Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Buzz Buzz- A Little Bee Freebie

 Buzz, Buzz, my dear friends. That means welcome in bee talk. Lol Happy Tuesday. How are you today? I hope you are staying busy and are doing something you love .

 I feel as though it has been quite awhile since I have visited with you though it has only been five days. Lol. The weekend was very busy . I have to say  pool time and family time ruled the weekend. 😀🏊

I did work a bit on Blackbird Designs Antique 1861 Sampler. I am using the floss that I have in my stash, and I am loving every stitch of this design.  This stitch is in The Friendship Way book. 

This will probably be my last post for the month of June - which makes me sort of sad , but I am also happy because I am fixing to hit the wide open road for a 2 week camping vacation . Where does this gal go when the weather gets hot -No not the beach but the desert! Lol. I think I am up for a new adventure though we will probably be visiting some of the same old spots. 

Well today  I am so excited to share with you another real quick stitch that you can finish in two shakes of a lamb's tail.  Now that's quick isn't it?   This stitch is called Buzz Buzz! 


In a previous post I told you about finishing 4 small bee stitches in a day. This is one of them. 


 I FFOd it on a piece of rough cut scrap plywood hornbook that my hubby cut out for me . I decided to paint it  white for a light summery look. 

I am loving how the finish turned out.  If you would like to stitch it , please check out the pdfs below. 

Click here for colored chart. 

Click here for black and white chart. 

Once the patriotic season is over with I hope to place my bee stitches on my hutch or buffet with lots of sunflowers.  


Buzz Buzz looks so cute with the Bee Sampler and Home which were freebies that I posted earlier.   Other bee charts that I have posted are The Bee Keepers  and Bees, Blooms and Chickens  , Beelieve in Freedom  , and Aunt Bea's Summer Home   .  Just click on the names to visit those posts.  

Thank you for stopping by, sweet friends. I will talk to you in 2 weeks, but you can always pop back by for a visit and maybe a quick  little stitch. As always...

Happy stitching, Ya'll


Kind words are like honey- Sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. 

Hugs and Stitches

Friday, June 11, 2021

Chickens, Chipmunks, and Ice Trays?

 Happy Friday, ya'll!  I woke up this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for a fabulous Friday. As I working my way through my normal morning  routine- , I peeked out the window and who should I see but good ole'  Alvin the Chipmunk who dwells on my front porch. Oh what a delight, I  rushed over for my camera and a clickety click , I actually got a descent photo.  

Well enough of the little critters. It was time to visit the Quilt Nest. In no time flat,  fabrics scraps were flying and the rotary cutter was in action.

 Simple little nine patches  in pretty  purples and blues . Check- a completed goal for the week. 

Next a purple little chicken was waiting to be appliqued. It took about a whole 30 minutes.

 "Woo Hoo! I'm on a roll today," I thought. " Nothing is going to stop me now!! ", I yelled out in glee." I am going to do the happy dance", I  said to no one in particular. I jumped up  , did a little jig that my girls would be totally embarrassed by and then made my way into the kitchen to  get a big refreshing glass of ice tea, and that is when my bare feet stepped into a puddle of water.

 EEEERK !! Can you hear the morning screeching to a hault. Lol "Oh' darn it water is covering the floor. What  is going on here?" Well it ended up being  the ice maker. Yep that meant no ice tea . "Oh dab nab it," I thought' . Soon hubby  came to the rescue. " Ice tea and back to morning stitching here soon!"  I exclaimed. After some studying, he fixed the situation by cutting off the water to the ice machine. lol 

 Well I guess now I am going to have to use my ice trays for something other than thread holders.😄 

Does that mean I need to use my pans for cooking rather than  holding fabric too?  Lol . 😜😆


Aah ! it is a beautiful day, and it is off to a great start. I hope yours is too, my lovely friends. Thank you so much for the sweet visit and as always...

Happy quilting. ya'll


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Angela of So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Alycia of Alycia's Quilts   For Finished or Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 133

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party 

Life in the Scrappatch  for Stitch Sew & Show  No. 21

Sweet Tea makes everything better. 

Hugs and Stitches

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Aunt Bea's Summer Home - A Summer Freebie

It is another beautiful day in the south. There is a chance of rain each day of the week. Though it makes the summer days a bit muggy, I love seeing how green and fresh everything looks. The tree limbs always hang so low after the rain. 

The view from my front porch. 

