Blog Archive

Friday, December 31, 2021

Winter- A Winter Freebie or Two.

Good morning, sweetie pies. It's almost here ! A brand new year. Oh, what will it have in store? It just has to be a good one. 

I have had a pretty productive week in the quilt room playing with lots of scraps.

 This past Fall I created a little bench quilt called, " Fall "  . I was over the moon with it  so I thought why not create another one with the Winter theme.

First, I was going to embroider it. Then I thought why not wool applique, but alas not enough wool for that . So I grabbed a handful of scraps mostly in from shirtings and went to town doing a little needleturn applique. 

This little quilt evolved from a bench quilt to a small wall quilt.

 I am thrilled with it.  It will be going into the hoop very soon. 

Click here if you are interested in the doodle for your crafting pleasure.

 This is not a tutorial, but I will give you the measurements that used for mine. 

 Measurements for Winter Quilt  

-Background Fabric: 6 1/2" x 15 1/2"  

-Assorted scraps: Cut  24 - 3 " squares 

-Assorted scraps for applique

-Border fabric for sides- Cut 2 - 2 " x 16 1/2"

-Border for Top & Bottom- Cut 2- 2" x 18 1/2"

Not only was the quilt inspired by my Fall Quilt, but it was also modeled after a little stitch that I designed last year. I only got around to stitching it the other day.  Can I tell you that I love it? !!!

For the Winter Pillow, I trimmed the cross stitch piece to measure 7 1/2" x 3 1/2"  which includes the 1/4" seam allowance.  For the scrappy pillow bottom , I cut 7 - 1 1/2" x 3" strips and pieced them together. Vintage lace trim gifted to me by my friend, Pat, was used as embellishment. Thank you , Pat for thinking of me. 

If you are interested just check out the links below. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate links because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  These are images of the chart and not downloads.  And I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction page.

Click here for the charts. 

Click here for the black/ white  Enlarged chart page 1. 

Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black/ white  Enlarged chart page 2. 

Well these are my finishes for the week. I think I will be welcoming in the new year with a snowman stitch . 

 Are you going to have a New Year's start or work on a WIP?  I think I may do both. 😀🧵 Thank you so much for the sweet visit and happy new years. As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Trust the magic of new beginnings .

Hugs and Stitches  and warm winter wishes !!!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy. Love ya.

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Alycia's of Alycia Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop-Friday

Rebecca Grace at Rebecca Grace Quilting for TGIFF- Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant  - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday 

Frederique at  Applique Patchwork Quilting   for Patchwork & Quilts     - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Frosty McChill Block 9 - Snowball Hunt

Dear Mother Nature, 

Sweet ,dear  Mother Nature,  will you please cooperate and dump some snow on this southern gal?   I'll take a couple of feet , please. Just right after I get my bread and milk ! Well maybe not that much because I sure enough do not want the electricity to go off!  I promise I will enjoy the white  fluffy stuff fully.I sure would be happier than a pig in snow covered slop. 

  Welcome , my sweet snow friends. Do you think I will  get a response from dear Mother Nature. Lol. I don't know. Maybe. 

retro winter birds clipart

We haven't seen a good snow (which is about 2" where we live) in about 5 years or so. It was  right before we bought our sleds. So they are brand spanking new and never  have been used. I'm itching to settle down on  a sled   and speed on down a snowy hill. Or if nothing else we could get in the flat  bottom boat which would be pulled by the four wheeler.  Lol  Ya'll know I'm still a big ole' kid at heart.  Snow fun on the farm -  Admit it, I know some of you can relate to those antics during winter time. 


 Please do tell. Are you a snow lover or not so much?  

Today is a  "Frosty McChill Day" !!! ☃❄☃ Block number 9  which is called Snowball Hunt.  Frosty reminds me of a child hunting Easter eggs with his bucket of snowballs. 


