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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Hall of Snowmen and a Winter Tree Sampler-

Happy , happy Saturday!!! It's another cold one here. I'll be bundling up and heading to  the grandbabies ' basketball games here soon.  Oh, those little ones are so cute to watch. Most of them can not throw high enough to get a goal, but boy, do they try.  

Well I thought I would take you on another segment of "Country Clutter Tour" . Lol .Today we will be touring the  Hall of Snowmen. ( Oh, if you see any dust bunnies, please excuse them- I've been stitching when I should have been dusting. ) 

 Every winter I put out all kinds of snowmen in my narrow foyer/hall. I have a little tree decked out in mittens.


Sweeping Snowflakes is an older With Thy Needle and Threads piece that I finished on a Walmart whisk broom. 


I have 3 shutters that I found at the Goodwill propped against the wall. I change out the quilts seasonally on them. My favorite is my Coopie Snowman quilt that I embroidered a few years ago.


 The little Snowman in the top hat quilt was a thrift store find that I purchased last year. This is it's first year in the Hall of Snowmen. 


 Chill Out is a Lizzie Kate stitch that I stitched for my  oldest daughter. 

 The Snowman pocket is my adaption of Kim Diehl's "Snowman Door Hanger" . It is a free design at All People Quilts ( Click the name to see that pattern).  


Much to Mr. Pinker's dislike - lol -  my doors inside are adorned with wreath's or quilts.  A little Mittens quilt hangs from a mitten holder. 


This is one of my quilts . 

A snowman quilt hangs on the other door. 


This guy makes me smile- Look at that nose !!!  

My white shelf is crammed full. 

On that  shelf is an old drawer from my Granny's ; I turned it on its side and use it as a shelf. On the top of it is an embroidery I did a few years ago and finished it on a silver tray.

 The little snowman cross stitch was a freebie. Does anybody know who it is by? I can not remember.  

Tucked in the drawer is a free stitch called Winter by  Balades et broderies par Camela . It is  available on her blog in the Jan. 20, 2013 post.

 I did make some changes- I added a border , left off the stars and a few other little changes. Also I have With Thy Needle and Thread's Candy Cane Wishes though I  have not found a piece that I want to mount it on.  

The last stitch on the shelf is my Winter Tree Sampler. 

I could not figure out how to finish it. I did not have a frame so I opted for a pillow finish. Better finished and on display than in the shameful "Need to Finish " pile.  


If you would like to stitch Winter Tree Sampler, I invite you to check out the links below.  

Click here for the Instruction page. 

Click here for the Colored Chart. 

Click here for the Black/White chart.

 Well that's a wrap of my country clutter hall segment. I hope to share my hutch this next week. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, my friends. Wishing you the most blessed and beautiful weekend. As always...

Happy stitching and quilting, ya'll


Remember our souls are like snowflakes - all different and all beautiful! 

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy. So many of your snowman pieces are on display , Amy . They warm my heart. Love you.


  1. Love this little stitch!!! Your collection is so pretty! We have snow in eastern NC this morning. Do you?

  2. I have to laugh when you talk about 'dust bunnies'. My mother was a somewhat cleaning maniac and my dad was used to a throughly dusted house. When he'd come to my house, he'd often sweep his finger on an end table and tell me I need to dust. I'd tell him if you don't move anything, you won't notice it. He'd just look at me. Dust is just a part of my rustic home decor. Happy stitching! Love the new stitchery!

  3. Oh Melisa, I love your hall of snow and snowmen. Darling Winter Tree stitch! Thank you.

  4. I love your sweet snowmen. If you find out who had the snowman freebie that you finished into a pillow, I would love to know. I will search your blog for info about the stitches in your many treasures! Sending you a big hug....your sweet sister loves you.

  5. Funny that you should mention "dust bunnies", mine return so often that I have given them names, LOL. I dust once a week here in Arizona, because we have a lot of dust (dirt and rock) not so much grass. I could dust twice a day and it would still look dusty!! Gretchen, I am going to use your "rustic home décor" . Love the Winter Sampler, thank you, still waiting on the printer. I may just enlarge and do it from my computer screen. Sending warm hugs from Arizona


  6. I've been reading your blog for about a year. You decorate a lot, for every season and holiday. It all looks fantastic. Where and how do you store it all? (sorry if it's been covered before)

    Thank you for the new pattern!

  7. Thought you might like to know that it is National Polka Dot Day (1/22/22). Just for you🥰

  8. I love this idea. I have space for in my entryway to do this. I just don't have enough projects.

  9. Your displays are lovely! I love the snowman recipe and the winter things embroideries! Are they your designs? Thank you for all the Frosty McChill embroideries.

  10. Très jolie collection de bonhomme de neige ,bravo !

  11. Such a delightful visit to see your stitched treasures :)
    You have brought so much beauty to the world!
    No shame in having an "unfinished" pile of projects... they are waiting for the perfect time to enter this creative display!

  12. You have a plethora of snowmen! So much fun! Thanks for the Tree sampler chart! That will be fun!


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