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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Frosty McChill Block 12 Winter Time!

Good frosty morning, to you my sweet friends. 


Are you staying all warm and cozy. Yesterday was a whopping 60 degrees here in the holler, oh but not this morning. Rain moved through during the night and we dropped to the low 30's with  a bit of wintery mix. Oh, dear mother nature is taking us on a winter roller coaster ride. 🌞🎢❄

Can you believe it ? This is the last of the Frosty McChill blocks.

 I tell ya', I  have loved every bit of stitching and sharing this little guy. He was pretty busy too wasn't he? From sledding to skiing all the way to holding a march for more snow. 😀☃


I just love seeing them all together. Lol

The last block is called "Winter Time". 

Sweet ole' Frosty in his top hat. I bet some of ya'll will have him stitched up by dinner time. 

  INSTRUCTION TIME !   Now remember , I am no expert, but am just sharing how I embroider mine. Please prepare your fabric, embroider in whatever manner that  makes you happy. The number one rule is to always have FUN FUN FUN!!!  


1. Cut your fabric to 8 1/2 "x 11 1/2" . This will  be trimmed later.  

2.  Place the pattern between a light box or a window and center the design as best as possible. Trace the design onto your fabric using your favorite transfer fabric pen or pencil . 

3. Embroider the design .  I used a back stitch using 2 strands of DMC 498  on most of the design. A stem stitch would look  quite lovely if you prefer.  I used 1 strand of 498 for the details in the snowman's face.   

4. On the snowflakes , I used a French Knot at the end of 4 of the points . You do not have to include the French Knot or you may want to add a teeny bead at each point . How cute would that be!!!

5. Press and trim to block size 7 1/2 x 10 1/2".

Click here for Block 12

If you have missed any of the previous blocks , just click on the names and you will be transported back to the posts. 

They include: Let it Snow"  and " Sled Time , The Tree March  and "Just a Sweeping!!!" , Chasing Snowflakes" , " Learning to Ski " , Mittens for Sale ,   Blown Away ,   Snowball Hunt , The March  , and  Playtime.  

Next Thursday , I will share how I finish mine. I started working on the  piecing last night. 

Laying Frosty out. 


It is going to be a simple finish. Fabrics are cut, but I still need to cut out the outer borders. Then the sewing machine will be a humming. 


I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for joining me on this Frosty journey. You certainly kept me motivated, and I have adored seeing some of ya'lls blocks. As always, thank you for the sweet visit , my sweetie pies and ...

Happy stitching, ya'll


Winter is magic!

Warm Wishes and Snowman Kisses!!!
Hugs and Stitches!!!


  1. Each little Frosty is adorable and how wonderful does each one look gathered together on that pretty quilt. So, so wonderful! Keep warm. It is a beautiful summery here today.=)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kim. He was a delight to stitch . I do love seeing them all together. Lol. I am a bit jealous of your warm weather. I know you are loving every minute of it. Happy quilting.

  2. Finished stitching number 11 earlier. Tomorrow I will start stitching this sweet fella and thinking about how I will finish. I've thoroughly enjoyed this journey,Melisa. Thank you for sharing your talent.

    1. I am so happy you enjoyed stitching Frosty , Darlene. It has been a joy to share him. Happy quilting.

  3. Another cute little guy. I can’t wait to get them all into a quilt. Thanks for sharing, Melisa.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Peg. Your blocks are so beautiful . I am so excited that you decided to join in. Happy quilting.

  4. So cute! You're going to have a lovely quilt. I checked on the list of quilt projects on the right side and saw Frosty McGill listed. I hope to embroider these blocks sometime so it's nice to have them listed in one set. Of course I'll make bluework blocks. Happy stitching!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gretchen and I am so touched that you may embroider them in the future. Frosty would look quite stunning in blue. Have a great weekend and happy quilting.

  5. Oh how precious!!! I have enjoyed watching this quilt come together. That’s a cute winter embroidery on your shelf, too!!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Penny. Sharing these blocks has definitely kept me motivated. It was so much fun working on these. I stitched the little winter piece years ago and finished it on a metal tray. I need to do more like that. Have a great weekend.

