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Monday, December 14, 2020

Prim Winter Love- A Winter Freebie

  They are back! That is my cardinals. We have fed the squirrels and the cardinals all through the year, but come fall time both the cardinals and squirrels did a disappearing act. I knew where the squirrels were. They were in the trees which surround us and skipping through the yard and woods in delight as they  gathered all the walnuts, acorns and pine cones ; they were filling their bellies full . But I had no idea why the cardinals were being elusive. 

Cardinals have always held a special place in my heart.  In fact, they rank in the top 5 of my favorite birds. In no particular order they are the chicken, crow, hummingbird, cardinal, and turkey. Of course, I love all birds though.  Do you have a favorite bird? 

The last ornament in the Prim Winter series is "Prim Love". It is a simple little design with  a male and female cardinal. The male has a little heart as a gift to  the female. This would be cute all the way through Valentines. 

I used DMC flosses that I have on hand which were the same that I used in the other ornaments. The floss colors used were #221, 898, 895, 310, B5200, 920, and 436. 

Scattered snowflakes fill the background. If you do not feel like doing a lot of counting on the snowflakes, stitch them last and then put them where they are pleasing to your eye - that is what I did. 

 This stitch is a small measuring 33 W x 45 H . I stitched mine on 14 count tea/coffee dyed aida which brings it to a measurement of about 2 3/8" x 3 1/4" . 

If you would like to stitch Prim Winter Love, just check out the pdfs below. Each page is in its own pdf download.

For the instruction page , click here .

For the color chart, click here 

For the black and white chart, click here

Have you seen the other four ornaments? If not, just click on the names below to go back to their posts. 

   Prim Winter Home, Prim Winter Peace   Prim Winter Joy   Prim Winter Faith 

Since this is a cardinal post , I wanted to show my sweet cardinal cookie jar, my mom bought me a few years ago with matching salt and pepper shakers. I always enjoy it each Christmas season. 

Well I am off to enjoy a little stitching time. I hope you are too . Have a fabulous day and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


Thank you so much for the sweet visit and for checking out this little ornament. If you decide to stitch it and post it on Instagram , I would love to see it . Just tag me and use #pinkernpunkinquilting or you can direct message me. 


  1. My ex-husband's Nonny always said if you see a cardinal you should close your eyes and make a wish so I do that to this day. But, now I live in a desert country where we have no redbirds. My daily visitors are sparrows, doves and bulbuls. Absolutely love crows. Thanks for another sweet pattern. Happy holidays!

  2. I was happy to read this bc my Cardinals disappeared this fall too. My black sunflower seeds have started to disappear again and I’ve seen my male recently. I live this sweet series and have enjoyed stitching it ❤️

  3. My grandmother, who taught me the love of stitching loved the color red. I remember she had a picture of cardinals at her house. Every Christmas I try to enjoy something that has to do with cardinals. Last year a friend bought me a lovely and large coffee mug that came in its own box. The cup and box have cardinals on them. I will enjoy stitching and displaying this lovely design. Thank you so much.

  4. This cardinal design is so sweet, Melisa! They are among my favorite birds, too--the others being hummingbirds, goldfinches, and chickadees :) We have cardinals year round, but I especially love seeing them in the winter against the snow. Thank you for your darling design--I loved the whole series ♥

  5. Great design and I also enjoy cardinals! Your colors on the female seem perfect for this Stitchery, well done Melisa and Merry Christmas!

  6. Super Love design, Melisa! I love cardinals as well along with the hummers, bluebirds, and all the other feathered friends out there.

  7. Thanks so much for the sweet freebies. I was just watching the cardinals out my window this morning.

  8. Merci pour ce joli modèle.
    Pas de Cardinaux en France. Si un jour j'ai la chance de visiter un peu votre beau pays j'aurai peut-être la chance d'en voir...
    Amitiés de France,

  9. Your cardinal design is very cute. I've only seen cardinals in pictures (I live in southern CA.). Love it when someone posts a pic of them against a snow background. One of my favorite birds is the oriole. They come every spring and stay for a month or so. I read they stop here on their way migrating north but some stay at the beach communities all summer. Can't blame them I'd stay at a beach house for the summer too if it was free.
    Is all your stitching on 14 count? I use to love 28 count but it's too hard on my eyes. I stitch everything on 14 count these days.
    Have a Blessed Christmas. Patty McDonald

  10. Melisa,
    I love the cardinals!! The cookie jar and matching salt and peeper shaker are precious!! I decorate with cardinals for the Winter in the Kitchen....Thanks so much for stopping by!! I appreciate all your kind comments...Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  11. Thank you for sharing such sweet stitches. I have always loved redbirds too, and feed them all year, but I pay close attention to the feeders in winter.

  12. Thanks for the free patterns. I am making the collection of primitive homes and want to change the color of Katie Anne’s saltbox to a red. I’m having trouble deciding which 2 colors to use. Do you have any suggestions?


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