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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Mr. Snow SAL Block 7 Snow Cream

Vanilla  ✅

Milk  ✅

Sugar  ✅

Eggs  ✅

Snow ❌

  Yikes no snow! Well how can we make snow cream without snow?! Oh fiddlesticks!! 

Well I guess I will just have to wait until January or February and have my fingers and toes crossed that we may  get a little more than a dusting . You can bet your bottom dollar that I will be outside with a big ole' bowl ready to scoop some up when the fluffy white stuff does fall !❄❄❄❄❄

Good morning, Snow bunnies and a very Happy Thursday to you! 


Have you got snow yet?  I know a few of my friends in the western states have. It is still in the 50's here with lows in the 30's. 

So tell me do you enjoy snow cream come winter time?  It is a "must sweet treat" if we are fortunate to get snow here in the holler. I always use Granny's Old Fashioned Snow Cream recipe. Granny lived up on the mountain and always saw more snow than we did in the valley. As youngin's we were always on Mom's apron strings when she made snow cream. We could not get enough of it. 

Granny's Old Fashioned Snow Cream recipe


1 cup of milk 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

1/2 cup of sugar

2 eggs, beaten

 a big bowl of clean snow


Combine milk,  vanilla, sugar and  beaten eggs and mix until smooth and sugar is dissolved. Slowly add the snow to the mixture . Continue stirring until the mixture meets your desired consistency.  Enjoy! 

Sometimes we use evaporated milk rather than regular milk. I adjust the sugar to taste.  Some recipes leave out the egg; that is up to you, but this has been the recipe we have used for generations.

Today is Embroidery Thursday for me. After Mr. Pinker and I go to a Veteran's program for my daughter, I will come home and settle into some slow stitching on a very dapper but active snow guy named Mr. Snow.  Have you figured out what today's block is about? 

Oh yes!!! A big bowl of "Snow Cream"! 

But I just think these  little "Snow Sweeties" are too cute to stir up with sugar, milk and make cream . Don't you? 

I colored the stripes on the scarves  , the middle snowman's scarf and the bottom of the bowl white and  red.  I very lightly tinted the rim of the bowl red.  Though I did not draw it, I  added some fringe to the middle snowman's scarf. 

So far I have shared:  

Block 1 Snowballs,    Block 2 Winter Friends,  Snow Mitten , Block 4 Waiting for Snow   ,  Block 5 A Jolly Fellow  , Block 6 Snow Quilter  .

 INSTRUCTION TIME !   Now remember , I am no expert, but am just sharing how I embroider mine. Please prepare your fabric, embroider in whatever manner that  makes you happy. The number one rule is to always have FUN, FUN, FUN!!!  


1. Cut your fabric to 8 1/2 "x 11 1/2" . This will  be trimmed later.  

2.  Place the pattern between a light box or a window and center the design as best as possible. Trace the design onto your fabric using your favorite transfer fabric pen or pencil . 

3. Embroider the design .  I used a backstitch using 2 strands of DMC 498  on most of the design. A stemstitch would look  quite lovely if you prefer.  

4.   I used a French Knot on Mr. Snow's eyes. You do not have to include the French Knot;  you may want to add  teeny beads for eyes . How cute would that be!!!

5. Press and trim to block size 7 1/2 x 10 1/2". If you color tint your blocks, remember to place a paper towel over the tinted area and heat set with the iron.   The finished  block size in the  quilt will by 7" x 10" .


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


                   My little doodles are hand drawn so they are never perfect. 

Today will be an early start for our family. We will have an 1 1/2 hour drive to the Veteran's program. Hmmm, maybe I should take along Mr. Snow to work on as I am riding rather than waiting till the evening. That's an idea!  😀💡

 I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay warm , cozy and enjoy all of the holiday happenings! Thank you for the sweet Thursday visit. 

P.S. I have fixed the link on Block 5 in the Flurries and Flakes SAL which I shared last year🤗❤. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

The first snow is like the first love. - Lara Biyuts
Warm Wishes and Snowman kisses! 
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  ❤
We Can Build A Snowman


Frosty McChill SAL - This is a link to the 12  Frosty McChill Snoman blocks that I shared in 2021.

2022-Flurry & Flakes SAL  This is a link to the Flurry & Flakes Snowman quilt. It includes 5 embroidery blocks. 

Sweeping Snowman Trifle A small cross stitch that I created to use as a scissor fob.  

2022- Everybody Loves A Parade- Well I Hope SoA Parade of Winter and Snowman Cross stitch and Doodles. 

We Can Build a Snowman Quilt-Tutorial on door/ wall hanging snowman quilt. 


  1. I live in the Valley of the Sun (Phoenix area) Arizona - no snow here! I've lived in other parts of the country and world where I experienced lots of snow but have never enjoyed snow cream. I hope you do very soon.

    Love the Snow Cream snowman - very cute, indeed. I've printed all the snowmen people through today but they don't print the correct size. Tomorrow I'm off to Staples to enlarge them on their copy machine. I'm anxious to start stitching.

