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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Prim Winter- Gifts

Happy December, ya'll! 

This sweet Santa was a gift from a dear friend. Isn't he adorable? 

 It is a beautiful day in my neck of the woods.

 A little chilly,  but it should warm to the mid 50's by noon.


 Mr. Pinker is going to work on a little greenhouse for me later on today. I am so looking forward to puttering around in the dirt especially come spring time. 

Right now I am enjoying some coleus cuttings that I have in little jars of water. They are rooting nicely.  

 I am officially calling today a "Stitching Holiday" . I plan to stitch and quilt the day away on holiday projects. Ya want to join me. Boy, would I just love the company! I bet I could even rustle up some pumpkin pie for us to snack on between stitches.

 Well today I wanted to share with you Prim Winter Gifts; its another ornament that goes along with my Prim Winter series that I stitched last year.  


    The previous ornaments include: 

Prim Winter Love , 


Prim Winter Home, Prim Winter Peace   Prim Winter Joy   Prim Winter Faith  

and Prim Winter Angel 


and Prim Winter Hope 

Prim Winter Gifts pairs nicely with Prim Winter Love because the same 2 cardinals appear in the stitches. 

This time presents are in order. Oh I just love these cute patootie birdies! 

 If you are interested, just check out the pdfs below  and my little disclaimer. 

 Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate pdf downloads because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page.

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black/white chart. 


 I have my needle and thread all ready. Projects are laid out and The Christmas Story is playing on the TV so now let's get down to some serious stitching.😀🧵  Thank you so much for joining me today and hope you pop back in for a visit real soon. There are still 2 more Prim Winter ornaments coming in the next couple weeks and Eeeeh! Tomorrow is another snowman embroidery block!! As always...

Happy Stitching, ya'll


The greatest gifts are not wrapped in paper but in love. 

Hugs and Stitches and Warm Winter Wishes !!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy who had one of the most generous hearts. I love you ,Amo. 


  1. It would be fabulous to wander around your lovely place and look at all your gorgeous pretties. All those Prims.....just so lovely. A new exciting!

  2. Your little stitching patterns are so sweet and fun to make. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing them!

  3. I have mentioned this before, I would love to live down the road from you and have some stitchy time together. Love these Prim Ornaments and looking forward to the Snowman Block. Yes, please, a piece of pumpkin pie and a coffee or a tea would be lovely. Take care, sending love and hugs to you and all those close to you.

  4. Your decor is so cozy and comforting to see. I will definitely be stitching up a few of these this weekend. Thank you for sharing so passionately and freely. Sending blessings your way.

  5. Thank you for another darling pattern.

  6. What a sweet addition to this cute series, Melisa! I think your pie looks so tasty! I made one for Thanksgiving, but it is long gone. Maybe I'll whip one up for Christmas, too! Have a great day ♥


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