered quilts need to be put out as well. 

A branch is stitched. I do believe that I need to add a winter bird to my newest stitch. 

Tomorrow we will begin prepping our foods for the grand feast on Thursday. 

And then gobble , gobble , gobble! Oh , I can not wait for mom's delicious turkey and dressing. 

Well I am sure I will get into some more shenanigans, but that is a good list of goals to work on this week- STITCH AND EAT! Hmmm, it can not get much better than that. Eh? 

Alrighty , Sweeties,  I guess I have gabbed long enough.  I wish you a delightful day. And please do take time to do something that you love. Have a blessed and beautiful day and...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

A goal without a plan is only a dream. 
Hugs and Stitches!!!  And Snowman Kisses. 
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  . ❤

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 

Susan at Quilt Fabrication for  Midweek Makers Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday


  1. All the Christmas embroidery scattered on the floor is beautiful!!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Isabel. I think I am going to have to get a bigger tree. I could not get all of them on it this year. But it does warm my heart to look at them . There are lots of memories in those ornaments. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  2. It's beginning to look like Christmas!! I love your pile of Christmas stitching. I don't have much Christmas stitching but I started the Christmas Santa hat stamp last night. I have so many of your Christmas designs I want to make. Your strawberry quilt is so beautiful. Well time to finish decorating my house. This will be the first time in years it will be done by Thanksgiving. Have a blessed day and take time to rest and stitch.

    1. Oh how fun to have your house all decorated by Thanksgiving. I hope you were able to get everything completed that you wanted to. I am still working daily on mine which I am sure I will until Christmas. LOL. My stitching collection is slowly growing. I hope to one day have a big tree with loads of stitching- aah maybe someday. LOL. Have a wonderful evening, Joy. Hugs.

  3. That's a lot of holiday stitcheries! Enjoy the grands, your stitching and all the holiday prep. Sounds like you'll have a really busy week.

    1. My stitched pieces have certainly grown over the years. We had a great time with the boys. They played all day long. Have a blessed evening, Kate. Hugs.

  4. Wow, a lot of Christmas stitchery. And yes, I love to stitch Christmas Ornies. Already 2 boxes full. The strawberry quilt looks wonderful. I start decorating this weekend. I am really in the mood and always wanted my house decorated like the one in Kevin, home alone. My Godness, I think my neighbors would think I am crazy. But, I always say do more of what makes you happy!!!
    Wish you a great Thanksgiving, bur remember, fast on the hips but slowly off. :) :)
    Hugs, Gabi

    1. Aaah a girl after my own heart! Yes, I would love to have my house decked out like Home Alone too or maybe the Griswalds' . Hee! Hee! I do love the Christmas season and the joy it brings. It sounds like you have an impressive collection of stitcheries to Gabi. I hope you enjoy each and every minute decorating sweet friend. Warm hugs.

  5. I just knew your Scrappy Strawberry quilt would look lovely all quilted--it sure does!! I made my own template [if I can find it!! I put it away too well!!] and would like to make a mini version of four blocks for my little wall hanging spot ...I really like that gingham you bordered the blocks with...nice work, Melisa:))
    We are awaiting rain (so they predict) this morning and DH and I will begin the clean-up today before Turkey Day...also pulling out serving dishes etc. -- generally getting ready. Hope you are feeling a lot better--[there is a nasty stomach bug going around which I am still fighting off!!]
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. Oh ,Julierose, I can not tell you how excited I am on the progress that I have made on the strawberry quilt. I think a mini would be just delightful. I can not wait to see it when you start. Sounds like a busy busy day at your homestead. I hope you are feeling better especially before turkey day. There is just too much good food to miss out on that. Bless your heart. I feel pretty good today. The excitement of the holiday warms my soul. I hope you got a lot completed today. I say tomorrow we both will be in the kitchen. Hugs.

  6. Just hopping on here to wish you a happy Thanksgiving Melisa! Your Scrapberry quilt is really pretty. Have a great rest of the week!

    1. Hi, Linda. I hope your week is off to a great start. I bet you are staying busy as well. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  7. Oh my goodness I love the photo of all your stitchin's! I was just thinking I should scour your summery cross stitch patterns and pick one to do over the next couple of months so I will have it ready for spring/summer decorating.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Vicki. Every year I am pleasingly surprised by how much I have completed. I do love stitching Christmas. I do hope you find a summery piece to work on for these next few months. I can not wait to see what you chose. Have a blessed evening. Hugs

  8. Happy Tuesday, Melisa! What a wonderful assortment of pictures you shared! We must have had sprinkles in the wee hours because the driveway was wet. Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

    1. Hi, Robin. I hope you had a great day. I was surprised by the late night thunderstorm. I think more rain is expected tomorrow night and then Brrrr the coldness sets in. I am not looking forward to that. Hee! Hee! Thank you for the sweet visit and Happy happy Thanksgiving. Hugs

  9. Have fun with your boys today! Those Scrapberries look luscious!! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Brenda. We had a ball. The balls played outside most of the day . They are taking advantage of the warm weather before it disappears. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend. Hugs

  10. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take care my friend.

