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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bee Yard - A Bee Freebie

 Hello there, Beeeautiful! Welcome! 

Mr. Pinker went out to the bee yard the other day and checked the bees.

 He said one hive did not look too good.  Oh, bother!   I have my fingers crossed that it will make it. 

These bees look healthy though.  Aren't they amazing? 

Though I have my bee stitches on display somewhere year round , at the end of July and August I pull them out to be on full display.  

Mini Bee Sampler   and , Honey Jar- From the Mason Jar SeriesHome

I will continue stitching bees and sunflowers into August. What do you stitch this time of the year? 


My newest bee stitch is called Bee Yard. It is a super simple stitch and fairly quick too. 

I finished Bee Yard on a wooden plaque that I purchased at the Dollar Tree in the craft section a couple of years ago.  The burlap ribbon is also from the Dollar Tree. 

 I painted the board white and then mounted my stitch on foam board along with some batting. I also covered two other boards with complimentary fabrics.  

Black / White gingham fabric and a yellow fabric were used for finishing. 

Lots of little bees are buzzing about in this bee yard. πŸ˜€πŸπŸπŸ


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Well Sweeties, I better buzz. I know you have places to go, x's to be crossed and quilts to quilt! Have an awesome day doing what you love! 
Love ya!

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Spread  a little sweetness wherever you go!🐝🍯"

Hugs and Stitches!!! πŸ€—πŸ§΅

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤πŸ‘Ό

Shaggy the stray  is still  hanging about. I can not get close to her, but she is not running away which is a good sign. 


  1. Oh, I sure hope that hive starts to do much better. All beehive and bee decor looks lovely! I can't believe July will be over soon. This year has definitely flown by. Enjoy your Wednesday! Big Hugs!

    1. I do too, Darlene. Hubby is watching it carefully. Thankfully we have several hives that seem to be doing great. I can not believe July is almost over with . Where did it go? Lol. I hope you are having a great day too. Hugs

  2. I hope the hive improves soon.
    Beautiful embroidery, Melisa


    1. Aaah thank you so much , Isabel. This is our oldest hive so hopefully things will improve. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  3. Love your Bee Yard. I will be stitching it soon. Hope your bee hive grows soon. Keep that honey coming. You have a beautiful day my friend. ❤️πŸπŸ€—

    1. Aaah I hope you enjoy each and every stitch, Patti. It is a super simple one. I have my fingers crossed about the hive , but thankfully we have other hives that are thriving. I wish you a fabulous evening. Hugs.

  4. Sorry to hear there is trouble with the bees. πŸ˜” Hope they improve. All your bee stitches look lovely! Love the new Bee Yard too. I like the border, it gives a lacy look to the piece.

    Best not to try too hard to encourage Shaggy, let her come to you. I’ve noticed our cats want to see the people that don’t particularly want to say hello to them! Cats, eh! Barbara @flashinscissors πŸ™‹‍♀️πŸ’œπŸ€—πŸ˜˜ xxx

    1. Oh thank you so much, Barbara. We enjoy the bees so much, so it is disheartening when one of the hives has problems. Great advice on Shaggy. She is starting to hand around and watch me as I put out feed which is a great improvement from when she would bolt at the sight of me. Mama cat who is a stray too is now living happily on the porch and does not mind me at all. I do love cats. Lol. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.

  5. Bee Yard is just adorable--you do such lovely stitcheries...I am still working on "finishing up"
    pieces i have already made...I will be glue booking a lot in August;; I will be trying to get my
    "En Masse Gluebook" finished so I can start on Vol. 2 hugs, Julierose ;)))

    1. I do need to be doing the same and finishing some pieces myself, but I tend to always chase squirrels and begin new projects. How exciting that you will be working on your glue book. I hope you will post photos. I haven't worked on my travel glue book/ journal in awhile. I have been saving some magazines to cut out of though. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.

  6. Your bee pieces are darling including the newest one, Bee Yard. I hope the one that isn't looking so good makes it, Melisa. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    1. Oh thank you so much for the warm thoughts on my bees, Robin; I do hope they recoup. This little bee piece was a super quick and simple stitch; I am thrilled to add it to my collection. Hope you have a wonderful evening . Hugs.

  7. I love to see your photos of the bees! Hope the one hive shows some improvement. Is there anything Mr. Pinker can do for them? The Bee Yard stitch looks like a fun one! I've just started the tiny bee sampler that you show in the photo with Buzz Buzz. It's a sweet one! Thank you for sharing your wonderful designs and keeping us in stitches!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Diann. I always enjoying going out to see the bees and capturing a few photos. The queen in the oldest hive is not laying so he is not sure what is going on. It is our oldest hive so I guess he will keep an eye on them and see. I hope you enjoy the little bee sampler. I can not wait to see your progress. I was thinking the other night I need to work on another mini sampler. LOL. Enjoy your evening and happy stitching. Hugs.

  8. Isn't Shaggy pretty!!! I'm sorry to hear that one of the hives doesn't seem to be faring well. Hopefully it'll come around and be productive. Your bees, real and stitched, are fantastic. Love all of them!

    1. She is . There are 5 cats that have showed up at my sister's which includes Shaggy and 3 more at my house. We have a lot of strays in the neighborhood all of a sudden and I am feeding them all. LOL. But Shaggy is the one I have been able to photograph. I have my fingers crossed about the bees. Hopefully we will see some improvement soon. Thank you so much, Susie for the sweet Wednesday visit. I hope you have had a great day. Hugs.