  6. Replies
    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. I have enjoyed every minute working on it. I can not wait to quilt it up. Happy stitching.

  7. He is just as sweet as all the other frosties! I need to get more 321 red DMC before I can continue, I hope to do that this coming week. Thank you for sharing all that you do, love it!!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Vicki. I am so honored that you have stitched along with me. I hope that your floss order comes in soon. Have a wonderful weekend and happy stitching.

  8. Oh Melisa, Frosty # 12 is such a dashing fellow! I love them all and will be printing this one as soon as I can get a new printer (wouldn't you know that it couldn't last one more day).
    Thank you so much and I will be cutting sashing and cornerstones today!! Sending many warm hugs to you and your family from Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Mary. I am thrilled that you joined me and thank you for keeping me motivated. Lol you sound like you are having my luck with the printer. My printer and I are barely on speaking terms. Lol. Hope your new one comes soon. Big hugs.

  9. Hi, I just love your blog. Can you tell me about the piece on the 'front' page of your blog - it says Winter and has 3 saltbox houses on it? I wasn't sure how to ask, so I hope you will see this. Thank you for sharing so many incredible ideas!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Sharon. That is Winter House Trio by Waxing Moon Designs.There are trios for every season and some of the holidays. It was such a fun piece to work on. I put each house side by side with 3 stitch spaces between. I have seen them stitched vertically too . Hope this helps. Have a wonderful weekend and happy stitching.

  10. Thank you for the Frosties, Melisa! I have enjoyed every minute of stitching them, and still have 4 more to go. They're going to make an adorable quilt! And if you really need some snow, I can send you some from cold and "frosty" Colorado!

    1. Lol I would take some of your Colorado snow, Diann. I wish I was there now. Lol. I hope you are staying warm and cozy. I have enjoyed seeing your Frosties on your blog. Thank you so much for stitching and sharing them. You have really encouraged me . Happy quilting.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this little guy! I saved every pattern and hope to begin him when I finish my tea towels. Thank you so much....your every post brings a smile to my face. :)

    1. Aaah thank you so much. You are just the sweetest. I feel the same about your posts as well. Have a wonderful weekend and happy quilting.

  12. Merci pour le partage de ce mignon bonhomme de neige

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Monique for the sweet comment and visit. I cannot tell you how much that means to me. I hope you have a very lovely weekend and happy stitching.

  13. It's going to be a fab quilt, Melissa. The polka dot sashing and cornerstone fabrics look great.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Sue. I have been working on piecing it. I am anxious to start quilting it soon. I hope you have a very lovely weekend. Happy quilting.

  14. Adorable final block. I am on block 2 and have really enjoyed embroidering again. I hadn't done it since I was about 15 years old...many moons ago. Thank you so much for offering free patterns. Yours are so adorable and it is so incredibly kind of you to offer them for free. I pretty much exclusively stitch your patterns, they are my favorites! ((Hugs))

    1. Aaah you made my day . Thank you so much for the sweetest compliment.I am thrilled that you decided to take up embroidery again especially with the Frosties- that warms my heart. Big hugs and happy stitching.

  15. What a beautiful series you designed, Melisa--so fun and festive! Love the way you are going to finish your quilt. Hope you have a warm, stitchy kind of weekend ♥

  16. Aah thank you so much, Carol. I have enjoyed every moment. It was hard for me to cross stitch on Thursdays so working on embroidery has made me feel productive. I have enjoyed every minute of it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Happy stitching.

  17. Hi Melisa, I'm not sure that my comment went through so I am repeating it. I've been sewing along with you on the Frosty blocks and have finished mine. I love them! Thanks so much for sharing all your talents with us. I look forward to opening your posts. What width are your sashing strips?

  18. Not dinner time. It'll be a BOM, and a December dinner time, but I'm going to love doing them as my warm up blocks for the CQ stitching.


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