Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Just A Visit and Pumpkins & Bittersweet Sampler Freebie

Well a very good morning to you, my dears. Can you believe it ? The last day of November. November came in on the rather chilly side here in the holler, but yesterday it was a nice sunny 73 degrees. 

 Earlier during the day, I saw 3 yellow butterflies. I have never seen butterflies here so late in the season. This reminded me that I needed to work on my butterfly blocks which I am creating in memory of my sister.

By evening time, it became overcast ,and I sat on the porch watching the squirrels scamper back and forth from tree limb to tree limb and listening to the sweet melody of the birds chirping. Of course , when I pulled out my camera , the birdies and squirrels became camera shy and said "NO PHOTOS, TODAY"  Oh well, I will be on a mission to capture them next time. 


The leafless trees swayed back and forth as soon a breeze wove its way in and out of the ridges. 

Our little well house. 

 By mid afternoon, I heard the low rumbles of thunder; rain was on its way.  I was not deterred by the rumbles ;  I just  sat and enjoyed a little quilting time with Frosty McChill . 

As I sat on the porch, I thought  why not leave you with one more small fall freebie to wet your appetite for next year's autumn stitching. I know it might not be something that you are interested in stitching right now since it is Christmas Stitching Season  , but maybe in the future. 

 I am so excited to share with you my Pumpkin & Bittersweet Sampler

I received so many kind  compliments on my recent Thanksgiving Hutch post where I showed you my Pumpkin and Bittersweet Sampler. Thank you so much , dear friends.  I am tickled pink that so many of you liked it. 

If you are interested in stitching PUMPKIN & BITTERSWEET SAMPLER  ,grab the images below. Many of ya'll know but I always encourage you to read my little disclaimer and note about getting my charts. 

NOTE: Normally I have been able to create links to the charts and instructions which were in JPG form. For some reason, recent updates on Google Docs. has prevented me from doing that and I am not able to create a pdf without having to deal with storage issues.  Many dear stitchers say they right click, save the image and then print.  I think some have copied and pasted it to a Word document that they can print off as well. I hope you are able to find a way to enjoy this chart. You will have to click each page to save. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and for all of the helpful tips and ideas. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding . I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs.

OK, let me tell you a little bit about it. I was inspired by my Blessings cross stitch that I shared in 2020. I always liked the bittersweet vines and the colors. 

I stitched   the Pumpkin and Bittersweet Sampler on 14 count aida that I tea / coffee dyed. 


I had hoped it would fit in this  5x7 frame that I purchased at the Goodwill, but it is a wee too big, but that is ok I can make do. Using 14 count aida , it measures 4 3/8" x 7 1/4". 

I just used 6 DMC floss colors which are 3011, 3829 , 300 ,301, 898  and 844. 

For reference,  this is where the floss colors are located.

THE PUMPKIN: 300, 301 and the STEM is 898
LETTERS  A, I, K, P, U, Z-   DMC 3011
LETTERS B, E, J, N, R , W-  DMC 3829 
LETTERS C, L, S, X-     DMC 844
LETTERS D, H, M, O, T, Y- DMC 301
LETTERS F, G, Q , V-      DMC 300

That's my last fall cross stitch for the year!  Now I have a ton of Christmas pieces I need to finish, but first I have to get ready for tomorrow. Eeeeh! Tomorrow will be  the last embroidery block in  the Flurry  & Flakes SAL . I hope you will pop in for a short visit to see the snow family. 
Well , sweeties. I am off to  work on a few chores and then perhaps settle into some stitching.  You have a very lovely day and   As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Nothing is impossible . The word itself says I'm Possible! - Audrey Hepburn

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤.

 Good bye November and hello December! 

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. Miss and love you so much. ❤❤❤👼

  In just a few short days,  Carol at Just Let Me Quilt will be  hosting  the Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange.  I hope you will joining us for the blog hop by visiting all of those participating.  You will find  some  Ho! Ho!  holiday recipes and a sleigh full of  inspiration. 

   December 5

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! 

