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Monday, November 2, 2020

Baking on the Farm- A Barnyard Christmas Freebie

The kitchen is all a buzz on Christmas Eve as Mrs Claus, Paws, and Cluck are busy making Santa's favorite cookies.   Though I am sure after a long busy night delivering presents and eating cookies on his deliveries, he will be quite stuffed once he returns home to rest . 

Do you like to do a lot of baking during the Christmas season?  I do especially when family is over to visit. So I thought I would share one of  the family favorites. 

Magic Bars Chocolate Overload


1 box of brownie mix and called for ingredients for the mix

½  c semisweet chocolate chips

½  c peanut butter chips 

½  c peanuts

½ c Reeses Pieces

½ c M & M’s

½  c Heath Bar Toffee Bits

1 can of sweetened condensed milk


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 9 x 13”  pan with foil and grease  bottom and sides with butter or cooking spray. Make brownie mix as directed and press into pan.  Bake 35 to 38 minutes  or until when you insert a toothpick , it comes out clean. Bring out of the oven and layer the chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, peanuts ( or favorite nuts), Reese’s Pieces, M & M’s  and toffee Bits. Pour sweetened condensed milk over the top . Bake 18- 20 minutes until edges are golden brown and bubbling . Remove and place on cooling rack to cool for a few hours. Once cooled , cut into bars.


Doesn't that sound yummy? But like the name says- it is chocolate overload.

Now that your stomach is growling, let's talk about the stitching. Baking on the Farm is the 14th in the Barnyard Christmas series. It is the same size as the others measuring 31 x 31 which on 14 count aida would give a measurement of 2 1/4" x 2 1/4". What I call a quick stitch. 

I stitched 2 of these in an evening on 14 count aida. One was stitched on tea/ coffee dyed aida. The other was on Rit Emerald Green dyed aida that I dipped in a quick bath of tea. 

Did you notice the difference between the two? On the Emerald Green dyed aida stitch , I gave the little kitty a red bow by using 1 strand of DMC 498. I opted not to  put the bow on the tea/coffee dyed ornament. 

If you are interested in stitching Mrs. Claus and the gang, just check out the pdf's below. I have to put each page in separate pdfs because of the devices I am using. 

For Instruction page, click here

For the Colored pdf chart, click here

For the black and white chart pdf , click here

If you missed any of the other charts, you can click on the names below and you will be directed to those charts.  

Previous charts include: 

Chicken Sled ,   Santa's Ride ,  Special Delivery , Christmas BarnChristmas BucketChristmas Tractor , Santa on the Farm,  Mrs. Claus on the Farm , The Stockings Were Hung ,   Santa's Visit  ,  Hanging the Star .

   , Skiing on the Farm , and Farm Truck  .

 I truly hope you enjoy this little chart. Thank you so much for visiting me . Have a lovely rest of the week and as always... 

Happy stitching, ya'll



I would love to see your stitch. You can always direct message me on Instagram or use #pinkernpunkinquilting .


  1. I will have to try that recipe, yummy!!! Thanks for sharing another wonderful cross stitch!!! You are so generous!!! Hugs, Lecia

    1. Hi Lecia. I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for dropping in. My hubby just loves anything chocolate. This is one of his favorites but is very rich. I am hoping to get in at least one more little ornament in this series. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Melisa

  2. Love the sampler in your blog header, Melisa! It is one of yours, isn't it? If I were a baker, I would be thrilled to try out your yummy sounding recipe. But I am going to pass it on to a friend. Mrs. Claus' ornament is adorable.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. That sampler is from The Wooley Ewe and is one of my favorites. It is called Autumn at Sunflower Ridge. I used my own colors on it. I usually start baking in the fall , hubby loves this recipe but it is rich. Lol. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Melisa

  3. Thanks for the recipe. I love all of those candies! And thanks for another great freebie!

    1. Hi Suzanne. Thank you so much for visiting me today. I love candies too especially during the holidays. Hubby loves this recipe or anything with chocolate in it. I hope to share some more of our holiday recipes. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Melisa

  4. Melisa!!
    Those magic bars sound so GOOD!!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe and thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Hi, Debbie. I have been buzzing all around trying to get out the Christmas and Thanksgiving decor. It is coming along. Hubby loves the Magic Bars. There are all different kinds of recipes, but he loves the chocolate. Lol. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Melisa

  5. Elle est si mignonne cette pâtissière (backerin)
    Thanks a lot for all these fine pattern, especially the tractor and car for my daughter's boy


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