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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Autumn's Saltbox- A Fall Freebie and a Little Christmas Treat.

 Cock a Doodle Doo! Rise and Shine , my sweet friends!!! 

This is little stitch is from Hands on Design and Priscilla Blain. 

  I am so glad that we are friends because I have a  little confession to make. I did something last night.😳 I know some of you are going to roll your eyes and shake your head with a smile on your face, but ssssh don't tell anyone but ....    I turned on the Christmas music last night.  Lol. 😁😳😃  I know... I know. I promise I am  not jumping the holidays . I just wanted to relax. That's my story and I am sticking to it! Lol  . Soooo  with a click on Youtube my toes were  a tapping, and I was a singing off tune with joy in my heart with   Nat King Cole , Frank Sinatra and oh yes! Elvis. Do I get a reprieve with the revelation that I was working on a   little Christmas stitching too? Aaah ! Come on - join the dark side😂😆😇😜 and listen to Christmas music before October. I want tell.   Lol.  

Ok I know.  Why am I talking about Christmas music when it is Pumpkin Tuesday!    

So Happy Pumpkin Tuesday , punkins!

Rosie's Pumpkins - A 2020 Fall Freebie found here on the blog. 


 My pumpkin stitch for today is Autumn's Saltbox.

 It is named after my daughter.  A crisp  white house sits amid a yard filled with pumpkins. Of course, I had to add my crows and Midnight, a childhood kitty that I once had. 

The leaves have turned on the tree. 

This is a small measuring. 69 x62 and on 14 count aida that would measure about  4 7/8" x 4 3/8". 


If you are interested, please check out my little pdfs below and the little disclaimer .

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

The mischief in me is screaming "Post a Christmas stitch too!!!  " Okee Dokee . Will do ". I might just get one of you  singing off tune with  me and  ole ' Blue Eyes tonight. Sooo... Here is a little Christmas stitch to tempt you.

 It is called "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" . I chose a certain color scheme for a tree idea I have, but you could stitch it in your favorite colors.   After I stitched my Christmas boxes, I decided I wanted them to have some polka dots so being the lazy stitcher that I am I just stitched in some white stitches over my previous stitches.😃 I didn't chart the polka dots , but you could add them if you like. 

 I haven't FFOd mine yet , but I will post when I do.  ( Can you see how close to the edge I stitched?  I am cutting it close for FFOing. lol . I just love to use those scraps though. ) 

Click here for the instruction page

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

It has been a delightful visit, my friends. I sure hope you will come back soon. I have 2 other Christmas stitches like this one that uses the same colors. I hope to post them in the future, and of course, I am always dreaming of saltboxes. Have a very blessed Autumn day and as always...

Happy Stitching, ya'll


Oh! And go listen to some Christmas music !

Pumpkin is the spice of life!  

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who would be ready to take her younguns to the pumpkin patch in the fall. I love  and miss you, Amo. 


  1. This week has been warm and sunny, a beautiful autumn week. Last week with cold, dreary and rainy. We actually turned the furnace on for the first time! I had the Christmas music on then. I always enjoy viewing your lovely little houses, happy stitching!

    1. Our week has started out warm as well. It actually feels wonderful and I wish we could enjoy this weather year round. Still have the air on here though. Lol. Well I am so glad that I am not the only one already enjoying Christmas music. It is relaxing. Happy quilting, Gretchen and thank you for the sweet visit.

  2. No worries on the Christmas music - I have presents wrapped and ready to go! LOL! Dh dislikes Christmas music so I just sang to myself. ;-)
    Love your new Autumn saltbox - thank you for the pattern - so cute! And thank you for a new Christmas pattern - like I need an excuse to make another ornament! :-D

    1. Wow ,Donna . You are on the stick. I have got to get myself together and start some Christmas shopping. The hardest part for me is to get them wrapped. Lol. Aah thank you on the little stitches. They were so much fun. I hope you enjoy them. I do need to start a new saltbox soon. It seems like it has been awhile since I have stitched one. Have a great week and happy stitching.

  3. Both are darling, but my favorite is the autumn saltbox, Melisa! Thank you!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. It was a fun one to stitch. I wish I could have my whole yard filled with pumpkins.I do have the occasional crow though. Lol. Have a fabulous week and happy stitching.

  4. Darling little salt box! And the little Christmas stitchery would make a great ornament! You are amazing! Who can keep up with you???? 🎄 🎅🏼

    1. Lol thank you so much, Penny. I am dreaming of a bright and cheerful Christmas tree with several of these ornaments. I hope to get more completed soon. They are simple and quick but fun. Thank you for the sweet visit, Penny . Happy stitching.

  5. Love all of your little salt boxes. Just need to make time to stitch the series. Not quite ready for Christmas yet, but there’s nothing like a head start!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jennie. I really do have a great time creating and stitching the saltbox and it is even more fun to share them. Oh I understand I think all stitchers need more stitching time . Happy stitching and thank you for the sweet comment.

  6. Our neighbor got a rooster that crows from the wee morning hours so cock-a-doodle-doo makes me want to scream. :) I'm a light sleeper, so there's been a lot of tossing and turning the past week. :/ There's something about Christmas music that just sparks joy. I actually was listening to cd's in my car recently and realized there's still a Christmas one in there. Oops! Always love your stitchwork. Take care.

  7. Hahaha I love to see I am not the only one with Christmas on my brain!! :D I love the saltbox house!! Thank you!

  8. Thank you for both charts, so cute! I'm not ready for Christmas music just yet, I tend to start wanting to in November when it feels like autumn is over and winter has begun.

  9. Thank you for the new freebie. I'm going to stitch it right away. Will be my first of yours but look forward to doing all the houses.

  10. I just read your post this morning and let me tell has made my day ! I have been tempted to listen to Christmas music and I will probably put some on this weekend while I am
    at home. Love, love your little stitches ... Hugs to you ! Happy Autumn for now !

  11. Melissa you are so generous with your designs and they are always so cute!! I did start one of yours that you showcased last year with pumpkin/crow/sunflower mini. I figured I should be able to get it done in a week of evening stitchin'!

  12. Oooooh, a new Saltbox House, I love this one, I think I say that every time. Every time I do love the house until the next NEW Saltbox, LOL!!! Christmas Music in September, okay, it it helps to keep you calm and stitching. I do have a problem with the new Christmas movies that Hallmark Channel shows all year and all day every day in October. I love the oldies and love to watch these every year, but in December. Have a great day, and hum and sing to your heart's desire..

  13. thanks for another cute saltbox slowly getting them done finished Turkey creek this morning

  14. Such a cute new saltbox, Melisa! Thank you--and your little Christmas freebie is adorable, too. I stitch Christmas year round so your listening to Christmas music doesn't seem strange at all :) Enjoy your evening! ♥

  15. I just love your saltbox series - have started stitching them and only have one done so far. I am going to make them into little pillows (like you did) and I have a wooden bowl to put them all in. Going to start on this new one - so adorable! Have you ever thought of doing a barn to go with the series? Thank you for all the stitchy patterns.

  16. Thanks so much for these charts. You are always so generous in sharing these designs. I love them.

  17. Another sweet saltbox. Thank you.

  18. Every day is a great day for Christmas music!


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