 I have always wanted to live in a yellow house, but that will never be.  But I can stitch one 😃and this one has had an addition  to it- a bee skep on the roof.  It might be a little difficult for the bee keeper to check the hive, but the bees are probably pretty happy especially with all of the overgrown flowers nearby.  

This is Aunt Bea's Summer House which has been buzzing around in my head for a couple of weeks until I had to stitch it - I just could not stop thinking about it.

Some smaller bee skeps are nestled in a little red wagon underneath the flora. 

Wouldn't this little motif bee cute to stitch on its own?

I finished my little house like the other homes I have been creating - a simple little pillow finish which is  as easy as falling off a log and super quick too .  

If you are interested in stitching this little house , I invite you to check out the pdfs below. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for instruction page. 

Click here for colored chart.  

Click here for black and white chart. 

I would like to take a moment to show you my other homes that I have shared in previous posts. I love seeing them all together.

  If you would like to visit any of the other homes in my village, just click on the name of the house you are interested in  and you will be directed to the post with the pdf. 

Well I am off to enjoy the day. What's on the agenda? Wednesdays are usually a day spent in the Quilt Nest. I do have some purple nine patches that need to be churned out. Fingers crossed I can make that happen. Lol.  Have a beeautiful  day and as always...
Happy stitching, ya'll.
The hum of bees is the voice of the garden. 
Hugs and stitches.
I do feel like it has been awhile since I have told you how much I appreciate each and every one of you . You pick me up, lift my spirits, and provide me so much encouragement. Thank you for being you and for your kindness, sweet visits, and comments. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Tommy Toe Snatcher- A Tomato Tuesday Freebie and an Ooops

 Happy , happy Tuesday, dear friends. Well it's another Tomato Tuesday. Do you have any maters growing in pots or in your garden? I have a few Tommy Toes, Celebrity Tomatoes, Sun Sugars and Cherokee Purples- just enough to get Mr. Pinker and I through the summer months. I am thinking fried green tomatoes ( yum yum), mayonaisse and tomato sandwiches (  yum yum ) and of course on the healthy side- salads ( not much excitement on this food choice) lol.   

Tuesdays is always a fun day because I know I am going to be working on something tomato related with my friend , Joan and a tiny stitch with my friend Christina who hosts #tinytuesdaycrossstitching. On Memorial Day, I created this little stitch complete with a basket to gather yummy Tommy Toes but  a little snatcher snuck into my stitch 😆, and she has grabbed a small vine of this juicy fruit for her munching pleasure.

Aaah I think she is a cute birdie so she can have her maters. 

 I stitched mine on 14 count coffee/ tea dyed aida and used  7 floss colors which were 433, 310, 782, 3345, 3022, 816, and 413. I do not have a full set of DMC so I always just work with what I have on hand; I definitely encourage you to choose your favorite colors when stitching any of my designs. 

 If you would like to stitch the Tommy Toe Snatcher , check out the pdfs below. It is a real quick stitch and can be completed in just a few hours . 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for instruction page. 

Click here for colored chart.  

Click here for black and white chart. 

I had originally planned a round finish for this stitch, but again I stitched too close to the edge to finish on the piece I had planned- so a good ole' pinkeep was fine. I never can have too many little bowl fillers. 

Now onto my OOPS- CORRECTION- This is for BEELIEVE IN FREEDOM. The mistake is in the directions under FABRIC.  I stitched the design on  tea/coffee 14 count aida NOT Charcoal Gray fabric. I am so sorry for the mistake or any confusion. 

Thank you so much for the sweet visit today and hope your day is filled with many blessings. As always...

Happy Stitching, ya'll



There ain't nothing better in life than true love and a homegrown tomato- Old saying

                Hugs and Stitches. 

Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Color Purple and Bees

 Happy, happy Saturday, 

May I greet you with a little nursery rhyme? 

        I never saw  purple cow

        I never hope to be one

        But I can tell you anyhow,

        I would rather see than be one      -  Gelett Burgess

Lol isn't that the cutest? I always loved that rhyme. Why the Purple Cow rhyme you ask ?  Well this month's color is Purple in the  RSC or Rainbow Scraps Challenge with Angela at So Scrappy.

 So I have trucked in a few purples from the Quilt Nest to come up with something in order to stay in the game. 💜😀 Perhaps a Purple Cow applique? Who knows. Lol

No, purple cow in my collection.

