Good morning, Sunshine. Please join me in the quilt room. I am sewing up a storm and need all of the help I can get. 😀
On the agenda today is Scrappy Hourglass blocks.
Grab some scraps and pull up a seat.
Do you mind cutting those fabrics into 4 1/2" blocks? I will be making 3 1/2" unfinished blocks today.
I always forget the formula for hour glass making. Are you like that ?
Anywhoo. I have listed the formula and a tutorial mainly to help this old gal out when piecing. You can bet your bottom dollar I will be referring back to this post quite often. 😀🤔
HOURGLASS BLOCK FORMULA FOR CUTTING FABRIC- Take the desired finished block size you have in mind and add 1 1/2" . For example I want a finished 3 " FINISHED hour glass block so I add 1 1/2" and cut the fabrics accordingly.
3" + 1 1/2" = 4 1/2"
Cut 4 - 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" squares from 4 different fabrics
DIRECTIONS: ( Use 1/4" seam allowance. )
🧵1. Cut 4 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" squares.

🧵2. Cut each square on the diagonal twice. You will end up with 16 HST.
Lines are drawn to cut on the diagonal twice. |
🧵3. Arrange 4 triangles into a pleasing scrappy hour glass block.
Arranging the 4 scrappy triangles
Pair the triangles off. |
🧵4. Sew 2 triangles together down the sides of the triangle creating a flying geese unit.
The two triangles are sewn together. |
🧵5. Repeat for the 2nd pair of triangles.

🧵6. Take your the units created in Steps 4 & 5 to the ironing board and arrange the triangles as you would when making the scrappy hour glass block. Press seams in opposite directions so that the seams nest.
Arrange triangle on the ironing board . Press seams in opposite direction so seams nest. |
🧵7. Place the triangle units right sides together, and pin in place where the seams nest and at each end.
Units are ready to flip and pin. |
Pin triangles together at center and corners. |
🧵8. Sew the units together down the base of the triangle units.
Sewing the hourglass block. |
🧵9. Take hour glass block to iron board and press the seams open to reduce the bulk.
Seams pressed open. The dog ears need to be clipped. |

🧵10. Return to the cutting mat and trim the dog ears and square the block up. It should measure 3 1/2" unfinished. Using a square ruler , line up the diagonal drawn line on the ruler with the diagonal seam .
Lining up the diagonal seam with the diagonal line on the ruler. |
Trim on the top and side. Rotate the block and repeat the same step - lining up the diagonal and previous trimmed sides then proceed to trim .Remember to check your measurements before continuing to trim.
Using a ruler with a diagonal line, line up the diagonal seam and trim 2 sides. |
Rotate the block and trim the other 2 sides. |
🧵11. Using the remainder of the triangles which were cut in Step 2, continue making hour glass blocks. You will end up with a total of 4.

🧵12. Wahlah! Your cutie patootie scrappy hourglass blocks are complete!

Today I will be making more Scrappy Hourglass Blocks. These are going to be added to the Sunny Rails and Happy Trails quilt that I am working on.

Thank you so much for joining me in the quilt room today and...
As always,
Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all
Time is a gift; use it wisely.
Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵
Dedicated to my dear sweet, baby sister, Amy I love and miss you , Amo. ❤❤❤❤