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Friday, February 10, 2023

Back to the Barn Friday- A Barnyard Christmas Freebie

Here we go again! Put on those farm boots and throw on some overalls for we are heading back to the barn!    

Happy Friday, ya'll ! Before we head out , grab you a mug of tea  or coffee and don't forget -- the  fresh baked biscuits are on the stove. We can not begin the afternoon on an empty stomach.   

While you are eating, let me tell you about Sweet Petunia. Do you  remember me telling you about her in October

Oh, that has been awhile, I better refresh your memory. Back in October somebody dumped sweet Petunia out at the farm drive way. Of course, the neighboring farmers alerted us right away, and soon we  were told  that a strange truck had been in the neighborhood around dusk.  Hmmm! I wonder if they were the culprits. 

Mr. Pinker  tried to find her owners and even inquired on the local radio station, but alas, still  no one has claimed her.  We believe that since it is known by many that we have a pig farm that someone was tired of feeding her and dropped her off at the farm.  

Petunia is still at the farm and has a ferocious appetite. Should I say she eats like a hog!!! 😁😅. Anyway I have been calling her Sweet Petunia, but .......Mr. Pinker told me the other day that she was not at all sweet. 😳🐷🐖 He said every time he enters the pen she grunts loudly and then charges. What! I exclaimed! With a face like that  I can not imagine her being anything but sweet. 

The other day, Mr. Pinker and I took the grandbabies out to the farm . They love jumping the round bales and soon they made their way to the pig pen. While I was around the corner looking at the bees, I heard the little one say ,  "I am going to get in there."  I quickly made my way back to the front of the pig pen to see what "Little Bit "was doing, and by golly he had climbed the fence and got in the pen with Petunia.

 I was ready to jump the pen myself, but Sweet Petunia just gave a piggy smile and slowly waddled  up to Little Bit who held a Nutty Buddy treat in his hand. He then fed her and Petunia looked quite pleased.  

I looked at Mr. Pinker and said I don't see anything but Petunia being as sweet as button.  Little Bit and Sweet Petunia got along just fine and there was no charging or grunting. After Petunia ate her sweet treat, she walked calmly away and laid down with the rest of the piggies. All was well in the barnyard.  So now I am wondering what pig is Mr. Pinker talking about. 🤔

And with that I wanted to share with you " Penelope the Christmas Pig" the newest  addition to the Barnyard Christmas series.   Nope I didn't name it after Petunia but after a sweet white pig. 

The Christmas Pig sports a wreath like Margie the Christmas Horse and  Heart the Christmas Cow . 


This is the perfect Farmhouse Friday Stitch. Remember  a Farmhouse Friday stitch is anything that reminds you of farms or the good ole' days. 

If you are interested in stitching Penelope the Christmas Pig  ,grab the images below. Many of ya'll know but I always encourage you to read my little disclaimer and note about getting my charts. 

NOTE: Normally I have been able to create links to the charts and instructions which were in JPG form. For some reason, recent updates on Google Docs. has prevented me from doing that and I am not able to create a pdf without having to deal with storage issues.  Many dear stitchers say they right click, save the image and then print.  I think some have copied and pasted it to a Word document that they can print off as well. I hope you are able to find a way to enjoy this chart. You will have to click each page to save. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and for all of the helpful tips and ideas. 

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding . I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs.

Alrighty, now that we have chatted and ate, are you ready to head out the the barn? Hmmm! I have an idea.💡😀 How about let's just sit and stitch, and we will let Mr. Pinker go out and clean the pig pen. He doesn't mind, and  I think we would have a lot more fun stitching the day away . Don't you? 

 As Always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


I learned long ago, never wrestle with a pig, besides, you get dirty and the pig likes it. - George Bernard Shaw

Hugs and Stitches  !!!🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy  who had a pot belly pig herself just a year before. You would have loved Petunia, Amy . Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤


  1. Such a sweet little tale about Petunia the pig, maybe she doesn't like men!

    1. Lol that is what I thought then Mr. Pinker told me the other day that she did not like him cleaning the pen which he does daily. Lol She is a sweetie though.

  2. What a sweet little piggy stitch! Lady Penelope Ann, or Penny for short, was my little black Bantam hen at our place. Her Bantam hubby, Charles Van Dyke III, Charley for short, and her were such a sweet couple! Thanks for bringing that memory to mind. I did a double take on your last picture. I thought for a minute that a cow was jumping over the donkey! Sheesh! LOL

    1. Oh what darling names for your hen and rooster, Ginny. Lol I bet they had personality as well. Thank you for bringing a smile to my day. I love to hear pet names.

  3. Poor Petunia, glad she ended up at your farm. Maybe she's been treated badly by some male person, that's why she's not happy to see your husband? Guess she'll never tell you. Sweet farm stitcheries.

    1. Petunia is a sweetie. I finally got the whole story from hubby. Petunia get awful grumpy when he cleans the pig pen. He washes it down with water and cleans everything out and she does not like that one single bit. Lol.

  4. Sweet Petunia has quite a tale to tell about herself. I love her and of course her ornament must be stitched very soon. Thank you, Melisa!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Darlene. She has been a nice addition to the farm.She is certainly a character. I hope you enjoy the stitch. Hugs

  5. She certainly does seem sweet. I'm thinking she has just taken a disliking to Mr. Pinker because he reminds her of her time before your farm, which may not have been that great? Certainly, Mr. Pinker is sweet and kind and would never hurt a pig! =) I do like your latest series, and especially Penelope. That's my sister's name. In high school, her boyfriend had a pig he named ... Penelope. I don't think she ever felt honored. LOL

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Susan. I thought Petunia must not like men, but Mr. Pinker finally told me the rest of the story. Come to find out she does not like having a clean and tidy pen. When Mr. Pinker pulls out the hose to wash the floors and walls, she is not a happy sow. Lol. I can imagine what you sister must have told her boyfriend.

  6. Oh pigs....not a fan here. I guess Mr Pinker and I are in I grew up on a farm and I always preferred the cows to pigs and chickens. My brother in law runs our family farm now...Foothills Farm. He sells sausage and ground beef and shares pictures on the farm facebook page. How my Daddy would be surprised at all the changes in farming and all the agribusiness. Thanks for adding to our critters Melisa. I do like that sweet, clean pink pig!!

    1. We mainly had cows on our farm as a child as well. Hubby and I have been in the pig farming business for quite a few years. They certainly keep you busy. It sounds like you lived on a lovely farm. It is so wonderful to hear that the farming business is being carried on by the family. Thank you for the sweet visit, Arlene

  7. Poor Mr. Pinker - I guess there are just some people animals don't like or don't prefer.
    Your Christmas pig is so cute! Thank you for adding her.

    1. Lol. so true. Mr. Pinker finally told me the rest of the story and it seems Petunia does not like her pen to be cleaned. It is amazing how smart she is. Have a wonderful day, Donna.

  8. Well, pigs are smarter than most dogs. So, if a dog can take a dislike to anyone who reminds them of a person who mistreated them, so can a pig. Perhaps it was an adult male who tossed Petunia in the truck and dumped her out, and did who knows what for who knows how long beforehand. Maybe Mr Pinker needs to keep treats in his pocket for her whenever he goes into her pen?
    Thanks for the piggy stamp pattern!

    1. I had thought about that too .When I was a child we had a dog that did not like any man except my dad. I always thought she must have been mistreated. Mr. Pinker told me the rest of the story on Petunia. Come to find out she dislikes having her pen cleaned. Lol. She knows that when Mr. Pinker pulls out the hose, he is fixing to wash the pen down. She is indeed smart. Thank you for the sweet visit.

  9. (Little Penpen) what a cute story. My neighbor rescued a pig from another neighbor who just wasn’t home very much. The pig gets out from time to time and causes quite a stir in the neighborhood. Lol The new owner says she is mean to him, but nice to everyone else. 🐷

    1. Isn't that something. Pigs certainly have their own personalities. I can just imagine the stir she creates in the neighborhood . I hope she hasn't got into anyone's plants. Have a wonderful day, penny. Hugs.

  10. What a sweet story. I'm so glad Sweet Petunia was nice to Little Bit! Maybe it's because he shared his treat with her! LOL Penelope is a cutie too. Thanks!

    1. Lol I was glad too, Little Bit loves animals and I am so glad these two got along. Thank you for the sweet visit, Brenda

  11. Love it! And those biscuits look fabulous - do you have a recipe to share? ❤️

    1. Oh thank you so much, Shirley. I do love biscuits and gravy. I will have to post one of my recipes very soon. Hugs.

  12. Sweet new barnyard ornament, Melisa! Your biscuits look incredible. I would love to join you stitching!

    1. I sure do wish you were here to stitch the day with me Robin and we would have biscuits, gravy and all of the fixins as well.

  13. I thank you so much for sharing the farm, and your cross stitch designs. I lived on my sisters farm and cared for her and the animals. I miss them so much 😥🥰. Your sharing brought so many happy memories back! Happy stitching.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Andrea.I am so touched and honored that my little post brought back loving memories of your dear sister and her farm. Sending you a big hug.

  14. Petunia is a beauty!! Thanks for sharing your farm life. It is wonderful living vicariously through your posts.
    Thanks again for the stitching charts, they re so cute! I love them all. Is there recipe for those biscuits? They look perfect. They remind me of those frozen ones I just put in the pan and bake. They always turn out great!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Aaah you are so kind, dear. I am so happy that you enjoy seeing a bit of my farm life. It is a small farm, but it is a busy one. I will have to post a recipe of my biscuits in a future post. Biscuits and gravy is one of my favorites. We eat it more often for supper than breakfast. Have a very lovely day.

  15. Thank you so much for this sweet design! My son's GF loves pigs... I am looking forward to stitching this for her for Christmas. She will love it and appreciate it. Heart the Cow will be for my daughter. Thank you for your generosity!

    1. Aaah I am so glad that you like these little designs and I am so very honored that you will be stitching them for gifts. I sure hope that you enjoy them. Have a beautiful day and Happy stitching.

  16. Loved reading about Petunia pig--how funny that she has not taken to your husband, but loved your grandson! Your ornament designed in her honor is adorable and makes a perfect addition to your barnyard series! Thank you! ♥

    1. Oh thank you so much, Carol. Come to find out that Petunia did not like her pen to be cleaned. Every time Mr. Pinker pulled out the water hose she would get grumpy . Lol.

  17. What a funny story about Petunia! I'm kind of shocked that someone would dump a pig! People would dump cats and dogs all the time near my childhood home in the countryside. But a pig!?! Our neighbor has a pot belly pig right here in town! It's mostly indoors, but we see in the front yard every now and then.

    1. I was shocked too. We have very few neighbors in our area and those we do have are farmers themselves. We are the only pig farmer that I know of around here. Lol I love pot belly pigs. We used to have a "town pot belly " as well. I would love to see it when I drove by the owners home . Thank you for the sweet visit, Nancy.


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