    1. Aaw thank you very much, dear Patti. I hope you have a joyous Thanksgiving as well. Warm hugs from the holler

  11. Your strawberry quilting is looking wonderful, Melisa! Love seeing all your Christmas cross-stitch and quilts out, too. I'll be doing that next week. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family!

    1. I am so excited to be moving on to the borders, Diann. This quilt holds a lot of fond memories that is for sure. I can not wait to see what you have planned for your Christmas stitching. Warm hugs and Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. The quilting on the strawberries is just perfect, Melisa. Stitching and eating sounds like a perfect week. Happy Thanksgiving!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jeanna. Scrapberries has been a relaxing quilt to work on . In fact, it has taken me away from my other quilts. But oh well, I am enjoying it. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  13. Just love that beautiful pile of ornaments, Melisa! And your strawberry quilt is darling. Love the excitement of kids at holiday time--have fun with those grandsons! Hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving together. ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. I know I have told you before but your glorious tree and beautiful stair rail of ornies inspired me to get back into stitching. I do love this time of the year. It is my favorite! Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend. Hugs.

  14. It sounds like a perfect week to me! Stitching and eating =). Enjoy the decorating. Em put our tree together last night so it is up with the lights on. It was so nice sitting and enjoying it last night.

    1. Oh yes, I can not wait for that delectable meal. LOL. You are so lucky that you DD helps you put up the tree. She is a gem. Don't you just love the lights? I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  15. I have figured out that today is Tuesday LOL And, I'm in Texas visiting my daughter and her family (2 granddaughters 11 and 13) I hadn't seen them in almost a year so I'm very happy to be here. They live on acreage so it's very quiet. Please take good care of yourself. Healing hugs, Darlene J

    1. Oh how exciting, Darlene! I hope you get all of the grandmother love you can get from your sweet granddaughters. Will you get to visit for awhile? I sure hope so . I know you missed them so. Enjoy the peace and quiet and making sweet memories with your family. Hugs and love. Happy Thanksgiving

    2. Thank you so much, Melisa. I don't have a return ticket because going home is open for now. My daughter said, "Momma stay as long as you want and let me spoil you". The girls are on school break this week so I'm hanging out with them. I have two older grandsons just down the road from me in Arizona. The oldest one looks out for me and helps me if I need it. The youngest is simply available if I need him. They're good kids!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Melisa!!! Holiday hugs!!!

  16. That is an impressive collection of Christmas cross stitch! Love it! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. 🤗

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear. I bet you can tell I love Christmas stitching. Hee! Hee! I wish you and your family the most blessed and joyous Thanksgiving. Warm hugs.

  17. Can I dub you the Cross Stitch Queen please. I was dumb struck seeing that gorgeous pile of treasure! Loving the strawberry quilt, really cute with that polka dot border! Happiest Thanksgiving to you and your family :) Enjoy!!!!! (nwpaintedlady)

    1. Lol I will take that title with glee! Hee! Hee! My stitching has certainly grown. I do love Christmas stitching . I hope to add a few more in the next few weeks. I wish you and your family a Happy happy Thanksgiving, Sharon and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving Melisa! I do enjoy your adventures🦃

  19. Enjoy your Thanksgiving - sounds like you're going to be busy as a bee for the next few days - especially with kids everywhere! It's great you have all those woods for them to run around in!

    1. Forgot to mention Mike and I finished putting together a National Parks Puzzle - and found there were 2 pieces missing! ACK! So, I'm hoping the company will send us the two missing ones!

  20. Wow! Seeing all of your Christmas stitching laid out is really something. Scrapberry is beautiful and I love the scallop effect the Baptist Fan gives on your border. I have started prepping for Thanksgiving dinner, too. Today is the pie and stuffing prep. I'm trying a different sweet potato recipe this year. I wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow.

    1. My stitching is growing for sure. I still have not found a place for them all. Some may have to wait until next year to be displayed . LOL. Thank you so much on my strawberry quilt. It is a labor of love for sure. Mmmm I hope you will let me know how the sweet potato recipe comes out. I love sweet potatoes fixed in old way. Hubby likes candied yams so we will be having them tomorrow. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Ginny. Hugs.

  21. Such a pretty quilt! Have fun stitching and eating this week! ❤️ Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  22. So good, Melisa! I love your scrappy strawberries, Christmas stitching and fluffy cows!


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