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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Tale of Minnie's Poppy Quilt

  Hello there , Sunshine . Welcome. 

 A few months ago Mr. Pinker and I went on the World's Longest Yard Sale.   As we were trucking along , I asked Mr. Pinker, " Do you remember where I bought the Alabama Beauty quilt top last year? "  

Mr. Pinker looked at me like I was half baked. "Uuuh I am not sure what you are talking about, " he said in bewilderment. 

"Alabama Beauty"  . I bought this quilt partially quilted. 

 " You know! You know!  The old quilt that I am working on.  The one in the living room. "  I could tell Mr. Pinker was scanning his memory  . 

"Hmmm,  I think you have 3 quilts in the living room in hoops," he said with a smile. 

I promptly pulled out my phone and showed him the photo of Alabama Beauty . "Aaah yes, you bought that in Mentone," Mr. Pinker replied.   

   "Mentone, bound! " I yelled out the window. "Put the pedal to the metal. " Mr. Pinker just shook his head and continued puttering down the road. Clearly, he did not understand a gal on a mission for a quilt top or quilty treasure.    Hee! Hee!  

Soon we made our way to where the lady was  set up last year, and luckily, she was there again this year. 😀 I immediately jumped out of the truck in search for a quilt or top. Two ladies were ahead of me and were snatching up a couple of  quilt tops for themselves. Oh bummer, I thought I am too late ,and then I spotted it - a red and white quilt.  I was walking as fast as my little legs could muster in order   to check it out.   I swear a bright ray of sunshine beamed down from the cloudy sky onto this beauty as I lovingly stroked the fabrics. 

    "Hmmm $35. Do I want to spend that much today?" I asked myself.  I walked away trying to save myself, but  soon I found my way back.  

As I was looking at all of the pretty flowers so lovingly hand appliqued , the seller came up to me, and we began to chat.

 I told her that I bought a quilt top partially quilted from her last year and by golly, she remembered.  

"I will let you have this one for $30" , she said kindly. 

"SOLD!" I cheered with a big smile on my face.  I looked around for Mr. Pinker . " Yoo Hoo " I need a little bit of moolah" . Mr. Pinker  made his way from the boxes upon boxes of odds and ends and handed me a few dollars .  I was one happy gal as we made our way back to the truck.  

"You found a great quilt," said Mr. Pinker. 

 " I sure did! Thank you , Sweetie for the gift .  " And with that we were off to our next yard sale.  

I decided to name this quilt Minnie's Poppy Quilt.  The flowers remind me of poppies.  I am curious . Have you seen this pattern before?

  Each block has 5 needle turned appliqued flowers that are accented with black blanket stitches and French knots. 

The blocks are 14 " squared .  

The quilt is hand quilted. 

Aaah just look at that backing.  

I am over the moon with this quilt and decided to hang it up for Christmas. I do believe it is going to be one of my favorites. 

Well, Sweeties. I am headed to the kitchen. There is lots of food to prep for tomorrow's meal. The cranberries are already chopped and now I need to  chop peppers and onions. If you in the neighborhood, drop by , I could use all the help I could get. Hee! Hee!  Have a blessed and beautiful day. Love ya'! 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

Keep your face always to the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. - Walt Whitman 
Hugs and Stitches!!!  And Snowman Kisses. 
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  . ❤

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday

Alycia's of Alycia's Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant - Friday

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Joy at Days Filled with Joy for Home Matters


  1. What * a * beautiful * quilt. It bring joy and all handquilted. My what a work! Enjoy!!
    Hugs, Gabi

    1. Happy Wednesday, Gabi. I have to admit that I as over the moon. Of course it being red did not help. LOL. The handquilting does make my heart skip a beat. Have a beautiful day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  2. I agree with Mr Pinker - you did find a great quilt. I love everything about it. The way your displaying it is perfect. I don't believe I've ever seen that pattern. Enjoy!! I'm headed to bed. DarleneJ

    1. Oh thank you so much, Darlene. I think it was just my lucky day that it was still there. Have a restful night's sleep , sweet friend and pleasant dreams. Hugs.

  3. (Little Penpen) Absolutely beautiful! Perfect for Christmas, Valentines Day, and 4th of July!!!

    1. I was jumping for joy, Penny. Of course it being red sent me over the moon. I believe it will be out on display year round and for all the holidays. Thank you for the sweet visit. Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs

  4. At first glance I thought those were huge polka dots🤣 A beautiful find indeed!

    1. Isn't it an unusual quilt, Helen? I would like to reproduce it mini form. Thank you so much for the sweet Wednesday visit. Hugs.

  5. Wow! Great find - you sure are the lucky one - and very aptly named. But who is Minnie?

    1. It was a great day to visit yard sales indeed. I decided to name it Minnie playing off Mentone. Hee! Hee! That way I will remember where I got it. Happy Thanksgiving, Donna and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  6. Enjoy your posts! What a great find. Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Aaaw thank you very kindly. I am so grateful that you dropped by to visit me. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  7. What a great find--I've not seen that Poppy pattern before; it is so charming with the hand blanket stitching and french knots...very "prim" looking...I will be doing the housework today and getting table ready for tomorrow...our cooking will all be on T-Day morning...
    I sure hope your Thanksgiving will be a joyous one, Melisa;)) hugs, Julierose

    1. It does have a prim look doesn't it , Julierose? I fell in love with it at first sight. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. We have been cooking up a storm here. We will probably start eating early too and by evening time leftovers. LOL. Enjoy your day. Hugs.