 Hmmm  Maybe I do need a purple cow! Oh goodness !😆🐄💜🐮

Speaking of Purple Cows -  Doesn't this sound yummy!

I did pull out on old UFO to quilt on .This was a small quilt that I made in 2004 when I was in mourning over the passing of my grandmother.

 It will  be a hard one to work on, but it does need to be finished. 

To tell you the truth, there is not much excitement going on in the Quilt Nest. I have churned out a few rail fence blocks from 1 1/2" scraps but that is about all.  

No plans for these yet. 

I do have a little cross stitch to share with you today. It is another bee stitch and of course is a small. 

This one is called "Home" . It measures 53 W x 20H. A great one to stitch on scraps. I stitched mine on 14 count aida which brings it to measure about 3 3/4" x 1 3/8". 

 I finished mine on a Dollar Tree crate that I found in the craft section ( I got these buttons too, but I will use those on other projects) .

 It was unfinished so I painted mine white.  I mounted my stitch to a batting covered cardboard . I think it turned out pretty cute. If you would like to stitch this little please, just check out the pdf. 

Click here for pdf. 

If you check out my last post, you will find links to other bee stitches that I have offered, and yep, there is more quick stitches  to come. 

Well I am going to buzz off here. I am tickled pink that you visited me today or should I say "tickled purple" since that is this month's color. 😀 Have a beautiful day and as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 132

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party 

Life in the Scrappatch  for Stitch Sew & Show  No. 21

Frederique at  Applique Patchwork Quilting for Patchwork & Quilts #55

I'll love you till the cows come home. 

Hugs and Stitches

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Beelieve in Freedom - A Patriotic Freebie

  What ? It is already Wednesday? I tell you when we have a long holiday weekend the week following sure does fly by for me.  In fact sometimes , I think it is the wrong day. Do you do that? 

Happy Wednesday, ya'll and welcome. I am so delighted you popped in for a bit. Yesterday was a busy day finishing up little odd and ends. I went outside for a bit only to discover that there was not much for me to do outside since Mr. Pinker was mowing.  I did move a few river rock over to the gardens framing them in better and later in the evening I watered the flowers.  I would say it was a nice, quiet, uneventful day in my neck of the woods. I worked on my little Tomato Tuesday stitch which you will see fully finished hopefully soon.

 Today I would love to share with you two of my favorite summer themes all wrapped into one- patriotic and bees.  This little stitch is called Beelieve in Freedom.


 A big ole' bee skep in the good ole' red, white , and blue. Lots of bees buzzing around and why not since the skep is nestled in a garden of blooms.   


 Gosh! I could just imagine this skep in my garden, but alas we are not bee keepers - yet! 

This is a small measuring 64 x 62 and on 14 count aida that would measure around 4 5/8 x 4 3/8" . 


I finished mine on a little Dollar Tree plaque. 

I just mounted it to foam board with a little batting on it and eased it into the plaque opening.  Another easy peasy finish.


 Would you like to stitch it? If so, I would be so delighted; just check out the pdfs below. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs.

Click here for instruction page.   OOPS- There is an oops in my directions where it says FABRIC I stitched it on tea/coffee dyed aida NOT Charcoal gray. I am so sorry for this mistake

Click here for colored chart.  

Click here for the black and white chart. 

Did you know that I posted another bee skep yesterday? I sure did. 

If you would like to visit any of the other bee pieces, just click on the names and you will be directed to the post with the pdfs. 

Other bee charts that I have posted are The Bee Keepers 

 , Bees, Blooms and Chickens  ,

 and  Bee Sampler .  

  I have to tell you, there are more small bee stitches coming too. These are just little stitches that can be finished lickety split. In fact, I stitched 4 of them in a day. So if you are interested please come back for a visit. 

If you have missed any of the patriotic stitches, these are the ones that I have posted previously  

Old Glory an Itty Bitty Stitch

Little  Liberty  Manor 


Red White and Blue 

Betsy Ewe 


Stars, Stripes and Chickens 

Sarah Jane's Saltbox    and  Liberty 


I can not believe I have got all of these stitched here lately. I doesn't seem like I have accomplished much at all until I see the stitches all in one place.
 Well I hope that you are having a very blessed day and thank you so much for the sweet visit. I always appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to spend with me. As always...
Happy stitching, ya'll
          This was some of 2020 bee decor which I had out on display in August. 
Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit. - Ronald Reagan
Hugs and Stitches

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