Good morning ya'll. It has been a few days since I have visited.  I hope that you had a very lovely Thanksgiving and weekend.   We had a very nice Thanksgiving , but Mr. Pinker and I  were running here, there and everywhere  with some family health issues. So these last few days I have been back and forth between households , checking on family, delivering meals and visiting.  In between that, I have been pulling out Christmas totes. I do feel like I am behind on Christmas decorating. Eeek ! I haven't even got my cross stitch tree up yet. 

In the kitchen the top of the old mustard yellow hoosier  has been decked with Christmas cookie jars, pine garland and a few wooden Santas.

Old tobacco prints are in background which were given out  to the farmers at the warehouse sales. 

 I left my Thanksgiving turkey out. I just thought he was too cute to put away just yet. 

 I changed out the apron that hangs off the edge of the hoosier to a vintage Christmas one. Isn't it darling?  I think it is made from an old tea towel. 

I pulled out my pink and white afghan to snuggle with on the couch. Do you know what pattern this is? I do not know anything about crochet. Nanny used to crochet afghans and buy them 2nd hand. She always had one on the back of the couch and the chairs. Now I find that I do the same. 

Little to no stitching has been completed since Thanksgiving.  However last night, I was able to spend a couple of hours at the sewing machine. Let me show you what I worked on! 

Joy at Days Filled with Joy  is off and running with her free Mystery  Christmas  Quilt Along. Last Wednesday , November 23rd,  she gave Clue number one plus the schedule. If you missed that post just click on the colored text. Any whoo! I have Clue 1 finished - 8 pretty four patches. Easy Peasey. I can not wait to see what tomorrow's clue will be. 

Joy is such a sweetie! She is also hosting a free Stitch Along with a Christmas embroidery.  Are you going to join in? I sure hope so.  Joy posted Week 1's Stitch on her blog on Friday November 25th along with the fabric needs and the flosses she is using. Click the colored text to visit the SAL .  Thank you so much , Joy. I am so excited to participate in both. 

While I was at my sewing machine, I also worked on this quick and cute  little nine patch  which is a free design from Temecula Quilt Company posted on the blog in the December 10, 2018 post. 

I enlarged the blocks  with my nine patch blocks finishing at 6".  So  now this merry little quilt is waiting patiently  to be put in the hoop. I do plan to make a smaller version using the measurements in the pattern though. 

I bet you have been staying very busy too. Have you got all of your Christmas decorating completed?  Oh , what about shopping?  Did you fight the crowds for Black Friday deals?   Not me! I will be buying online for most of my goodies . The grandbabies are pretty easy to buy for. 

Well , dear friends I have one more tree to put up and then I can officially sit back and enjoy the Christmas season. So I better get at it!  Have a beautiful day and ...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Christmas now surrounds us. Happiness is everywhere.  Our hands are busy with many tasks as carols fill the air- Shirley Sallay

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sweet sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Turkey Time and Flurry & Flakes SAL BLOCK 4 A Blustery Day

Good morning, ya'll and to all of those in the U.S. a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. Wishing you a day of blessings, happiness and warm memories of those who are no longer with us.   

I am so grateful  for so much in my life  including you. Thank you for the sweet visits, kind words and for  being so supportive. Mere words can not express how grateful I am . 🤗

Today , we will be  celebrating Thanksgiving at home.This is the 1st year that I am hosting so most of the family will arrive in a few short hours.  Two  turkeys will be going into the  oven . Fingers crossed I can replicate Mom's dressing . 

A large  folding table will be set up in the living room to make room for all of those attending.  There may be anywhere from 12 to 20 family members. This will be our 2nd Thanksgiving without my sister. It is so heartbreaking , but I feel her with me everyday. And I know she is here with us in spirit. I will have photos of her displayed on the tables nearby as we have been doing this for all get togethers nowadays. 

But I must not forget that today is Embroidery Thursday . Block 4 in the Flurry and Flakes SAL is all stitched up. It is called A Blustery Day.  

Papa Flake is being blown about . "Hold onto that hat, Papa  Flake! It's a wild and woolly day!  "

If you would like to embroider A BLUSTERY DAY , grab the image below. 

