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Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Turkey Day and Mr. Snow Block 4 Waiting For Snow

Good morning , sweet friends . Welcome! Please join me on this fine beautiful  day.   May I wish you all a very warm and Happy Thanksgiving. 

Pumpkin Basket ( I haven't shared this one yet) and Thanksgiving 

I know not everyone celebrates this special holiday, but I think we all can celebrate being grateful for all of the blessings in our lives, and I certainly count you as a blessing in mine. 
Wool handprint applique of my grandsons' hands. 

I am so very thankful to all of you - for your encouragement, sweet visits , heart warming compliments and messages. Thank you for taking such precious time out of your day to spend it with me. I am so humbled and appreciative beyond words.

This year our Thanksgiving will be spent at my parents ; there will be   a total of 19 family members in attendance.

The Thanksgiving tree has lots of brown glittery fall ornaments and real turkey feathers on it. 

 This will be the 3rd Thanksgiving without my sister; but I am sure she is smiling down upon the family from Heaven.

 Mom will set up a large fold out table in the living room. Half of us will eat in the kitchen while the rest migrates to the living room where usually the parade is on TV or a Christmas movie.  Dad usually carves the turkeys which are nestled in a big pan of Mom's homemade dressing. Oh my , it is divine! Because we have so many eager to eat, the food will be set out buffet style along 2 tables .  Once everyone is stuffed, the kiddos usually scamper outside . I usually wrangle them up and take family photos on the swing. The grandchildren and nephew always have their photo taken together sitting in the same position each year. It is joy to see how they have grown each year. Once the photos are taken I am sure the kiddos will jump on the four wheeler and head for the woods or their favorite fishing hole while us adults gather on the porch or in the kitchen chatting away. 

  Last night Mr. Pinker and I were busy bees bustling about in the kitchen  . Pies were baking and side dishes were being created.  Mmmm the pumpkin pie aroma  smelled so yummy! 

Pumpkin Pie, Pecan pie and a pumpkin roll are just some of desserts that we will be taking to today's  festivities.

 Come evening time, Mr .Pinker and I  will make our way back to our home which is  just a hop, skip and a jump down the road from my mom's. I will settle down to working on a bit of embroidery for it is Embroidery Thursday for me. The next Mr. Snow Block will be in the hoop. 

This week's Mr. Snow Block is  called "Waiting for Snow".

Mr. Snow  and his cardinal friends are waiting anxiously for the 1st snow of the season. A few flurries have already begun to fall. Aah Mr. Snow is such a happy fellow! 

I colored the cap, jacket and cardinals  with a white and then red crayon. 

So far I have shared: 

Block 1 Snowballs,    Block 2 Winter Friends,  Snow Mitten

INSTRUCTION TIME !   Now remember , I am no expert, but am just sharing how I embroider mine. Please prepare your fabric, embroider in whatever manner that  makes you happy. The number one rule is to always have FUN FUN FUN!!!  


1. Cut your fabric to 8 1/2 "x 11 1/2" . This will  be trimmed later.  

2.  Place the pattern between a light box or a window and center the design as best as possible. Trace the design onto your fabric using your favorite transfer fabric pen or pencil . 

3. Embroider the design .  I used a backstitch using 2 strands of DMC 498  on most of the design. A stemstitch would look  quite lovely if you prefer.  

4.   I used a French Knot on Mr. Snow's eyes. You do not have to include the French Knot;  you may want to add  teeny beads for eyes . How cute would that be!!!

5. Press and trim to block size 7 1/2 x 10 1/2". If you color tint your blocks, remember to place a paper towel over the tinted area and heat set with the iron.   The finished  block size in the  quilt will by 7" x 10" .


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


My little doodles are hand drawn so they are never perfect.

 Well , Sweet Friends I am off to enjoy today's festivities. There is a big plate of turkey and dressing calling my name!   

 Jean Farrish's Give Thanks .  Jean posted this on her blog in the October 10, 2020 post

How will you be spending your day? With family and friends? Or are you enjoying a nice peaceful day doing something that you love? I do wish you beautiful day no matter how you spend it. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

Snowfall arouses the inner child to dream and play once more. - Angie Weiland Crosby

Warm Wishes and Snowman kisses! 
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  ❤

Thank you sweet friends. 


Frosty McChill SAL - This is a link to the 12  Frosty McChill Snoman blocks that I shared in 2021.

2022-Flurry & Flakes SAL  This is a link to the Flurry & Flakes Snowman quilt. It includes 5 embroidery blocks. 

Sweeping Snowman Trifle - A small cross stitch that I created to use as a scissor fob. 

 2023- Down Christmas Lane - A Christmas Parade of Previous Freebies    This is a link to Christmas freebies shared up to mid- November 2023. 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! We are at home enjoying a relaxing day since we had the hustle and bustle last weekend:) Another cute snowman embroidery, how do you keep thinking up new designs-your brain must never stop!!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for all the wonderful patterns you let us play with and all the beautiful photo's you share to make us smile.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Melisa to you and your family. Love the new snowman embroidery. I have finished block 1 and almost all of 2. I hope to get caught up this weekend.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Melisa! Your day sounds delightful. I love the new Mr. Snow, too. So cute!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your peeps Melisa. Thank YOU for your hospitality here on your blog. It’s my favorite place tovisit

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Melisa, you have a blessed day. ❤️🤗

  7. I hope you and your family had a wonderful day! We had a great dinner all nine of us. I remember the days of eating at the kid's table at my great grandmother's house. We ate in the bedroom! The adult table took up the living room. The extra "table" was plywood on saw horses. This I didn't know until I was about 12 years old when I came to set the table. Thank you for your kindness and generosity to all of us!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  8. I just love the snowmen, especially with the coloring. After I finish a few other projects I hope to get at them.

  9. Thank you so much! 20 for Thanksgiving! You know she was there.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! I am blessed in so many ways, especially having a beautiful family. I also count you as one of my blessings for generously sharing your talents with us! I hope you had a wonderful and restful day! —Susan at Wild Rose Farm

  11. Happy Day after Thanksgiving - praying you had a wonderful time! Looks like you had a great gathering - we did too! My son and his girlfriend were there! So awesome! Love your snowmen! Will be printing them out. Blessings to you and yours.

  12. Sounds like you were all geared up for a wonderful Thanksgiving. How nice to have so much family nearby enough to congregate for the holiday. Blessings!

  13. Thank you for another sweet snowman, Melisa! I hope you Thanksgiving was filled with love and blessings! Hugs!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for another great stitch of Mr. Snow. Sounds like you're going to have a wonderful family time. What a blessing to live so close to everyone!

  15. Sounds like a fun time for all. Hope you got in a good bit of stitching time and could rest up from all the kitchen time this week.

  16. A Very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family ! Sorry, I am a little late but things are just too hectic for me , I need to slow down and chill!! Melisa, you may not be an expert, but you are a wonderfully talented and creative woman. Your Doodles are so cute and sweet and homey that I fall in love with each and every one. Thank you so much for everything that you give to us with an open and loving heart. Have a magnivicent day with family. Sending you love and hugs from sunny Arizona.

  17. Hope you had a wonderful day, Melisa! Hugs, Barbara xx @flashinscissors 🙋‍♀️😁👍💜💜💜xx


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