Scraps are pulled- handfuls of reds , pinks and greens. Hmm! Now where are those pinks? 😀💗
Welcome , Sweeties ! Oh please grab a cup of tea or whatever strikes your fancy and let's head to the sewing room.
Are you having a scrappy day? A scrappy day is always a very happy day for me! How about you?
I thought today you could help me sew up a few blocks. It is another one of those EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY BLOCKS and is loads of fun to make.🍋🍓🍋🍓 You can twist and turn your fabrics to make each an every berry unique.
So come on ! Grab you a handful of scraps and let's get to sewing! I need all of the help I can get!

Please forgive me- I about forgot to show you my progress on Scrapberries. Last week I finished the applique on Scrapberries , and it is now in the hoop .
The quilting has commenced! I will share it as soon as a get another berry or two quilted.
We will be making a Scrapberry block today. I revamped my berry by making it a little chunkier than my original.
FROM WHITE FABRIC- Cut 1 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" ( unfinished square)
VARIOUS RED, PINK SCRAPS measuring 1" to 9" long
VARIOUS GREEN SCRAPS measuring 1" to 6" long.
DIRECTIONS ( Use a 1/4" seam allowance)
🧵1. I used a 8 1/2 square piece of scrap paper to foundation piece my berries.
🧵2. I usually start in the middle and sew two scraps to the paper. Press.
Lay out strips on scrap paper and sew. |
Press |
🧵3. Continue sewing the red scraps until the paper is filled.

🧵 4. I repeated the same procedure as in steps 1-3 for my green fabrics.
Scraps for Strawberry cap sewn. |
🧵5. I then used the strawberry applique pattern and traced the design onto my red pieced scraps.
For needleturn, I traced the berry design onto the fabric. |
🧵6. Since I will be using needleturn applique. I added a 1/4" turn under allowance and cut beyond my drawn line.
The design is traced and the berry cut with a turn under allowance added. |
7. I then repeated Steps 5 & 6 for the green strawberry caps.

8. Clip a few snips in the fabric where the fabric curves inward on the caps for easy needleturn.

🧵9. I gently removed the paper foundation .
Gently remove paper |
🧵10. Now it is time to applique your berry onto your white 10 1/2" square fabric.

Center and pin the berry in place and applique using matching thread to the berry .
Center pieces and pin. |
🧵11. Pin the berry cap in place and applique it. Press.
Jan Patek has a wonderful selection of videos on applique. Just click the colored text and you can visit her on Youtube for tips and tricks. Plus she is a delight.

🧵12. Woo Hoo Your Berry is complete! Do the happy dance!
Now time for the pattern! If you would like a skinnier berry just draw your favorite strawberry.
If you are interested in stitching this piece, just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends.
Scrapberries measures 70" x 82". It has 30 blocks and is sashed with 2"x 10" finished strips ( 2 1/2" x 10 1/2" unfinished)
Each block has a 2"finished ( 2 1/2" unfinished) green corner block.
The red left/right outer borders measure 4" x 74" finished ( 4 1/2" x 74 1/2" unfinished) .
The red upper and lower borders measure 4"x 62"finished ( 4 1/2" x 62 1/2" unfinished).
The dark green cornerstone blocks measure 4" square ( 4 1/2" unfinished).
I hope these measurements are a help to anyone that wants to make a large quilt of their own. If you have any questions , just let me know.

Have I told you how berry special you are? You are ! I can not thank you enough for taking such precious time out of your day to spend it with me. I am very humbled and truly grateful! I wish you the most lovely day and may it be filled with berry sweetness!
I apologize for being behind on my response these last couple of days. The grandchildren and nephews are here and are keeping me on my toes. I hope to catch up soon.

As Always...
Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all
In a world of apples be a strawberry.
Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤
Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo.
A berry for Amy |
I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet.
Nina at Creations, Quilts, Art , Whatever by Nina for Off the Wall Friday