    1. Oh, Darlene, I can not tell you how much I wish I had the sun come winter time. I am hoping to go out to AZ real soon. Usually it is just cold here and we rarely get snow. We bought a snow sled a few years ago and of course we haven't had a good snow since. LOL. I hope you are able to get Mr. Snow enlarged. Sometimes I have to adjust the scale on my printer -Sometimes it works; sometimes not. Thank you so much, dear Darlene. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  2. Here we did have snow, but only for a day or two, then it was all gone again. But I'll be honest, I don't need one.
    Your Redwork snowmen are very cute. Overall the blocks will make a great quilt, they all look great.
    Hugs, Martina

    1. I bet if you see snow yearly , you really do not want snow when it comes. We just got a dusting last year but not much to speak of and not enough for snow cream either. I have to admit that though I would love to see snow, I do enjoy warmer weather. Thank you so much , dear Martina for the sweet visit. Merry Christmas.

  3. Another cute snowman! You are so talented! Snow Cream - wha??? I've never heard of it before. I'll have to send the recipe to my daughter to make - they get snow occasionally - I'll let her try it and she can tell me what the kids think of it! Blessings!

    1. Lol snow cream is so yummy, Donna. I don't know if they have Mayfield ice cream in your area but they make a Snow Cream during this time of the year that is quite tasty and reminds me of real snow cream. Thank you for the sweet visit and Merry Christmas! Hugs.

  4. All of your snowmen are adorable. They make me smile. No snow here and sad to say, I don't think I have had snow cream. Maybe I will try it this year if we get any snow. Safe travels to the Veterans program, Melisa.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I will keep dreaming of snow though it is unlikely we will see any - well not this year at least. Warm Winter Hugs and Blessings.

  5. Oooh, I've not had snow cream in years. Living in Oklahoma and south Texas, we haven't had much snow in the last few years. Very fun snowmen block. Happy stitching this week.

    1. It seems like ages since we have had snow cream too. We had a dusting last year, but not enough for good ole' snow cream. Hope you had a great weekend, Kate. Looking forward to catching up with you. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  6. I've never heard of snow cream, but I bet it's delicious! The snow cream block is delightful, too - your snowmen designs are always so cute, Melisa. Have a great day celebrating your daughter's service!

    1. When we were little mom always made snow cream when we saw a flurry or two. It seems like it has been ages since we have had a good snow though. Thank you so much for the kind words, Diann. The Veteran's program was a success and it was a delight to see the service men and women. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  7. I never heard of snow cream!!!!
    I learned something new today.

    1. Oh it is yummy, Isabel and a treat to eat if it does snow, but alas we rarely get snow. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Merry Christmas, sweet friend. Hugs.

  8. Adorable snowmen. Thank you!

    1. Aaah you are so very welcome , dear and thank you for the sweet visit. I wish you a lovely and blessed day. Merry Christmas. Hugs

  9. Snow Cream sounds yummy but I've never had it. We made homemade Slurpy's/Slushies with snow and different syrups. The stitch is adorable! Definitely too cute to stir those snowmen into the mix! Safe travels!

    1. Oooh Snow Slurpies/ Slushies sound so wonderful. Did you use a specific type of syrup? They would be big hits with the kiddos as well. Thank you so much on my little snow men, Ginny. They were a hoot to stitch. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  10. So I’m seeing if there is a link to make the cute mini quilt snowman and in fine print I see the dedication to your sister Amy. I have never known any Amy other than myself to have that nickname LOL! It was from childhood and I wasn’t crazy about it. Still have one guy call me that every time he sees me. Thanks for your postings.

    1. Aaah that just warms my heart to hear , Amy and actually brings tears to my eyes but a smile to my face as well. I have always called my sister, Amo since she was a baby. I am not sure how she felt about it, but it seems like everyone has a nickname in our family. LOL. It just tickles me to hear someone else shares the same nickname. Oh yes, I will post the link to the snowman quilt . I posted the instructions in Jan. 23, 2023 post. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  11. No snow here, Melisa!! Supposed to be in the 60s today! But oh, what wonderful memories of my Mama making snow cream!! I can still taste it! Thanks for this recipe. I don't recall if she put eggs in hers or not but she probably did! Thanks for the new Mr. Snow too! Adorable!!

    1. It was in the 60's here today too. Long ways from having snow isn't it? LOL. Maybe we will get a little snow this year . Thank you for the sweet visit compliment on Mr. Snow. I am enjoying working on these little blocks. Hugs.

  12. Beautiful block Melisa! I have been told by friends about cream snow but I have never made it, I will have to try it!

    1. Oh I hope you do try it , Diana if you get some snow. It is very creamy and sweet. You have to eat it slow because you can get a headache quickly though. Thank you for the sweet visit and Merry Christmas. Hugs

  13. You know, I've never heard of snow cream! I wonder if it a southern thing? And no--no snow here in western Pennsylvania either, Melisa. BUT, we did have some in the DC suburbs last week when I was visiting my grandson. And guess what--we got to build a snowman with him. He was so delighted with the process :) Especially putting on the carrot nose! All of your little snowman creations are adorable, Melisa--thank you! ♥

    1. Oh how fun, Carol . I know Little Mr. B. must have had a ball building a snowman. I hope you took lots of photos. Hmm, I wondered if snow cream was a southern thing too; I 'm not sure, but we always had it as a child if it snowed. Thank you so much and have a lovely week. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

  14. Thank you so much! I hope the veteran's event was great.

    1. Aaw you are so welcome, dear Susan and thank you .It was a lovely event especially getting to see all of the service men and women being honored . Have a blessed week and Merry Christmas. Hugs.


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