Many of you know that I am no longer able to create clickable links to jpg downloads.  Here is a little note about that situation. . This explains about getting the charts or doodles as well. 

NOTE: Normally I have been able to create links to the charts and instructions which were in JPG form. For some reason, recent updates on Google Docs. has prevented me from doing that and I am not able to create a pdf without having to deal with storage issues. . Many dear stitchers say they right click, save the image and then print.  I think some have copied and pasted it to a Word document that they can print off as well. I hope you are able to find a way to enjoy this chart. You will have to click each page to save .  . Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and for all of the helpful tips and ideas.  

If you have missed BLOCK 1  WINTER WELCOME"   , BLOCK 2- Snow Day  and  SNOW RACE , click the colored text, and you will whisped back to the previous posts .You will also find information on what size I cut my fabric and the particulars in the Winter Welcome post .   

Before you leave, I  have another quick stitch for you . It is called Winter Haul

 Lookie!!! It is  Papa Flake fixing to pull Baby Flake in a wagon.  I have not fully finished mine, but I hope to soon, and then I will post another photo. 

If you would like to stitch Winter Haul, grab the images below.  

Well, ya'll I am off to enjoy the festivities.  I have a date with a big plate of turkey , dressing and all of the sides.  Have a wonderful day. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll

Gratitude unlocks the fullness in life .-  Melody Beattie  
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo. The 2nd Thanksgiving without you.  It is not the same without you! You are such a blessing. ❤


I finally finished Winter Haul. To learn more about it visit my Dec. 21, 2022 post. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

A Bit of This & That

The countdown is on!!!!

3 days until Thanksgiving!  Then we will be gobbling till we wobble here in the holler. 

We made a 2nd trip to the grocery store. I think we have all that we need. 

I pulled out my Thanksgiving journal called Giving Thanks. I bought this at the thrift store over 10 years ago.


It is a 10  year journal for Thanksgiving and holds 6 pages for each Thanksgiving. This year I will finish the journal.  I have added photos to my journal and the family loves to flip through it each year. 

Each Thanksgiving I fill out the pages in the evening. 

I hope to find another journal like this for next year. If I don't, I will make one. 

In the evening I have been enjoying the warm glow and warmth of candles. 

And the low light of strands of Christmas lights strung here and there- even on my Thanksgiving hutch . 

These are some of my white turkeys which is the start of an unintentional collection.

I bought the old crock cross stitch at the Goodwill for less than a dollar. It has a matching piece that I did not set out this year . The crock calls to me. 

I finished this darling free embroidery design by Joy at Days Filled with Joy.  Joy offered a section of Autumn for free on her blog over a span of a few weeks. There is still time to get it for free , but you better hurry.  

I am so excited that Joy will be starting a  free Christmas SAL next week as well as a  QAL . I look forward to seeing what she has in store for  us. To learn more about this SAL  just click the colored text for the CHRISTMAS SAL with Joy at DAYS FILLED WITH JOY which was posted  November 20 , 2022 . 

It's a busy , busy week, but I am not sure how much cross stitch or quilting I will get done, but let's look at my plans. 

Did I Get er' Done?   Well.... Last week's goals were: 
🧵 Finish Joy's Autumn SAL
🧵 Quilt on Frosty McChill
🧵 Work on Thanksgiving Menu. 
🧵 Clean house and prepare for Thanksgiving at my house. 

What's the Plans for the Week?  Well....

🧵  15 minutes a day quilting on Easter quilt
🧵 Quilt on Frosty McChill. EEEEH! I have all of the snowmen quilted . Now I am ready for the borders. 
🧵  Begin a new Christmas ornament. 
🧵  Put up mine and my sister's Christmas trees. 

Ok that will do it!!! I think I can accomplish 4 things in a week. Don't you? 
Have a very lovely week  and 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

Being happy is the greatest form of success! 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Thirteen years ago today was one of the happiest day's in your life. I wish you were here for C's special day.  I  Love and miss you, Amo.

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That
Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Linda at Texas Quilt Gal for To Do List Tuesday - Tuesday

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