Blog Archive

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Frosty McChill QAL- Block Number 6 "Learning to Ski"

 Brrr! Baby, it's cold out there. How is the weather in your neck of the woods? The weather is certainly a lot different compared to last week.   

Welcome , ya'll. It is time for another embroidery Thursday.


A few weeks ago Mr. Pinker and I went on a camping trip and and stayed at Fort Massac in lovely Metropolis , Illinois- home of Superman.


 Hubby and I of course had to go see Superman located downtown by the courthouse. 


We also took some time to  stroll along the streets which were getting their winter adornments.

Simple but cute little wooden snowmen-

 Wouldn't these be cute to make .All you need is a bit of wood and some paint and then you could go to town. 


Today's Frosty's block is called "Learning to Ski". 


Frosty looks exactly like I did on my 1st attempt to learn to ski. I just could not get the hang of it, but Frosty will be skiing like a pro in no time. It should be in his icy blood ; shouldn't it? 

 Little Rae Rae is not even going to attempt learning to ski and is quite content resting on Frosty's arm. 

Blocks shared so far are Let it Snow"  and " Sled Time  " and ...

The Tree March  and "Just a Sweeping!!!

" Chasing Snowflakes" and " Learning to Ski "

INSTRUCTION TIME !   Now remember , I am no expert, but am just sharing how I embroider mine. Please prepare your fabric, embroider in whatever manner that  makes you happy. The number one rule is to always have FUN FUN FUN!!!  


1. Cut your fabric to 8 1/2 "x 11 1/2" . This will  be trimmed later.  

2.  Place the pattern between a light box or a window and center the design as best as possible. Trace the design onto your fabric using your favorite transfer fabric pen or pencil . 

3. Embroider the design .  I used a back stitch using 2 strands of DMC 498  on most of the design. A stem stitch would look  quite lovely if you prefer.  I used 1 strand of 498 for the details in the snowman's face.   

4. On the snowflakes , I used a French Knot at the end of 4 of the points . You do not have to include the French Knot or you may want to add a teeny bead at each point . How cute would that be!!!

5. Press and trim to block size 7 1/2 x 10 1/2".

Click here for embroidery pattern.

Well the blocks are certainly growing. It is always exciting to see them coming together. 

I always like to leave you telling you how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I feel very blessed by ya'll, and I am so touched that you would spend a few minutes out of your day with little ole' me. Thank you so much, my sweeties.💚💙💗 Have a beautiful day and keep on being Awesome!!!! And as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll
Friends are like snowflakes- they are beautiful and all different. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!  

Warm wishes and Snowman kisses, 

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy. I miss you, Amo. Love ya! 


  1. Rae Rae looks quite content up there. It's a lovely block. Looks like a fun trip.

    1. Aaah thank you so much for the sweet visit, Sue. It was a very relaxing trip and it was fun to visit the little town and the fort. I would definitely like to revisit Fort Massac again. Have a wonderful evening, Sue. Happy stitching.

  2. Whoo Hhoo another cutie!! I almost have the fourth one done, they just keep getting cuter:) And we have the real white stuff on the ground and more coming tomorrow.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Vicki. I have been enjoying your blog this week looking over your past posts. So much cuteness. Eeeh . Time to pull out the snow boots and coat and don't forget the sled. Enjoy the white stuff.

  3. Enjoyed the pictures from your trip! Those wooden/painted snowmen are adorable. Sweet snowman you offered, Melisa!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. We had so much fun in Metropolis . It was a peaceful little town . I would love to paint some wooden snowmen for myself. Have a great weekend . Happy stitching.

  4. Another adorable snowman!!! I’m going to need to print these out!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Penny. I have enjoyed every minute stitching on these plus it makes me feel productive on my baby sitting days because these are so quick to pull out and work on. I hope you enjoy them. Happy stitching.

  5. I miss going down south to visit relatives. I had an uncle in Metropolis and an Aunt in Karnak where my Dad was born. All my Aunts and Uncles have passed and it's been ages since I've been down there. Many fond memories. My Aunt sewed and quilted so a couple times we went to Hancock's in Paducah. Mom is the only one living out of both sides of my family at age 88, soon to 89. She's from a little town in Kentucky you can't find on most maps.

    1. Aaah what a great story and I am so glad that this brought back fond memories on your uncle . I am going to have to look up where Karnak is located. This was the 1st time I had stopped in Metropolis though I am sure I have been through it and never knew it. Lol. I hope to go back and visit Hancock's in the future. How wonderful your mom is fixing to be 89 years young. I hope you and she both have a very Merry Christmas. Hugs

  6. These designs are so adorable Melisa! I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Shelly. I have had so much fun working on these little guys . I am anxious to get them completed so I can start piecing the quilt. Have a wonderful weekend and happy stitching.

  7. I never mastered skiing but I can ice skate with the best of 'em! So cute, I will be sad when these are finished, but this is going to make an adorable quilt. Thank you for your time and your thoughts. Wood plank snowmen, I think I have some scrap lumber, I need to look, will never have enough snow here in Phoenix, LOL Sending many hugs and much love from Arizona

    1. Mary, I never could ski either. My girls could ski circles around me as I kept falling. Lol. How fun that you can ice skate!!! I have never tried unless you count skooting on a cow pond with slick boots as a child. Lol. Have a fabulous weekend and Happy stitching. Big hugs.

    2. Oh, my goodness, I and my sisters would do the same thing on our duck pond!! So many laughs and for some reason we were never cold!!!

  8. Je n'ai skié qu'une fois lorsque j'étais enfant mais je préfère de loin le patinage.
    Merci pour ce nouveau petit bonhomme de neige.
    Ici, dans la région centre de la France, pas de neige pour le moment (tant mieux car je n'aime pas du tout) mais les températures sont très fraîches et le gel a fait son retour. Vivement que le printemps revienne....
    Amitiés de France,

    1. Lol I never could master skiing either, Christel nor could I ice skate. We had our 1st frost the other night. So I think the cooler weather is here for awhile. Unless it snows, I am looking forward to spring too. Have a very Merry Christmas and thank you for the sweet visit.

  9. WooHoo number 6 is adorable and cute! I'll print, trace and stitch in the next day or two. I'm all caught up so I've been waiting patiently for this one. Excited!!!

    1. Oh yah! Darlene. I am so excited to hear that you have got 1-5 completed. I have been working on one today and could hardly put it down. Have a fabulous weekend and I sure hope you enjoy stitching this little guy. Hugs

  10. Another adorable design, Melisa! Looks like a nice little visit to IL, too. Love those snowman decorations. They remind me so much of one my youngest son made in pre-school using a tongue depressor painted white :) I still hang it on my tree each year!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Carol. Lol I had not thought about the tongue depressor snowmen ornaments. They do look like that. I remember my kiddos making them as well. Happy stitching.

  11. These snowmen are super cute. I love the wooden ones yousaw when you were away too!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sarah. Aren't the wooden ones as cute as can be. I would like to make some for myself. Have a great week .

  12. Aaah I am so glad that you enjoy these little snowmen . That just warms my heart. Thank you so much . I wish I could stitch faster too. Lol. There is so much I want to complete,. lol. Have a blessed week.


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