Blog Archive

Thursday, January 2, 2025

A Parade of Homes 2025

Hello , Sweet friends. It is a beautiful  winter's day- a perfect day to enjoy a parade. So grab you a cup of cocoa and  join me as I reminisce over some  of the house designs that I have shared over the last few years.  I have tried to organize them by a month or theme.  If you see any that you are interested in knowing more, about click on the colored text ,and you will magically be taken back to that post. I hope you enjoy.

This is a photo heavy post. I do apologize. 


Winter Manor

Winter Saltbox

A Cold Winter's Day- Dot's Saltbox

Prim Winter Blessings

The Star Spangled Winter Home


Dorothy Mae's Spring House

Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox

Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox is nestled in a darling tobacco basket ornament gifted to me by sweet Shelly. 

Love Grows Here

Filled With Love This is a smaller piece 





Summer House  is a larger piece. 

Little Liberty Manor ( This is a smaller piece) 

Mollie William's Homestead with Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox  and Freedom Saltbox



1803 Autumn Home  This is a larger house

An Autumn's Day

Crows in the Pumpkin Patch

The gorgeous crocheted pillow was a gift from dear Barbara. I love it! 



Candy Corn House with Autumn's Saltbox

 The Blessing House


Can you guess which are the most popular this year? 

#1 is Spring Green Saltbox 

#2 Winter Saltbox

# Dorothy Mae's Spring House

It is always hard for me to choose a favorite particularly since so many of them are named after my family members, but as of right now - Pumpkin Blossom Inn is still my favorite. 

If I have missed any of the houses that should be in the parade, please let me know. 

Thank you so much for stopping by and looking at my little village.Have a wonderful day, Sweeties. 

As always...

 Happy quilting and stitching, y'all

"Home is the nicest word there is. "- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hugs and Stitches!!! šŸ¤—❤šŸ§µ

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. Thank you so much, Melisa. I love a good parade, but the marching band was missing. What's up with that - big sigh. LOL I'll get over it.
    I'd thought about stitching all of them in 2025, but I don't think it's a goal I can achieve. I believe I've done 4 so I need to set my needle to turbo speed. At this time next year, we'll see what I managed to do. I need to stop sleeping lol Have a fabulous tomorrow and thank you for all your hard work today. It was so much fun!!! Big Ole Hugs, Darlene J

  2. Oh my gosh, which one first? I really don't know. These houses are all adorable. And as I wrote on a previous comment, someday I stitch them all. Already one I have stitched. It's that little Halloween house. Thank you so much for sharing with us. That is very generous.
    It was fun to look at them all and........ where are my needle, fabric and threads?????
    Big hugs to you,

  3. That is quite a parade of homes - you are a great architect of houses Melisa!

  4. (Little Penpen) it would be difficult to pick a favorite, for sure. Your talent is amazing and you are so generous to share with us. Goals!!! I want to stitch some of these this year!

  5. Happy New Year! They are all wonderful and I'd like to live in each and every one!

  6. I love them all too. Funny but the one that stood out to me was also Pumpkin Blossom Inn. Thank you so much for all of these patterns. Happy New Year!!

  7. I love them all and need to get back to stitching on more of them!

  8. Of all your many designs, your saltboxes are my favorites, Melisa! I need to stitch more of them. Happy New Year to you and your family! ♥

  9. They are all amazing Melisa, but I especially like And snow fell on Cardinal House and all the other Winter ⛄️themed houses. Warm wishes, hugs, Barbara of @flashinscissors. šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ¤—šŸ™‹‍♀️šŸ‘‹xxx Take good care of yourselves. ☺️šŸ‘šŸ‘‹xxx☃️

  10. You have the most delightful variety of house stitches, Melisa! Such a great resource - to have all of them linked up to the same post. I'm still working on the Ole Crow house and making progress!

  11. Happy new year dear friend--I love every single house--but a bit more than I can stitch right now--but I do see at least '2' I know I have to do--maybe I should make 2025 the year of 'houses' as I keep saying I am going to make a house quilt and haven't done that yet --either???
    Hopefully by Monday I will be back into a routine--think the 'cold' is better-though my voice is still crocky sounding--and my daughters visit from Illinois is over and we finally did Chmas with my son and daughter in law--and I finally just sent out my last package--now it's time to undo all the work in the holiday decorating and put out snowmen--
    Thank you again for all the stitching and sharing you do of your patterns--bless you--
    hugs, di

  12. Absolutely love them all! I have stitched several and have several more on my wish to stitch list. Thank you for so graciously sharing your designs.

  13. Your parade of homes was great! I can't pick a favorite!!!! I hope you have a fabulous year ahead of you!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  14. I always enjoy a good parade of homes!! Thanks, Melisa!

  15. Wow - just wow! Thank you so much - I've often thought about making these into monthly houses and here you are doing this for us! I had to bookmark this page! Now to decide which ones to do! You are so very generous with your patterns - I am forever grateful. Blessings!

  16. Once again, I am stumped to choose just one darling house as my favorite. I like different parts of a lot of them. Every time I look through them I see more little details. So creative! Thank you, Melisa!

  17. You have a whole city worth of houses from last year! You are very creative to come up with so many original designs in just one year.

  18. I love all of your saltbox houses! I hope to start one (or three) this year. Thank you for your generosity! I hope you have a blessed and wonderful year!

  19. What a beautiful can be proud Melisa! They are so charming,I can''t resist them...I'm stitching 42 now....thank you so much!!!

    1. Love and hugs from the Netherlands!

  20. I love all your houses. It's very hard to pick a favourite one. Happy New Year Melisa! xx

  21. Just some of them? Please, please, please show them ALL! I need to get busy and start stitching them. They're fantastic! Thank you for sharing.


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