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Monday, November 18, 2024

Wickenburg Pumpkins - A Thrifty Quilt and Some Rusty Crusty Decor

 Happy Happy Monday, Pumpkins.  The biscuits are hot out of the oven so please do grab a plate as I pull out the strawberry jam . Or would you prefer grape or blackberry?  Hmmm I think blackberry will be my pick.  

Do you think you are up to starting the week with looking at some junk? Hee! Hee!  

Many of y'all know that I love anything rusty, crusty, old, and  well loved . Well 30 years ago, I was gifted a huge butcher block counter from our local restaurant that was going out of business. At the time, I was living in a different house and so the large table was moved to the barn- hence how this became rusty and crusty.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜ 

Yes, it has been in the barn for that long. Well, Mr. Pinker with the help of the tractor loaded it up and brought it up to the house for me to enjoy on the patio for the summer. 

It is a massive piece which included the rails and the meat hooks .  Please excuse all of the barn dirt and dust on it. 

Rails and large meat hooks

The hooks on the overhead ring are super sharp. 

I would love to have this piece in the house but there is no way we could ever get it in so for the summer and fall seasons I have enjoyed it on the patio. 

Earlier this fall , I decorated it with lots of thrifty finds and nature's treasures like walnuts, sticks and leaves. 

I even pulled out a wonderful quilt that I am calling Wickenburg Pumpkins.


Back in January , I picked up this darling quilted wall hanging from the Goodwill in Wickenburg, AZ. 

Bright happy pumpkins and falling leaves make up this sweet piece. 

Now hold on to your bloomers! Guess what I paid. $2.49! Wow! I just could not leave it behind. 

It is machine pieced, appliqued and quilted. The backing is a pretty orange fabric with roly poly pumpkins.  Again, I was sad for the quilter who made it since it was sold so cheap, but grateful that I could bring this fall beauty home with me. 

So tell me. Do you like rusty, crusty treasures and would you have bought this quilt? 

Have a beautiful day,  Darlings and thank you for taking time out of your busy day  to visit me. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜˜

As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Life is a daring adventure or nothing. - Helen Keller

Hugs and Stitches!!! ๐Ÿค—❤๐Ÿงต

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. . Love and miss you., Amo ❤❤❤

BLOGGER ISSUES- I want to apologize again. I am still having issues with Blogger and Comments. It seems like a lot of bloggers are experiencing some difficulties. 


  1. Using the fabulous table on your back porch is a great idea. I love everything you've used to decorate it. Mr Pinker is a real prince - he seems to enjoy all your sewing, treasures, etc. Very much like my husband.
    Yes, ma'am I would purchased that quilt either to enjoy it my home or gift it to a friend who would enjoy it in their home. The colors are fabulous!! It has a 70's vibe - I think it's the colors. Groovy, Baby! LOL Take good care - More hugs for you. Darlene J

    1. Lol it is a groovy quilt. Yep the 70's vibe definitely. I do feel very lucky that Mr. Pinker enjoys my endeavors . It sounds like we both found our princes. I was glad to use the table for the season. I wasn't so sure at first, but it was nice to finally put it to use. Have a super day, sweet friend. Hugs from the holler.

  2. You always find great bargains at ridiculous could I miss it?
    Today I fell in love with that butcher table...perfect.
    Thanks for sharing

    1. I feel fortunate that I was able to snatch up that little quilt. I was so surprised by the price. The butcher block table holds lots of memories of the old restaurant. I am glad that I still have it. Thank you for the sweet visit, Isabel. Hugs.

  3. We stayed in Congress and went to Wickenberg for shopping, their parade, and church. Love that place. You found a great bargain! I'm always sad that quilts end up at thrift stores but love it when they're rescued. I'm sure a couple of mine have ended up there. :-( I see you made some yummy biscuits in your cast iron - do you have a recipe? Please? ;-) Blessings!

    1. Oh what a small world, Donna. We did not go to Congress. I will have to check it out this winter. Hopefully , we will get to spend more time in Wickenberg too. Oh yes, I will share my recipe in a future blog post. We love our biscuits and use several different recipes depending on what we have. Have a blessed day, Donna. Hugs.

  4. Melisa I just read your post from last night too, and that little Christmas stamp is adorable. I'll take 3 biscuits so I can try all 3 jams, thank you! Yes I definitely would have bought that beautiful little quilt!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda. That little stamp was a quick stitch . It felt good to finally finish something after not stitching for so long. You are a girl after my own heart. - It is hard for me to turn down a biscuit. Hee! Hee. Hugs.

  5. It would be very hard to pass up that little quilt, you were definitely wise to bring that one home. It's wonderful how you use what you have and make the most of it with the decorating. Are you going to leave it out for the winter or does it need to go back tot he barn?

    1. I was over the moon to purchase the little quilt. I really was not intending to pick up anything , but I could not leave it behind. I believe I will decorate the table for December, but it will have to go in the garage for the winter. The garage is more protective than the barn so I am glad it is here now. Thank you for the sweet visit, Kate. Hugs.

