Home again! home again! Jiggity jig!
Welcome y'all and a very lovely day to you! Well, Mr. Pinker and I rolled in off the dusty trail and made our way back to the old homestead in the holler after spending over a month camping in warmer weather. We had a ball with lots of grand adventures and a few mishaps- one of which was my computer. But I came home to a new one waiting for me.
Anywhoo we spent most of our time in the mountains exploring one path after another.
Fixing to ride down a steep hill where one off roader slid down. |
We admired the beauty of the cacti which surrounded us.
The Great Tree in Quartzsite is estimated to be 1058 years old. |
We found lots of old miner's camps to explore. Most of which were long forgotten and were slowly tumbling to the ground.
We even went into a few mines that were no longer active - but not too far into them. Oooh - spooky!
I marveled at the petroglyphs in Quartzsite. I wonder what stories these drawings tell.
Grinding pot |
We did not see many animals . A few mule deer and antelope.
Oh, bother ! Dust and debris was on the camera lens. |
Mr. Pinker's highlight was to see the quail in the area. We would see coveys of them each evening before they roosted.
In the evenings, we would sit and admire the sunsets. The colors of the sky out west are glorious. I do not see many sunsets like this here in my neck of the woods.
Soon it was time to pack up and head for home. We had grandchildren to see and doctor appointments to attend. Uggh on the appointments. ๐๐๐
Before we made our way home though, we had to stop at Buc-ees for a dessert. This was the 2nd time , I had visited a Buc-ees.
I was able to work on some stitching and quilt projects as we camped and of course, I did a little thrifting as well. Hee! Hee! I will show you those projects and goodies as I unpack in future posts. Sshh, don't tell anyone , but not only do I have to unpack, but I have to take down my Christmas decor too ( Mr. Pinker and I left soon after Christmas so we did not have time to take the trees down. ) Oh well, I will get it down soon.
Well, Sweeties, I better run. If you are in the neighborhood, stop on by and help me unpack. Hee ! Hee! ๐๐I have loads upon loads of laundry to do . I better get a move on!
I wish you a wonderful , Sweetheart Day ! Happy Happy Valentine's!
Please forgive me as it will take awhile for me to get caught up on correspondences and posting especially since I am learning to use a new computer. I feel like I am as slow as molasses as I get older. ๐
Love this Willie sticker! |
Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all
Thank you for the sweet visit.
"Adventure is worthwhile in itself! " - Amelia Earhart
Hugs and Stitches!!!!๐ค๐งต❤
Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo.