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Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy Trails 2023

Happy Slow Stitching Snowman Sunday!!!    Hee! Hee! I am going to be working on Snowmen projects in January .- Snowman cross stitch☃, snowmen embroidery and snowmen quilts . Well I just have "snow on the brain" don't I?  

January 2021 snowman display

Are you going to be working on any particular project for the new upcoming month? Or maybe just a variety? Either way I sure hope you enjoy every stitch. 

This evening,  I will be working on Darlene D'Eon Designs' "All is Calm" . ( a photo will be coming soon) . I know many of y'all follow Darlene on  @darlenedeondesigns on Instagram  and Flosstube.  

Darlene is such a sweetie, and she is an amazing quilt and cross stitch designer. Right now she has the nine patch a day SAL going on. Remember I started this, but have stalled because I want to change my fabric colors.  I am going to have a lot of catching up to do ain't I? But I will get there, you  know me-  sometimes I am slow as molasses. 

  Later I will continue quilting on Alabama Beauty which I began in August. 

 I moved the quilt hoop yesterday. 

This has been my "15 minute a day"  project this week . It will be the focus quilt for 2024. 

This is some unusual fabric for the quilt; my needle just loves to visit each lovely scrap. 

My small foyer is filled to the gills with campers.  

The wee tree is decorated in a collection of  little camper ornaments.


  And the vintage shelf was crammed full of red trucks and camper  cookie jars. 

Speaking of campers that brings me to some news. Mr. Pinker and I will be going on a camping trip in January . 

We will be traversing the vast desert of the southwest in an old truck camper in hopes of enjoying a bit of warmer weather. 

Being in the desert with no electricity, means we will not have internet as well. So I will not be posting as often hence my flurry of posts this week. 

I will have some prescheduled posts ,and if we come into a town, maybe I can post and visit my blogging buddies as well. 

 I sure will miss ya' .  I will be back to my regular routine in February if all goes as planned. 


Now onto the plans for the week. 

Did I Get'r Done... Well   -  Last Week's Goals were.. 
🌞1. Pick out new quilt top to put in hoop.
🌞2.Work on new saltbox
❌🌞3. Work on my Easter quilt.
🌞4. Finish Block 9  in the Mr. Snow SAL for  Thursday's post.
🌞5.Pack for camping trip.

Image is from Pinterest    
Cheers!  For I completed 80% of my goals. That's pretty good if I do say so? 💃💃💃
Image is from Pinterest    

Hmm.... What Should I do This Week? 
🌞1. Work on new butterfly blocks for a quilt for my sis. 
🌞2.Work on Gingerbread embroidery
🌞3. Work on Travel journal
🌞4. Post Block 10  in the Mr. Snow SAL for  Thursday's post.
🌞5. Work on "All is Calm".

So tell me. Will you be ringing in the new year? Or will you be in bed catching up on your zzzs by the time the clock strikes 12?  I will be up- I am a night owl.🌙🌜🦉 I am sure I will be stitching away on some project. 

Tomorrow Mr. Pinker and I will be going over to my family's for the big New Year's Day meal- Hog jowl, black eyed peas, turnip greens and cornbread. Yum! Yum!

Oh, I forgot to tell you, I will be posting the 3rd and 4th Gingerbread doodles for the Gingerbread quilt on January 12th and 26th if you are interested.  So far I have posted 

 and a Plate of Gingers

Alrighty , Sweeties, I will catch you in some later posts. 

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


"Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right" - Oprah Winfrey 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 

Links That May Strike your Fancy
Down Christmas Lane- A Parade of Previous Freebies-   A  list of previous free cross stitch, quilting, and embroidery freebies . 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 
Happy Trails 2023!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Oh, I Love A Parade- 2023 Saltbox Parade

 I love a parade , the tramping of feet

I love every beat I hear of the drum

I love a parade, when I hear a band

I want to stand and cheer as they come ...