Click here for Block 9 

INSTRUCTION TIME !   Now remember , I am no expert, but am just sharing how I embroider mine. Please prepare your fabric, embroider in whatever manner that  makes you happy. The number one rule is to always have FUN FUN FUN!!!  


1. Cut your fabric to 8 1/2 "x 11 1/2" . This will  be trimmed later.  

2.  Place the pattern between a light box or a window and center the design as best as possible. Trace the design onto your fabric using your favorite transfer fabric pen or pencil . 

3. Embroider the design .  I used a back stitch using 2 strands of DMC 498  on most of the design. A stem stitch would look  quite lovely if you prefer.  I used 1 strand of 498 for the details in the snowman's face.   

4. On the snowflakes , I used a French Knot at the end of 4 of the points . You do not have to include the French Knot or you may want to add a teeny bead at each point . How cute would that be!!!

5. Press and trim to block size 7 1/2 x 10 1/2".

If you have missed any of the previous blocks , just click on the names and you will be transported back to the posts. 

They include: Let it Snow"  and " Sled Time , The Tree March  and "Just a Sweeping!!!" , Chasing Snowflakes" , " Learning to Ski " , Mittens for Sale ,  and Blown Away  .


Now I am off to press this little baby, and then onto another Frosty stitch. Have a wonderful New Year's . I hope to pop back in with you tomorrow Lord willin' and the creek don't rise. As always...

Happy stitching, ya'll
When it snows, you have two choices- shovel or make snow angels.  

Hugs and Stitches!!!  

Warm wishes and Snowman kisses, 

Dedicated to my sweet baby sister, Amy . I think of all of the fond sledding memories we had- as younguns and as adults . I miss you, Amo.  

One Quilt , Two Quilt , Three and Four

Well I am certainly late posting today. Good evening, ya'll. It is a blustery rainy evening . Today  I have stayed indoors and enjoyed some quilting time. I have also been doing some catch up on all of the lovely blogs that I follow. 

 Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs is hosting a link party of the Best or Favorite Posts of 2021. I have enjoyed reading  other bloggers' favorites so much that  I decided I would join  in as well. I hope you take  some time to pop over and visit Cheryl and the other wonderful bloggers.   Thank you so much, Cheryl for hosting the link party. 

This year was a year of small quilts- mostly doll size . I have to admit I enjoyed every minute of making them.  These are some of my favorite completed quilt projects of 2021. 

The little Green Four Patch.   

 I had many sweet compliments and questions about this little quilt. This was the 1st time that I created an almost all green quilt.  Most of these fabrics have been in my stash for years. 

Spring Chicks  is another one of my favorites.These colors are me. Lol.

I started the Flag Quilt in 2020  during the shut down. I was so excited to complete it this year . 

 My fourth favorite quilt post for 2021 is my Chicken Quilt. When I started this quilt, I knew exactly where it would hang during the summer time. I finished it , but not in time to hang by summer's end.  

Both the quilts look so pretty hanging on the fence. 

 My last memorable post of 2021 is not a quilt post , but is the post of my sister, Amy's  passing. It is still hard for me to look back upon that post . 

I received so many kinds words of comfort and so many prayers. I truly believe your warm thoughts and prayers has kept me going through the days since.

 I so appreciate each and every one of you for being here for me not only during my time of need but all through the year. Thank you. 

Well those are my top posts of 2021 - mostly quilt related.  I hope you will pop back in tomorrow. Guess who will be here!  Frosty McChill in Block # 9.  Thank you for the sweet visit, my friends and as always...

Happy quilting, ya'll


Be like a flower, survive the rain, but use it to grow. 

I know you are blooming in heaven sweet Amo. Love ya !

Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas Time Quilt

 Happy Monday, dear friends. I have been working on my "Christmas Time" quilt.


 I know Christmas is over , but I still am pumped up on candy canes and gingerbread and all things Christmas.  I shared these doodles  a couple of weeks ago ; click here to see them. .  I finished the hand quilting last night. 

