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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Santa Clause Sampler - A Christmas Freebie

Good morning , ya'll.  The countdown is on!  91 days till Christmas.

 Normally, I have already started purchasing the grandbabies' Christmas presents by now. Are you an early shopper? Or are you a down to the wire Christmas shopper ? lol I guess I am both- I do like searching for some last minute fun Christmas buys. 

Alrighty , today I wanted to share with you my Santa Clause Sampler, that I stitched last year on some very crispy tea/ coffee dyed aida. (Lol  it was a little burnt, but I went with it) .

This photos is from last Christmas. I have my Santa Clause Sampler paired with Little House Needlework's Country Christmas . Also displayed is   IStitch Designs "Joyeux Noel" freebie  which I finished into a little pin pillow and tucked it in an old wooden salad bowl filled with mini glass ornaments.  

If you are interested in stitching Santa Clause Sampler, please check out the pdfs below. 

Click here for the instruction page. 

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

Speaking of Christmas, I purchased my first Christmas ornaments this past weekend while on a camping trip. While hubby slipped into Harbor Freight , a bee lined it into Hobby Lobby and found some cute Christmas decor.

  There was lots of cute vintage Christmas pieces. I think these will look  super cute with my Santa mug collection and my Cup of Christmas Cheer - Santa Mug stitch.  Don't you? 

Thank you so much for the warm Fall visit  and letting me share a little bit of Christmas with you.   There is nothing like mixing the seasons and holidays. 😀😂Have a beautiful and blessed day. Now lets's start making our Christmas list . Lol. As always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


Believe in love, Believe in magic. Believe in Santa Clause. Believe in others . Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams.  If you don't, who will? Jon Bon Jovi

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy . who always believed in Santa. I love you , Amo. 


  1. I don't get into decorating for Christmas very much, a red & white quilt and a few decorations, that's it. Now Christmas baking is a different story! Have a wonderful day, happy stitching!

  2. We have a lot of autumn birthdays in our family, so it feels like I can't Christmas shop until I birthday shop! But I have started sewing some Christmas gifts. ;) Have a lovely weekend! And thank you for the sampler~ very cute and another 'must stitch'!!

  3. I sort of shop and stitch all year whenever I see something that one of the family might enjoy. But, I am notorious at having Last-Minute I have to do for someone projects. I have a doctorate in procrastination!!! I have to add this stitch to my red and white stitching list!! Have a wonderful weekend, now, I have to see what my Hobby Lobby has in the store, LOL. Hugs to all.

  4. Your Santa Claus sampler is darling. Very cool finds from Hobby Lobby!

  5. Thank you for the new design!
    Love Hobby Lobby too - dd and I go there a lot! Especially at Christmas!

  6. I love your Christmas mug design. It takes me back to my childhood, It was my first design of yours I stitched. I will be doing the Santa Claus sampler. Thx so much for sharing your talent.

  7. I have a christmas mug collection and I put gift cards in them for Christmas. I do an advent gifts for my grandchildren in TX - excuse to by things at the thrift stores. Thanks for your blog you are the best.

  8. What a sweet post. Even if you did remind us that Christmas is right around the corner🤣. I love your Santa mug on the pedestal and definitely plan to stitch it to go with my Santa mug collection.

  9. I just finished stitching your Cup of Christmas Cheer. I was at Hobby Lobby, saw the picture and had to get it. My collection of Santa mugs will look so good with the picture and the cross stitch. Thanks for all your wonderful designs. I want to stitch them all!


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