Good morning, sweetie pies . Are you ready for an end of the year saltbox parade? Last year, I shared a saltbox parade showing all of the saltbox houses that I shared throughout the year. Click here to visit the 2022 Saltbox Parade. Well, I thought why not do the same this year.  If there are any houses that you have missed or are interested in , just click the colored text and you will be transported back to the post where you can find the charts. I hope you enjoy. 

I began the year with a sweet pink  memorial saltbox in memory of my Great Aunt Dot. It was called "A Cold Winter's Day- Dot's Saltbox" 

For my 1st Farmhouse Friday stitch, I shared Farmhouse Sampler. It fits perfectly in a 5 x7 frame if stitched on 14 count aida. 

Normally, I stitch a pink house in February and this year was no exception . I shared Love Grows Here

Come springtime, I always get in the mood to stitch sheep. So in March I shared The Ewe House

Easter was in early April this year , but it was late April when I shared The Hopper House

One of my favorite's of the year was not a saltbox, but a little log cabin called Mollie William's Homestead. It is named after my great great grandma

Mollie William's Homestead with Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox  and Freedom Saltbox

In July , I shared Aunt Betty's at Blueberry Buckle Lane. The blues in this house spoke to me. 

I loved this stitch so much that I restitched the basket and included a small sampler. It was called Blueberry Basket Sampler

In late August the bees were buzzin' all about at Beatrice's Bee Manor

In September, I shared one of my newest favorite homes  called Pumpkin Blossom Inn.  I have to admit that I stared at it for days on end after I stitched it because I loved it so much. Lol.  

Come October the ghosts and black cats crept out of the Halloween Manor.  It is not too spooky. Is it? 👻😼

 One lone turkey stood guard at The Blessing House

December's saltbox was filled with sugary sweetness and gingerbread men. It was called Gingerbread Saltbox

And just before Christmas I posted one more house stitch for the year. It was called Winter's Holly Inn which featured a well built brick house with an overgrown holly bush . 

Well that wraps up the house parade of 2023.- A Baker's Dozen!  Did you  have a particular favorite?  I have to say that Pumpkin Blossom Inn was mine. I have more houses building away in my mind now just to get them on paper and then to cloth. Hopefully, many more will be shared in the coming year. In January, I hope to also share  a full House parade so stay tuned. 

Thank you so much for joining me today. Next time I will remember to bring treats so we can enjoy them as we watch the parade. Gotta have treats don't we? Lol. Have a beautiful day, Sweet friends and...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

There is no place like home. 
Warm Wishes and Snowman kisses! 
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  ❤

Friday, December 29, 2023

Hutch Tours of 2023

Hello , sweet friends. I thought today I would share photos of my hutch tours that I have posted this year. If you would like to see the hutch and the stitches in more detail. click the colored text and you will be transported back to the post. Y'all know I am not a minimalist. I like the country clutter- it's just my style. I know it is not for everyone, but as I always say- it makes my heart sing.♭♮♯ 

I started off the year with Winter on the Farm . The hutch was decked out with snowmen and a few farm critters. 

I don't believe I posted photos of my Valentines' hutch, but it was decorated in all things red and strawberries

The March Hutch sported Cabbages, Leprechauns and Shamrocks. I enjoyed rummaging around the house searching for green pieces to display. 

In April , the bunnies invade in my 2023 Hip Hopping Easter Hutch 

In May, I was bustling about and wondering Who Left the Gate Open in my Spring Farm Hutch display. Loads of chickens , cows and all things red. 
 Hip Hip Hooray for the USA ! In July, there was an explosion of all things patriotic on my  Red, White and Blue  Hutch

After the fireworks were over, the chickens moved in for late July for the  Hen House Hutch . I really enjoyed seeing all of the yardbirds and using the blues in this hutch display. 
I was Gettin' Corny in August when I pulled out some of my corn themed knick knacks. The corn covered dishes had not been out in ages. The yellows of the corn and sunflowers  certainly brought the sunshine indoors. 

An Apple A Day was the theme of my September hutch. It was perfect to celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day ; it was crammed full with apple goodness. 

