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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Parade of Homes 2024 - A Year End Review

Put on your work belt and grab your hammer. We are going out to the construction site! Well not really, but it has been a wonderful year for house construction- at least with needle and thread. I completed a grand total of 12 houses. Woo Hoo! I am doing the happy dance! 

 I began the year with a grand log cabin called   The Star Spangled Winter Home. I have always wanted a winter patriotic home, and this one  is perfect to celebrate President's Day with. 

Every year I create a pink house in honor of my Great Aunt Dot. She loved the color pink so The Pink House was just perfect for her. 

In April there were bunnies galore when they took over the newest house called Bunny House Saltbox. Did you notice the bunnies hopping up and over the roof?

The month of June saw 2 houses added to the neighborhood.  Strawberry Manor, included a basket of berries and a patriotic bird. 

The 2nd June house was Lucinda Hawkins Liberty House which was a quaint yellow home flanked with an urn of patriotic flowers. 

Harvest Home

In late August I shared a wee stitch called Summer Cabin. It was a quick stitch that I made into a quilt using 2 " strips of fabric. 

I started September out with a bang with a little house called An Autumn's Day. I have to admit that I really enjoy stitching this orange brick house. 

The gorgeous crocheted pillow was a gift from dear Barbara. I love it! 

 I greeted October with another fall stitch  called Crows in the Pumpkin Patch which had a sweet saltbox nestled in a pumpkin patch. On guard were 3 cawing crows. 

 November ended with  a small house overran with turkeys. It is called Pickin' in Turkey Holler.

I wrapped up December with a sweet red house  called  And Snow Fell or the Cardinal House

Thank you for stopping by to see my year of houses in review. Hopefully 2025 will be just as productive. Do you have any suggestions for homes you would like to see? 

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Home is the nicest word there is. Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Today would be even more special if you were here. . I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 


Doodle and Quilt Freebies 2024 Year End Review Parade

Eeeh ! It is the next part of the 2024 parade! 

Welcome , y'all! I would be quite remiss if I did not include the doodles and quilts that I have shared this year. 

This is a short parade . Again some of these projects are not completed, but they will be soon. 

Block 1 A Winter's Night

Block 2  Country Mail Delivery  

Block 3 A Country Spring Day

Block 4 Early Birds

Block 5 Strawberry Patch 

Block 6 A Buzzy Garden

 A Buzzy Garden with Bee Berry 

Bonus Block- Time for Gardening

Block 7 Jar of Geraniums  ( really block 8) 

 Block 8 Sunny Sunflowers

Block 9 Apple Picking

Block 10 Autumn Dusk

Bonus Block Fall Baking ( Photo coming soon. )

Bonus Block Jack's Bucket ( Photo Coming soon. ) 

Block 11 Harvest Season

 Roll and Bake and Gingerbread and Marshmallows

Block 10 Snow For Sale,  

Block 11 With A Corncob Pipe 

Mr. Snow SAL Block 12 - Ice Skating

Spring Checklist 

Summer Checklist  ( for doodle)          Finishing Instructions for Summer Doodle ( for measurements and finishing instructions. )

Whatcha Ma Call It Block Tutorial was posted on April 29, 2024. 

Happy Scrappy Flags

Scrapberry Quilt Block

Pat-a -Cake Quilt

Autumn Delight Quilt

Harvest Season  Doodles ( photo coming soon) 

Sprinkles of Christmas  ( photo coming soon) 

Thank you for dropping by to see what I did for 2024. 

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Be bright! Be happy ! Be you!" -  

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

2024 Cross Stitch Freebies Year in Review /Parade

Good morning , sweet friends. Can you believe we have made it to the last day of the year? How did that happen?  

Well in celebration I thought I would share a parade of some of the freebies that I posted this year. Some are still waiting to be fully finished, but I will get there- perhaps this year. Hee! Hee!  

Here Comes the Parade ! I do hope you will join me as I go down 2024's cross stitch memory lane. 

Dreaming of Snow

Snow Tart

 The Star Spangled Winter Home

Gathering Snowflakes

 Love You With All My Heart

The little heart pillows are made from old clothing. 
Love Delivery

Mini Tulip Sampler

Mini Bunny Sampler

Strawberry Stamp Header  ( Photo coming soon. )

Mini Flag Sampler

The gorgeous fabric star behind the sampler was a darling gift from my dear friend, Patricia. I love it. ❤

Bee Balm

Itty Bitty Bee Pinkeep
I added a gourd pin with some buttons to the corner of the pinkeep. 

Summer Cabin

In My Heart She Blooms- Amy's 2024 Berry

An Autumn's Day

The gorgeous crocheted pillow was a gift from dear Barbara. I love it! 

A Pumpkin or Two

Squirrel Jar

Itty Bitty Gingerbread House

Blessed - 5 year IG Anniversary 

Crows in the Pumpkin Patch

Christmas Stamp

Itty Bitty Thumbprint Cookies

Christmas Stamp

Dec. 25, 1865 Prim Cross Stitch

And Snow Fell or the Cardinal House

Baking Day

I think I had a pretty good year of stitching. That is not to count all of the other pieces that I stitched that were not my own design.  So are you making stitchy plans for 2025?  I am !😀 I am going to work on a few samplers and the Prairie Schooler  " A Merry Mini Surprise " Santas.  Oh and I must not forget the Winter Stamps that I am still working on. 

Fabric is dyed for the Winter Stamp SAL. I will be posting information about the stitch along tomorrow. Hope you will drop by. 

I will post the Doodle  freebie parade at noon. So drop by if you are in the neighborhood. Have a beautiful day! 

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Every day has new possibilities."

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 

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