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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Autumn's Saltbox- A Fall Freebie and a Little Christmas Treat.

 Cock a Doodle Doo! Rise and Shine , my sweet friends!!! 

This is little stitch is from Hands on Design and Priscilla Blain. 

  I am so glad that we are friends because I have a  little confession to make. I did something last night.😳 I know some of you are going to roll your eyes and shake your head with a smile on your face, but ssssh don't tell anyone but ....    I turned on the Christmas music last night.  Lol. πŸ˜πŸ˜³πŸ˜ƒ  I know... I know. I promise I am  not jumping the holidays . I just wanted to relax. That's my story and I am sticking to it! Lol  . Soooo  with a click on Youtube my toes were  a tapping, and I was a singing off tune with joy in my heart with   Nat King Cole , Frank Sinatra and oh yes! Elvis. Do I get a reprieve with the revelation that I was working on a   little Christmas stitching too? Aaah ! Come on - join the dark sideπŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜‡πŸ˜œ and listen to Christmas music before October. I want tell.   Lol.  

Ok I know.  Why am I talking about Christmas music when it is Pumpkin Tuesday!    

So Happy Pumpkin Tuesday , punkins!

Rosie's Pumpkins - A 2020 Fall Freebie found here on the blog. 


 My pumpkin stitch for today is Autumn's Saltbox.

 It is named after my daughter.  A crisp  white house sits amid a yard filled with pumpkins. Of course, I had to add my crows and Midnight, a childhood kitty that I once had. 

The leaves have turned on the tree. 

This is a small measuring. 69 x62 and on 14 count aida that would measure about  4 7/8" x 4 3/8". 


If you are interested, please check out my little pdfs below and the little disclaimer .

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

The mischief in me is screaming "Post a Christmas stitch too!!!  " Okee Dokee . Will do ". I might just get one of you  singing off tune with  me and  ole ' Blue Eyes tonight. Sooo... Here is a little Christmas stitch to tempt you.

 It is called "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" . I chose a certain color scheme for a tree idea I have, but you could stitch it in your favorite colors.   After I stitched my Christmas boxes, I decided I wanted them to have some polka dots so being the lazy stitcher that I am I just stitched in some white stitches over my previous stitches.πŸ˜ƒ I didn't chart the polka dots , but you could add them if you like. 

 I haven't FFOd mine yet , but I will post when I do.  ( Can you see how close to the edge I stitched?  I am cutting it close for FFOing. lol . I just love to use those scraps though. ) 

Click here for the instruction page

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

It has been a delightful visit, my friends. I sure hope you will come back soon. I have 2 other Christmas stitches like this one that uses the same colors. I hope to post them in the future, and of course, I am always dreaming of saltboxes. Have a very blessed Autumn day and as always...

Happy Stitching, ya'll


Oh! And go listen to some Christmas music !

Pumpkin is the spice of life!  

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who would be ready to take her younguns to the pumpkin patch in the fall. I love  and miss you, Amo. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Blessed- Two Year IG Anniversary Chart

 Good morning, my dear friends. Can you guess what today is? Well , Lol I guess you already know with the title of my post πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€ Today is my 2nd year anniversary of being on Instagram!!! Woo Hoo! .

 I still get butterflies  every time I post on IG ; in fact on my blog too. πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹  I  also still remember to this day when I first told my youngest daughter that I was thinking of getting on IG.  Always the Positive Polly she encouraged me to take the leap and get on social media. "Sure " she said, " You may find people like you". Lol.  

Then I had to break the idea to my hubby. "What would he think?  He politely smiled and said sure that sounds fun. Lol . I know he was thinking "What in the world is she going to post? " To be honest , my intention was not to post at all ,but to look at all of the pretties that was posted on IG and of course soak in all of the inspiration and revel in the enablement.  But then I did it! A little fall post. 

My very first post on Instagram - Sept . 26, 2019

 I was hooked. You know -  I still remember who was my 1st follower.

 Over the last 2 years I have met so many wonderful and supportive stitchers and quilters , and I feel so fortunate to call so many  of you friends. Your positivity, sweet comments and visits send me over the moon. You have seen me through some good times and even through some  tough times and you probably didn't even know it, but your kindness has always kept  me motivated and going.  Such an amazing community. I do feel quite blessed.  

For my 1st year anniversary , I shared this little design called Blessed.

