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Friday, December 17, 2021

A Stroll, a Quilt and a Stitch

Good evening, ya'll. Welcome. It has been a  beautiful warm day here in my neck of the woods . I have been sitting  on the  porch enjoying some stitch time with no intentions of posting today , but here I am!😀 lol

 Though it has been overcast with rain in the forecast , I thought why not take a jaunt into the holler and look for some "color" and explore . Then I thought you might want to join me.

 Let's go! It is just a short walk that we are going on . 

Up the hill ! Watch your step! The leaves are slick! 


We will pretty much see trees , trees, and more bare trees. 🌳🌲𐂷

Hmm. Look at this huge rock that has rolled down the hill only to be stopped by the tree.


 It is snuggled into the trunk , and the tree is growing around it. 


 Onward we go! 

A colorful little leaf . 

 Lots of bright green moss.

 Twisty twirly limbs .

 Even knotty twisty tree trunks. 

A tree growing at a perfect 90 degree angle. 


Here we go through what the grandbabies call Martian Tunnel because during the summer the limbs filled with leaves reach out to grab you as you drive by on a 4 wheeler.  No long Martian arms to wrap around you today. 

 Pearly white fungi growing on a rotten log. 

Yellowish fungi growing on limb. 

Aaah we have reached an opening and we can see the mountains off in the distance. 

Though you can not tell there is a river down the ridge too. 

  Let's continue on. 


A brown quilt of  leaves protect the periwinkle for the winter.


 Some deep purple privet berries. 

Oh, we are almost home! Duck your head as we head through the leland cypress tunnel .The house will be just beyond and then we will see a quilt. 

Well we made it!  

 I will try to take you on the same journey another day during another season so you can see the changes.  The little winter stroll was a refresher for my country soul. 

 Well now let's see what has been going on. Today is the last day of Pam Buda's Glad Tidings Sew Along


Many of ya'll know that I had forged ahead last week and completed the little quilt. It has been in the hoop this week. And Eeeeeh ! It is complete. 


I have it hanging on my little mustard hoosier top. 

I loved every moment of working on this little quilt and am dreaming of creating a patriotic one in the future. 


 On top of the hutch you will see some of my cookie jars and crocks. Don't look to closely - you might see some dust bunnies too! 


 Above the hoosier you can see my advertising tin collection . ( I know more country clutter, but it makes me smile.)  

Before you leave, I thought I would leave you with a little stitch called "Always Believe" .


 It is a small that I stitched into a little pin pillow. I tore a strip of red shirting and created a ruffle around it. I just love simple stitches like this. 

Click here for "Always Believe" . 

 Thank you so much , my friends for stopping by for a visit and for taking a stroll with me. I know it wasn't the most exciting scenery, but it is what it is like in my neck of the woods.  Have a fabulous weekend and as always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Alycia's of Alycia Quilts for Finished of Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop-Friday

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant  - Friday

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party - Friday 

Frederique at  Applique Patchwork Quilting for Patchwork & Quilts     - Saturday

Angela of  So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Always be the bright happy little leaf shining  and smiling among all the others.

Hugs and Stitches!!!! 

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy. I know you would be in the woods right now enjoying every moment. Love  and miss, ya, Amo! 


  1. Thank you for the walk through the woods. Oh how I wish I could walk with you. Walking in the woods is one of my favorite things to do. Not doing it much now with all the hunters out. It is so nice to walk when it snows. My grandchildren and I love it. Have a great weekend.

  2. Beautiful post! I loved the walk in the woods, with so many interesting things to look at. Your new little Christmas quilt is adorable. Happy Holidays!

  3. That felt good to stretch my legs and take in the sights on that beautiful walk. Thank you! Ain't nature grand?
    And now I am firing up the printer to get your Believe pattern. I haven't been stitching lately but I need to do this one! Thank you so much

  4. What a pretty walk, Melisa! And it looks like it is very hilly where you live. I LOVE hills and mountains and can't imagine living in a flat part of the country. Where I live is very hilly, but not as much as it looks like you have. Love your little Believe chart--thank you so much! Enjoy your weekend ♥

  5. Your woodland walk was so refreshing and I, also, wish that I was closer to take a walk with you. Your little quilt turned out so wonderful, bright and cheery. Thank you for your walk and for your words that uplift me so often. The little pin keep is just the thing that I need for a dear friend. Sending love and hugs from Arizona.

  6. El paisaje es muy bonito.....y el cojin precioso¡¡¡¡

  7. Great walk in the woods! Well done with this cute mini quilt, already well displayed ;)
    Thanks for sharing, and linking up!

  8. Merci Melisa pour cette belle promenade en forêt, cela fait du bien. Comme vous j'aime tant la nature...
    Merci également pour le joli modèle.
    Amitiés de France,

  9. I did enjoy the stroll through the woods! Thank you!
    Kathleen -- kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  10. Thank you for the lovely "Always Believe" I'm working on it now. I love your posts.

  11. Love the walk in the woods.
    Your mini quilt is a beauty.
    I finished my mini pillow Cane Candy Cottage, and I am in love with it. Thanks so much, Melisa. Merry Christmas!!

  12. I LOVED your walk thru the holler!!! and look at all those cool things you found. that rock and tree and the twisty tree!! those are just so cool!

    Your finished quilt looks perfect where it is 0 and the dust bunnies... they just add to the ambiance!!! haha!


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