  9. Does "not doing too well" in bees mean that they are leaving? Your Bee Yard stitch is lovely. I love your stray kitty! She is a pretty little thing, hope she realizes she's onto a good thing and lets you pet her soon. :)

    1. Hubby said that the queen bee is not laying eggs for some reason. He is not sure if something is wrong with her or if something else is going on. I sure hope they improve soon. She is an old queen and this is the oldest hive. So I am not sure if they will make a new queen or what will happen. The other hives are fairing nicely. Linda, I can not tell you how excited I am that we have a few cats taking up residence here now. LOL. Shaggy has let me take her photo. I am trying to get good ones of the others. LOL. Have a great evening . Hugs.

  10. Ohhhhh, you know I love the bees! You have a lovely collection of bee me so many ideas! I hope the real bees/hive survive, fingers crossed.

    1. Isn't "bee stitching so much fun"? Lol. My collection of bee stitches is slowly growing. I was thrilled to finish this one and thankfully, I did not stew too long over finishing it. LOL. Happy bee stitching. Have a great evening, Jeanna. Hugs.

  11. Hopefully the hive recovers soon. Very fun Bee Yard stitchery. I always associate yellows with August (and brown too, because all the green is usually brown by the end of the month).

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate. I hope it will quickly recoup too. Oh yes the yellows warm my heart particularly this time of the year. Yes our leaves usually begin turning brown and falling in August because of the heat , we miss the changing of the colors. LOL. Hope you are having a great day in the quilt room. Hugs.

  12. Bee Yard is perfect to represent Mr. Pinker and his 3 sweet hives. Thank you. I hope things improve soon for the hive that's struggling. Does he have any idea what is happening? Shaggy looks to have a little brown mottled into her fur. Are you trying to be-friend her or just hoping she will stay as a barn cat?

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. Hubby sure loves working the bees and this was a great reminder of our bee yard. He says that the queen is not laying. This is our oldest hive so I am not sure what is going on. I have my fingers crossed that they will perk up. I am hoping Shaggy will stay. Another cat that I call Mama has took up residence on the porch . Shaggy likes to stay on the outskirts of the porch and sheds. So we shall see with her. LOL. I hope you have had a great day and it hasn't been to hot. It was another rainy day here. Hugs.

  13. As always, you amaze me with your changeover of stitcheries and displays! I try to keep somewhat seasonal in what quilts/stitcheries are in my home, but the word is seasonal ... not monthly, or even sometimes you seem to do it more often! :) As for what I work on? No, not always seasonal, but surprisingly enough, right now it is, as I am working on your Summer Checklist!

    1. Aaaah you are the sweetest! I think I have always moved stuff around monthly. I guess I get bored too easy, but I tell you- it is a job to change things out . Isn't it? Whether seasonal or not. LOL. I changed out a few things today on a shelf. Eeeh I am so excited that you are working on Summer Checklist. I hope you are enjoying it. I have mine sitting on the sewing machine waiting for binding. Perhaps I will do that tonight. I have worked on strawberry embroidery today, but I do need to move onto fall. It is fast approaching. Have a blessed evening. Hugs.

  14. I hope for you that the hives recover soon. Stitching as always wonderful.
    Have a nice wednesday.
    Hugs, Gabi

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gabi. I have my fingers crossed that the bees will recoup. Hopefully, hubby will check them again soon to see if there is improvement. I love the bees. LOL. Have a blessed day . Hugs.

  15. I'm so sorry about your bees. I hope they perk back up. We need bees!!! I don't care for them myself but I can certainly appreciate their value to the environment.
    Your bee display is so cute and your new design too. I love the do and your little quilt. All your items are so sweet and you display everything so beautifully. Have a great day!

    1. Aaah Sandra, you are so very kind. Thank you so much for the heart warming compliments. You made my day! I am in high hopes that the bees will perk up; I never know what to expect when it comes to those little fellas. I wish you a lovely evening and thank you again for the sweet Wednesday visit. Hugs.

  16. Your bee yard is so pretty Melisa! I hope your bees will get better!

    1. Aaah thank you kindly, Diana for the sweet well wishes for my bees and the kind compliment. Bee Yard was a super quick stitch and a delight to work on and share. Have a blessed and beautiful evening. Hugs.

  17. Aaah I am so grateful that you stitched those little samplers, Vicki. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoyed each and every stitch. I was thinking the other night I need to work on a new mini sampler . I hope you enjoy your evening and Happy stitching. Hugs.

  18. Bee yard is a great stitchery! I too hope that your bees get better!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Oh thank you so much, Terry.I am hoping they will perk up very soon. Hubby has been researching them so hopefully he can figure it out. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  19. I am so glad your site was suggested to me. I have been enjoying everything you post for about a month now. Your posts are a bright spot in my day! About this time of year I have started working on Christmas :) The bees are in good hands with your hubby :) Bright and cheery day back to you! (nwpaintedlady)

    1. Aaah I am so touched Sharon; you made my day! What a sweet compliment. I am so very grateful that you have been visiting me; I can not tell you how much it means to me that you visit my humble little blog and enjoy it as well. Oh yes, this is a great time to get ahead and start Christmas stitching. I have been working on a few projects myself. I hope you are making a lot of progress. Enjoy your day and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.


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