Sept 26, 2020 - 1 year IG Anniversary Post

 If you haven't seen it, just click here and you will magically be transported to a year ago today where you will find the pdf.  

After mulling over what I wanted to share for my 2nd anniversary, I decided I was going to stick to a theme ( Lol. Many of ya'll know I can take to a theme like a dog takes to a bone) So for my 2nd anniversary, I am sharing another Blessed chart.  With this chart, you choose your favorite floss colors, fabric and just go to town stitching. Though not listed on the chart, I used DMC 221, 3371, 3345, and 780. 

It is a small and measures 23 x 71. On 14 count aida that would be around 1 5/8 inches x 5 1/8 inches. You could add a simple border to make it bigger if you want. It would also be a great piece to stitch to use up small scraps.  

Click here for the instruction page. 


Click here for the charts. 

My humble little designs can never compare to the warmth, love and support that ya'll have given me. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.  I wish I could give you all a big hug . I also want to thank you for being so understanding that I am not tech savvy ; you have indeed had so much patience with me in this learning process.  Thank you for each visit, sweet comments, kind words and click of the like button. I feel so fortunate to be part of this community. As always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


Because of you I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more. 

Hugs and Stitches !!!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Santa Clause Sampler - A Christmas Freebie

Good morning , ya'll.  The countdown is on!  91 days till Christmas.

 Normally, I have already started purchasing the grandbabies' Christmas presents by now. Are you an early shopper? Or are you a down to the wire Christmas shopper ? lol I guess I am both- I do like searching for some last minute fun Christmas buys. 

Alrighty , today I wanted to share with you my Santa Clause Sampler, that I stitched last year on some very crispy tea/ coffee dyed aida. (Lol  it was a little burnt, but I went with it) .

This photos is from last Christmas. I have my Santa Clause Sampler paired with Little House Needlework's Country Christmas . Also displayed is   IStitch Designs "Joyeux Noel" freebie  which I finished into a little pin pillow and tucked it in an old wooden salad bowl filled with mini glass ornaments.  

If you are interested in stitching Santa Clause Sampler, please check out the pdfs below. 

Click here for the instruction page. 

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

Speaking of Christmas, I purchased my first Christmas ornaments this past weekend while on a camping trip. While hubby slipped into Harbor Freight , a bee lined it into Hobby Lobby and found some cute Christmas decor.

  There was lots of cute vintage Christmas pieces. I think these will look  super cute with my Santa mug collection and my Cup of Christmas Cheer - Santa Mug stitch.  Don't you? 

Thank you so much for the warm Fall visit  and letting me share a little bit of Christmas with you.   There is nothing like mixing the seasons and holidays. πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚Have a beautiful and blessed day. Now lets's start making our Christmas list . Lol. As always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


Believe in love, Believe in magic. Believe in Santa Clause. Believe in others . Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams.  If you don't, who will? Jon Bon Jovi

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy . who always believed in Santa. I love you , Amo. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

" Fall"- A Fall Doodle

 It is a beautiful glorious day! The birds are chirping, and there is a little nip in the air. Fall is here! 

I have been busy working on this little Fall Doodle using the basic back stitch. A little pumpkin, falling leaves and of course a crow complete this piece.

So let me tell you the measurements and how I pieced mine. 

*   I embroidered my design on a piece of scrap white fabric  measuring 5 1/2" x 12".    After completing the embroidery, I trimmed it to 4 1/2" x 11 1/2" 

I used what floss I had on hand. The letters were stitched in DMC 3371. Other floss colors that I used were DMC 310, 920 , 782, and 319. I debated on how to finish it , but ended deciding on a little bench quilt  . 

*  I cut out 30- 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" strips from assorted scraps . 


*   4 - 2 1/2" squares. 

*  From the assorted 1 1/2"  x 2 1/2" scraps  ,  I  pieced 11 scrap strips together.  This  gave me a scrappy unit  measuring 2 1/2" x 11 1/2"  . I  created  2 of these strips- one for the top of the embroidery piece and one for the bottom.  

* From the assorted 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" scraps , I  pieced 4  scrap strips together. This gave me a scrappy unit measuring 2 1/2 x 4 1/2" . I  created 2 of these strips- one for the left and one for the right of the embroidery piece. 

  * Looking at the photo, you can see how I laid out my strips and squares for piecing. 