  6. Wickenburg Pumpkins is just so darn adorable--no way you could have passed that up--Love all the colored outline stitches on it sooo yummy!! I like your porch butcher's block as a showcase on your porch--what a great idea !
    I used to have an old, old wooden potting table that I showcased potted plants on in the summertime--I was so sad when it finally "gave up the ghost"!! :(((( Will you use your table over the winter? I wonder....maybe some winter boughs in an old watering can...etc?? OR even a little Christmas tree decorated for the birds...hmmmm...
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. I was super excited to pick up the little quilt, Julierose. What a surprise when I saw it at the thrift store and it has such fun colors. I have to admit that I really wanted an old potting table for the porch but hubby brought the butcher block up and I fell in love with it. So I did not do any potting on it. I believe I will decorate it just as you suggest for the December with pine boughs and pinecones. I will put away in January though. Warm hugs.

  7. Good morning Melisa. I would definitely have gotten that oversized counter bench/table and i would have had the little quilt in my shopping basket in a heartbeat. it is so adorable. absolutely love it. you have the best decorations. i always look forward to what the new blog post will offer. you're so amazing. have a wonderful, blessed day Melisa. enjoy the day and make magic happen.
    Debra Broyles

    1. Aaaw sweet Debra , you always lift my spirits with such sweetness and love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You certainly bring a big smile to my day. I have really enjoyed having the butcher block table out for the summer and fall season and using what I have. Warm hugs and love .

  8. I would have looked longingly at the table, but sadly storage is an issue! No barn, no lovely patio to set it on, and I have a hubby who doesn’t like “stuff”! LOL! I would have snatched up the small pumpkin quilt though! So glad you rescued it and will give it a loving home!

    1. Oh, Judy , I can not tell you how excited I was when I bought the little quilt. I have been waiting for months to put it on display. The colors are so happy. I know what you mean on storage- it is a struggle isn't it? Thank you for the sweet Monday visit. Have a blessed week. Hugs.

  9. That is a sweet quilt and it looks great on your rusty, crusty table. Lol!

    1. Isn't it the cutest quilt? It has such happy colors. It certainly brightened up my fall display on the old table that is for sure. I wish you a wonderful week, Susie and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  10. That is a sweet quilt! I laughed over your rusty, crusty table! Will Mr. Pinker cart it back to the barn for the winter or will it stay where it is! Your display was gorgeous!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Lol I love anything rusty and crusty, Terry. I think it is from growing up on a farm. I believe I will decorate it for the month of December and then rather than toting it to the barn we will put it in the garage until Spring. I have really enjoyed this piece . Have a great evening and thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  11. maybe it's not sad.
    things unavoidably end up in garbage...
    remember? ''Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also''

    1. That is so true. It breaks my heart to see so many things in the landfill that could be put to good use. My grandparents also saved and made do so I have a lot of them in me. Love the quote. Thank you for the sweet visit, dear. Blessings and Hugs.

  12. I would like my biscuit with butter, hold the jelly. Thank you! Your crusty table looks awesome. Love the pumpkin little quilt. And yes, I would have bought it. Happy Monday!

    1. Mmmm biscuit and butter! That sounds yuuuummy! Oh thank you so much Robin for the kind words on my thrifty quilt and rusty table. I am thrilled with both of them. I am glad hubby thought to bring it to the house though I was apprehensive at first. LOL. Warm hugs.

  13. Yes! I love rusty crusty and that quilt is too cute to pass up!! Good choices!!!!

    1. Aaah I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one that loves the rusty and crusty. Isn't that quilt the cutest? I was jumping for joy to be able to take it home. Have a wonderful week, dear and thank you for dropping by. Hugs.

  14. I definitely would have purchased that quilt. What a great find, Melisa.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Jeanna. I almost walked out of the thrift store without a thing, but I turned to look at the linens and there it was. I just could not pass it up. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  15. I would have snatched that pumpkin wallhanging up in a hot second. That price was steal! I can smell those biscuits, With melting butter and blackberry jam - OMGosh, my mouth is watering! That butcherblock table is a treasure. Having it on the porch gives you a place to enjoy it. Looks to be a big boy!

    1. I assume that the quilt had just been put out ; I can not imagine that it had been there a long time especially for that price. I was excited to display it for the season. The colors are so sweet and happy. Oh yes, the butcher block is super heavy . It took the tractor to lift and unload it. I can imagine all of the meat that was sliced and diced on it. It is super tall too. Thank you for the sweet visit, Ginny. Hugs.

  16. I kept reading and scrolling through your post because I knew you were going make that rusty, crusty table a thing of beauty with all your fun decorations, Melisa! It looks really festive, and that is a sweet pumpkin quilt you found, too. I don't think I have anywhere to use a table like that, but it sure looks perfect at your house!

    1. Oh Diann, when hubby brought the table from the barn , it was covered with hay , dust , debris and a bit of everything. I dusted it off with a broom before photos. It took a long time to clean it , but to also keep the rusty look. I have really enjoyed having it out for the summer and fall. I look forward to decorating it for Christmas too and then it will go back into the garage. Have a wonderful day, dear. Hugs.

  17. What a great use of that vintage table, Melisa!!! Very sweet rescue quilt, too!!!

  18. Wow, Melisa! I would definitely have bought that cute little quilt and enjoyed it on your rusty, crusty table! I think it's perfect. You make it look great! So talented! Have a great day my friend. Hugs.

  19. COWabunga ~ Oh yes I would have bought that quilt! Recently while grocery shopping I spotted a jar of pineapple jam ~ how fun would that be with those perfect biscuits? (nwpaintedlady) Have a wonderful week :)

  20. Love rusty and crusty! The table is awesome with your beautiful decor! I would have bought the Wickenburg Pumpkins quilt in a heart beat! Thank you for rescuing it!


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