There were pumpkins galore in  my Oh My! Pumpkin Pie Hutch Tour.

A whole slew of witches flew in and took over my hutch in October in my Witch Apothecary Halloween Hutch .

In November all the turkeys came to roost in my Friends, Family and Turkeys- A Thanksgiving Hutch Tour. This display is choked full with gifts from friends and family.  So many blessings.

Vintage Santas, reindeer and elves came out to play on the hutch in December which I posted in my Very Vintage Christmas Hutch Tour. Aaah my favorite time of the year to decorate the hutch. 

That's all y'all ! My hutches of 2023. So do you have a favorite? I have to admit that I am quite smitten with my  Easter and Christmas hutches. But they were all pretty darn cute in my eyes says the clutter bug. LOL. 
  I am so grateful and honored that you took time to visit me. I wish you the most blessed day and ...

As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


This home is filled with dreams , love and happiness from above. 

Hugs and Stitches !!!🤗❤🧵

Dedicated to my dear loving sister Amy . I love and miss you. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Mr. Snow SAL Block 9 Sleighing

Grab your scarf and mittens ! We are going on a sleigh ride! Well at least Mr. Snow wants us to. He has already loaded up in his sleigh and is waiting for us to join him.

"Sleighing " is the 9th block in the Mr. Snow SAL.  Doesn't Mr. Snow look so comfy in the sleigh? 

I colored Mr. Snow's  stripes in his scarf and the big sleigh using the white and red crayons. 

 So far I have shared: 

Block 1 Snowballs,    Block 2 Winter FriendsSnow Mitten , Block 4 Waiting for Snow   ,  Block 5 A Jolly Fellow  , Block 6 Snow Quilter  , Block 7 Snow Cream,  Block 8 Decorating the Tree

 INSTRUCTION TIME !   Now remember , I am no expert, but am just sharing how I embroider mine. Please prepare your fabric, embroider in whatever manner that  makes you happy. The number one rule is to always have FUN, FUN, FUN!!!  


1. Cut your fabric to 8 1/2 "x 11 1/2" . This will  be trimmed later.  

2.  Place the pattern between a light box or a window and center the design as best as possible. Trace the design onto your fabric using your favorite transfer fabric pen or pencil . 

3. Embroider the design .  I used a backstitch using 2 strands of DMC 498  on most of the design. A stemstitch would look  quite lovely if you prefer.  

4.   I used a French Knot on Mr. Snow's eyes. You do not have to include the French Knot;  you may want to add  teeny beads for eyes . How cute would that be!!!

5. Press and trim to block size 7 1/2 x 10 1/2". If you color tint your blocks, remember to place a paper towel over the tinted area and heat set with the iron.   The finished  block size in the  quilt will by 7" x 10" .


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


My little doodles are hand drawn so they are never perfect. 

Have you ever rode in a sleigh? No not this southern gal. But  when there has been snow in years' past, we have loaded up in the good old flat bottom boat which was pulled by a four wheeler. Over the hills of snow we would go - slipping and sliding. Boy was  that loads of fun. Of course all of the cows in the field look at us like we were nuts, but that is ok. It was just fun on the farm on a cold winter's day!

   Aaah the good old days;  it has been ages since we have a good snow and enjoyed boat sleighing . I guess for now  I will just dream of a sleigh ride as I enjoy Mr. Snow.  

Thank you for the sweet Thursday visit and...

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

It's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you. - Sleigh Ride
Warm Wishes and Snowman kisses! 
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  ❤

A snowman quilt which I purchased at the Goodwill. 


Frosty McChill SAL - This is a link to the 12  Frosty McChill Snoman blocks that I shared in 2021.

2022-Flurry & Flakes SAL  This is a link to the Flurry & Flakes Snowman quilt. It includes 5 embroidery blocks. 

Sweeping Snowman Trifle A small cross stitch that I created to use as a scissor fob.  

2022- Everybody Loves A Parade- Well I Hope SoA Parade of Winter and Snowman Cross stitch and Doodles. 

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