I just loved how it came out and am smitten with all of the shirting fabrics that is in this piece. 

This was a super quick project.  I will be finishing the quilting today and then onto the binding. I really think it will be on display by the night's end.  Fingers crossed. 🀞

 If you would like to stitch it, I invite you to check out the pdf below.  

Click here for Fall embroidery design.

Well I am off to enjoy the rest of this blessed Fall evening with needle and thread in hand. Have a fabulous Fall day and as always...

Happy quilting , ya'll


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Alycia's of Alycia Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop-Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 144   - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday 

Frederique at  Applique Patchwork Quilting for Patchwork & Quilts #69    - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

All at once , Summer collapsed into Fall. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy. I miss and love ya. 


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Little Bits Pumpkin Haul - A Fall Freebie

Good morning, sweet sunshine! Please do tell. Are you beginning to see signs of fall in your neck of the woods?


 Eeeh! Today is officially the 1st day of fall. The mornings are cooler and the air is crisp. All of the warm fall colors and sweet smells are a delight to my senses. How about for you?

 Let me share with you 2 "new to me"  fall scents that my daughter got me at Walmart-  Spiced Pumpkin Spice and A Thankful Harvest.

Mmm good. Lol I love the smell of food . Most of the time I have Orange Creamsicle brewing which Mr. Pinker says smells like Fruit Loops. I am ok with that. Lol .

 In celebration of the Fall season, I have a little stitch for you. It is called Little Bits- Pumpkin Haul. 

I was inspired by a little doll wagon that I fill with pumpkins each year. 

This is a small - only measuring 40 x 40 and on 14 count aida that would measure about 2 7/8" square. I stitched mine of my usual tea/coffee dyed aida. 

 The floss colors in this piece are DMC 937, 310, 782, 838, 355, 720, 301, 930 and 754. Oh , but you could use whatever strikes your fancy.


 I finished mine on a Dollar Tree chalkboard found in the craft section. I left the wood unfinished, but I may go back later and darken it up with some paint.  I mounted the stitch on batting covered cardboard and then mounted it on a piece with fabric from hubby's old shirt. I'm getting a lot of miles out of this shirt.

 I even used it in my Autumn Stamp finish that I did last year. Plus I am working on a little quilt from this fabric too. Lol. I hope hubby doesn't miss it.

Well,  if you are interested just check out the pdfs below .  

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page. 

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart.

Now before you leave . What are you going to do to celebrate fall? Fall baking, crafting or just enjoy the beauty of nature?  I think a day of fall quilting is on my agenda and then Mr. Pinker is going to grill out this evening. Have a beautiful day, my sweet friends and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll and Happy fall too!!!


Thank you for the sweet visit. You always make my day!!!!

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking successive autumns."-  George Eliot. 

Hugs and Stitches !!!

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. We had so many fall plans in the works. I miss you. Love ya, Amo! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Autumn Jar Pinkeep- A Fall Freebie

 Good afternoon, ya'll and happy Pumpkin Tuesday! 

 Hmmm!  I wonder. πŸ€”πŸŽƒCan you really ever have too many pumpkins?  

Today I am canning pumpkins- or a pumpkin  - with this little stitch called Autumn Jar Pinkeep. 

It is great match for Pumpkin Picker that I shared last week.


This little crow named Cawlie  matches though she is a little thinner. Are you wondering what's up with me and crows. Lol. I just love them especially come fall time. I have been collecting crows for years and decorate my hall in crows.  Click here to see last year's crow foyer tour. 

Well , Cawlie  has not picked a pumpkin, but  an acorn. She is however perched on a big ole' pumpkin in a mason jar. 

Autumn Jar paired with Fall 1869 Crock  . 

If you would like to stitch her , just check out the pdfs below and you can have an Autumn jar filled with fall goodness!

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for the instruction page. 

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

I finished mine into a simple little pillow. The trim is 2 pieces of white chenille trim that I tea / coffee dyed. One piece was dyed lightly; the other stayed in the tea/coffee dye overnight. I simply twisted them and whip stitched them onto the pillow. 

Thank you so much for taking a gander at my Autumn Jar Pinkeep. I hope there will be more Jar Pinkeeps in my future. Have a beautiful day, my pumpkins and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


Whatever spices your pumpkin !!!

Hugs and Stitches!!!

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