So with a loving needle and thread in hand I  will be working on the  binding day . To make the wreath more festive , I will add some pretty red beads.  Then I will call it a finish and ready to display come next Christmas. 

 I pulled out my wax paper and am ready to work on a new applique project too. Busy , busy , busy.  Fun , fun , fun! 

My to do list this week is 

1. To work on a new saltbox house

2. Bind Christmas Time

3. Work on Winter applique

4. Redwork Thursday.

5. Stitch on a Basket design. 

Can I get all of this done. I sure hope so. Thank you for stopping by for a sweet visit. As always...

Happy quilting, 


 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.  

 Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Lynette at What a Hoot!  for BOMs Away Monday
Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday

We are better throughout the year, for having in spirit become a child at Christmas time- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy who kept the Christmas spirit all year roung. Love you, Amo.💓👼

Saturday, December 25, 2021

About to Pop!

 Good evening, dear friends and  Merry Christmas.Did you have a blessed and joyous day? I sure hope so.

 Ok question: Are you sitting on the couch feeling as though you are going to pop?  Lol I do  ! 

The family gathered at my home for Christmas Eve. 

Lots of finger foods for hungry little bellies though the kiddos gravitated to the chicken nuggets and cookies. (Lol😃 those army men on the counter are not appetizers  Just a sign the little one has been through🧒).

 Today, we were off to mom's  where we stuffed our bellies with turkey and mom's good ole'country dressing. Of course  we had all of the traditional sides too like mashed taters, candied yams, mac and cheese and green bean casserole. Oh boy, what a feast!   

 So let's talk about crafting . Shall we?  For the last couple of weeks, I have been  trying to do a little crocheting. I say trying because I do not know what I am doing? lol , But I was inspired by my friend ,Connie . Sooo I jumped in with both feet and have been "trying" to crochet super cute dishclothes.


 Now I do not know if they withhold to being used, but I can decorate with them. I plan to finish my 2nd one tonight. 

 It has warmed up, and for the last couple of days,  it has been beautiful. 

I pulled out my Rudolph quilt and decided to do some porch quilting. Did I finish? Nope.

 I guess ole' Rudolph will be hanging in the hoop into 2022, but he may get some more stitches in this weekend.  

 I   have been working on Mary's Sampler  a freebie from Plum Street Sampler. 

In the background is one version of Mary's Sampler. 

My friend Patricia and I started this after Thanksgiving. I have been stitching this on Sundays and when I watch Days of Our Lives .  

You would think I would have stitched a lot more , but I am as slow as molasses when stitching on dark fabric. I won't point out all of the boos boos I have made, I do love how my blooms look . I blended DMC 304 with 355. 

Last night I tossed and turned. I was not able to sleep  a wink because every time I drifted into a quiet slumber I would start "dream quilting" . Do you do that -quilt in your sleep? There was nothing more to do than to sit up and make some quilting plans.  

I have been  thinking about 2022 's Rainbow Scrap Challenge with Angela at So Scrappy. I did not finish any of my 2021 RSC projects so they will continue on. They include my Chicken quilt

 and my Strawberry blocks.  

This was the 1st year I participated so I was not very focused. I am making a plan for 2022. I think I will be working on at least 2 applique projects and use some of my Depression era fabrics. Fingers crossed all will go well. 

Soon all of my Christmas decor will be coming down and snowmen will be taking Santa's place. 


Now I have a question or two  for you . 

When do you take down your Christmas tree? Do you change it up to a winter theme? 


 By 4:30 today, Mom had her tree down and in the attic. 🎄😀😲

 I have to admit I do love all of the lights. So mine will stay up a little longer

The rest of the evening is going to be spent watching Christmas movies and working on some stitching. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend and thank you so much for the sweet visit, dears. As always...

Happy stitching and quilting and Merry Christmas. 


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.  

      Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday
Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Angela So Scrappy  Scrap Happy Saturday ( Saturday)

Frederique at  Applique Patchwork Quilting for Patchwork & Quilts on Saturday

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Lynette at What a Hoot!  for BOMs Away Monday
Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop-Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday 

May the spirit of Christmas bring your family hope, love and happiness. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Frosty McChill Block 8 - Blown Away and Let It Snow Sampler

Good Thursday morning, sweetie pies. It's another Frosty morning. Here is a little advice from the sweet snow guy himself.  


          Advice From a Snowman:

               Be a Jolly Happy  Soul

               Spend Time outdoors. 

               Stay Cool 

             Be well rounded

              Avoid meltdowns 

              And live well; life is short.

I do believe that snowman is a pretty wise fellow.  Don't you? 

                       Children and Snowman ~ Free Vintage Graphic - Old Design Shop Blog

Yesterday, I spent the day watching all of the classic cartoons like Rudolph , Frosty and The Night Before Christmas . Were there grandbabies with me you ask? Nope! I am still a big kiddo myself.   Later in the evening Mr. Pinker and I went for an afternoon drive to see the Christmas lights in our small county. There were lots of blow ups to see. 

Earlier this week the grandbabies and nephews gathered to make gingerbread houses at my mom's . 

Little hands busy at work. 


 I think more candy and frosting went into their little bellies than onto the houses.  And I have to admit I ate a tootsie roll or two.

Well it's time for another Frosty McChill block . Block #8 is called "Blown Away" .


 It is a cold blustery day as Frosty struggles to keep hold of his top hat. Poor Rae Rae is fluttering herself as she takes flight. This is another block that I thoroughly enjoyed. 


Click here for Block No.8. 

INSTRUCTION TIME !   Now remember , I am no expert, but am just sharing how I embroider mine. Please prepare your fabric, embroider in whatever manner that  makes you happy. The number one rule is to always have FUN FUN FUN!!!  


1. Cut your fabric to 8 1/2 "x 11 1/2" . This will  be trimmed later.  

2.  Place the pattern between a light box or a window and center the design as best as possible. Trace the design onto your fabric using your favorite transfer fabric pen or pencil . 

3. Embroider the design .  I used a back stitch using 2 strands of DMC 498  on most of the design. A stem stitch would look  quite lovely if you prefer.  I used 1 strand of 498 for the details in the snowman's face.   

4. On the snowflakes , I used a French Knot at the end of 4 of the points . You do not have to include the French Knot or you may want to add a teeny bead at each point . How cute would that be!!!

5. Press and trim to block size 7 1/2 x 10 1/2".

Cute Snowman Image Retro

If you have missed any of the previous blocks , just click on the names and you will be transported back to the posts. 

They include: Let it Snow"  and " Sled Time , The Tree March  and "Just a Sweeping!!!" , Chasing Snowflakes" and " Learning to Ski " , Mittens for Sale

I would also like to share with you a little sampler called Let it Snow.

Click here for Let It Snow.

 I haven't stitched it yet, but it is on my agenda. I just revamped my Santa Clause sampler and changed the words. 

Pictured are Little House Needleworks " Country Christmas " and Istitch Designs 2020 Freebie Joyeux Noel which is in her Nov. 28, 2020 post. 

I am debating. Should I stitch it in reds or maybe a blue? Hmmm. Decisions. Decisions . What do you think? 

 Two more days until Christmas, but I am going to start a new countdown. 86 more days until Spring. Eeeeeeh !  I always say if I can not have snow  then bring on the warm weather.   Actually it is supposed to warm up to the low 70's by Christmas.🌞 Ok , now I am rambling. Any way, I so appreciate the sweet winter visit, my dears. Sending you warm hugs and winter blessings and a very Merry Christmas. And as always...

Happy stitching, ya'll
Stay Frosty!
Being a work in progress is part of the process.  

Hugs and Stitches!!!  

Warm wishes and Snowman kisses, 

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Christmas will never be the same . I love you and miss you. 

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