  8. Do you have any idea how old this new quilt addition is? Nope never seen this pattern before. It looks right at home in your display. Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. I am not for sure, Vicki. I was looking at it and was wondering if it is from the late 1940's or 50's . The red reminds me of some of the reds in those time frame quilts that I have. It is an oldie though. I would love to know the history. Thank you for the sweet visit and Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  9. I love your Minnie's Poppy Quilt. It is so beautiful and i, too, have been making lots of red and white quilts. you purchased a very lucky find. i love it Melisa. i hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving feast with your family. it is definitely a day to be grateful for all we have. many blessings and love coming your way Melisa.
    Debra Broyles

    1. It is hard for me to resist a red and white quilt. I was a happy gal indeed. Oh, I bet you have a beautiful collection, Debra. I would love to have a bunch of red and white quilts someday too. I wish you and your family the most blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for the sweet Wednesday visit. Love and Hugs.

  10. What a beautiful quilt you snatched up, Melisa! You are one lucky gal with all your quilting finds.

    1. I have had a great year on finding quilts. I think some years are like that. I was thrilled to pieces to get this one. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, Robin. It is already raining here so I am not sure if it is headed your way or not. Hugs.

  11. At first glance, your lovely new quilt looked to me like the roll of the dice in Yahtzee. You rolled a lot of 5's. When you showed us the close up of the stitching it became a different story all together. So pretty! Perfect for all the "red" holidays. It is so graphically appealing. Beautiful backdrop for your holiday displays. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow.

    1. Well how clever, Ginny . I would have never thought of a dice, but yep it does look like the roll of a 5. ( I always loved Yahtzee. Hee! Hee! ) I was trying to find the pattern on the internet but have yet to find anything. Oh well, I am a happy gal to have it. Have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  12. I've never seen that pattern but it is a beauty! You find the best treasures, Melisa. And your Mr. Pinker is one great guy!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I hadn't either, Jeanna. I have been searching the internet trying to find the pattern , but have yet to find it so a poppy quilt it will be until I find out otherwise. LOL. Oh yes, I am blessed to have my DH. He is a keeper. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  13. Minnie's Poppy Quilt is a beauty for sure. Lovely for Christmas and lovely for Veteran's Day. One can tell it was lovingly made. You got yourself quite a bargain. Happy Thanksgiving!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Susie. I am so happy to have this gem. It will be on display most of the year ; it fits right on in with my decor. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  14. I would love to visit one of those wonderful garages, Melisa! In Spain, second-hand sales are not so widespread. You found a beautiful treasure.
    Hugs from Seville

    1. Oh I wish you could too, Isabel. We drive through 3 states and visit so many sales. Sometimes we run upon a bargain or two. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  15. Isn't that a fun find?! The blocks do remind me of poppies. The quilt looks in good shape, too. Happy Thanksgiving, Melisa! Enjoy your time with the family and all that yummy Thanksgiving food!

    1. I was over the moon, Diann. There are only a few stains, but that doesn't bother me none the least. I am proud to have this beauty to enjoy. Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  16. What a stunning quilt and no I have never seen te pattern before. Really a great find !

    1. Oh thank you so much, Annelies. I thought it was stunning too. So simple but beautiful. Thank you for the sweet visit. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  17. Love your new treasure, Melisa! You find the best deals! I've never seen that pattern, but it's so pretty in the red, white and black and it's perfect for hanging in that spot!! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I was jumping for joy to be able to get this quilt, Brenda and for a song at that. I hope to enjoy it year round . I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration . Hugs.

  18. What a treasure you found! And what a treasure you have in Mr. Pinker - that he would remember where you bought that quilt! You are a blessed woman!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Elaine. Hubby is pretty good about remembering where I get my quilts. He often looks for them for me too. He knows they are my passion. I wish you a very Happy and blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  19. Oh my goodness! What a beautiful quilt. I haven't seen this pattern in any if my books. It's so cute!

    1. Isn't it darling? I have been searching the internet in hopes of finding a little bit about the pattern. I am over the moon to have this beauty. Thank you so much, Katie for the sweet Wednesday visit. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs.

  20. I have to admit that I would have got the quilt at $35 too. Hee! Hee , but $ 5 off was even better. Don't you just love going to estate sales? The last day is a day for deals but oh I know how you feel when you miss a good deal by mere seconds. Do you collect a particular pattern , color or design of Hull. I collect Hull too. I am always on the look out for cheap yellow or pink Hull pieces. Well really any color seems to jump into my arms if they are nicely priced. LOL. I have a good bit of my Nanny's . You did get a good deal for each piece. I am glad to hear that you did not leave empty handed. Oh yes, the thrill of the hunt and at good prices is what I look for too. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hugs and Blessings.

  21. Quelle belle trouvaille Melisa ,j'adore !
    Joyeux Thanksgiving

  22. What a fun day you and Mr. Pinker had. Both the quilt and he are keepers.


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