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Friday, June 14, 2024

It Happened Again and Bee Balm a Bee Freebie

 "I'm  going outside ," said Mr. Pinker as he slipped on his shoes.

 "Why? It is 11:00 at night? "I said with a puzzled look on my face. 

 "It is time to close the trap"  he said with a smile. 

 " Eeeeh! I mean Buzzzz!  Hip Hip Hooray!" I exclaimed . "BEEES!  By golly, are you telling me that we actually caught another swarm?! " 

"Yep," said Mr. Pinker as he headed out the door.  

Some of our older bees. 

Welcome y'all and Happy Farm Friday!

 Farm Friday is where I share a little something from the farm which often happens in just about every post, but anywhoo it is fun to have a day dedicated for farm posts . 

We caught our 2nd swarm  for the year right here in the holler. The next day, Mr. Pinker  put those little honeymakers into their new temporary home! 

The new swarm is in the nuc box. Sugar water is available for their drinking pleasure. 

 It is so exciting to have a new swarm in "Beeville". Mr. Pinker said he gently shook them out of the trap and soon they did a little march into the nuc box. 

As Mr. Pinker worked with the bees, some of the critters came to watch which included Gertrude the Groundhog who lives under the pig barn .

The babes watched from the field on the hill. 

But Edna.... Oh gosh, Edna could have cared less.  I guess it was too early in the morning for her. 😀😂🐴

 In celebration, a new wee bee stitch is completed. It is called Bee Balm.

"Bee Balm" with Itty Bitty Bee Pinkeep and Aunt Bea's Summer Home

 Bee Balm was inspired by Mom's Bee Balm which  is in  bloom.

Isn't this a lovely color ? Do you grow Bee Balm? 

 I planted mine this year so I am waiting for it to put on a spectacular display of blooms like mom's . 

This little stitch has 3 busy buzzing bees visiting the Bee Balm; of course you could add  more if you chose to stitch it. 

Wanting to be thrifty, I searched the quilt nest for something to finish Bee Balm on. Soon I  found this Dollar Tree paper mache box that I had purchased a few years ago .

The supplies is ready to finish Bee Balm on the Dollar Tree box. 

 In addition , I   found the perfect finishing fabric for a good ole' country look as well. I ripped a strip of fabric and glued it on the box and then added the stitch which was laced to a piece of cardboard with 1 layer of batting on it. 

Wahlah! Another thrifty wee bee stitch to display for summer. 

I added a little ripped fabric bow and a string of buttons on a gourd pin for embellishment. 

 Oh, did I mention that this was a super quick stitch to work on? I finished  stitching it all in about an hour. 

Bee Balm with Beatrice's Bee Manor


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


I will be starting a new bee stitch soon, but first, I must finish this little sampler.  If the sun shines and the creek doesn't rise , it will be a posted as a freebie in a few short days.  

 I better Buzz!  I know you have you are a busy bee as well so I wish you the most productive and joyous day and...


Happy stitching, ya'll

When you can be anything, bee kind. 

Hugs and Stitches! 

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. . I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 

Nosey says "Have a fabulous day! "


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  1. Love the new sampler!!! Well, of course I grow Bee Balm right here in the desert. It grows wild between the cacti and the lovely weeds. You'd be so jealous of the plethora of weeds. ROFLOL My neighbor says we should be deadheading the weeds, but we don't have any blooms. So....
    Have lovely Friday. Darlene J

    1. Lol, I have my share of weeds too. Well at least you don't have to worry about deadheading. Hee! Hee! Thank you so much, dear Darlene for the giggles and for the sweet Friday visit. .I just finished the sampler. Eeeh! I am so excited! I hope hubby can help me frame it tomorrow. Havea great weekend. Hugs.

  2. I loved reading about Mr P and the bees, fascinating! He’s very brave! Our neighbours kept bees for a while, but the hubbie got stung so many times he has to keep away from bees for fear of an analeptic attack.
    “Bee balm” is so very pretty - but how do you stitch so fast!
    Actually, I saw a video on Instagram yesterday which has helped me stitch a little faster - and I realised I have been using a needle that was too large, for ages, without realising it. I had been using needles that came with free gifts from magazines! So maybe I’ll get more stitching finished now 😂🤣😂🤣
    Is the house in the background a new pattern too?
    🤗 Have a super weekend Melisa, Barbara @flashinscissors. 🥰😘🙋‍♀️👋💜xxx

    1. I learn something new from Mr. Pinker everyday about the bees. The are fascinating and I am always asking questions. That is so sad that your neighbor had to give up his hobby, but I can understand. I am allergic too, but Mr. Pinker bought me a bee suit of my own so this year I have visited the bees unscathed (knock on wood). Lol I do not feel like I stitch fast, but others have said I do. I have struggled with needles too, but when I find one I like I usually try to use it. I also have mutliple needles threaded so that helps I guess. Oh yes that house is a freebie. It is called Beatrice's Bee Manor and was posted August 25, 2023 . I wish you a wonderful day and a fabulous weekend. Hugs.

  3. A new busy day on the farm!!!
    Beautiful bee stitches.
    Kisses and happy weekend

    1. It was a busy day and what a delight to have new additions to the farm! Thank you for the sweet Friday visit, Isabel. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  4. The bee balm stitchery is very cute! I have bee balm in the flowerbed but mine is red. Happy stitching!

    1. I would love to have a red bee balm. I am not sure what color mine will be when it blooms. I hope yours puts on a beautiful display of blooms this year. Have a great weekend, Gretchen and thank you for dropping by.

  5. That Bee Balm flower is so gorgeous--love the color and the "shaggy" petals!! I want to [finally!]
    get my marigold seeds in today before the rains come...hugs, Julierose

    1. I am amazed at how Mom's bee balm is doing. I hope mine grows just as big and healthy. Marigolds is one of my favorites. I wish you a wonderful day in the garden . It will be a good time for planting if rain is on its way. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  6. And VOILA! There it is--another sweet design from Melisa! I had bee balm, but thought I removed it as it was taking over the area. Well guess what--it's BAAACK. Mine is red. Your design also reminds me of Russian sage that blooms purple in late August here in Michigan and the bees LOVE it!

    1. Lol This was a quick stitch! Mom put her bee balm in last year and now -wow it has grown. I do not know that much about it. It is interesting to hear that it is hardy and prolific. . It sounds like you are going to be removing some bee balm. Lol. Oooh I hope mine is red like yours . Russian sage would be a great addition to my garden. I will be putting it on my list. Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  7. Both your live and stitched bee balm are looking good. Happy stitching this weekend.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Kate. The bee balm has exploded in height and in blooms. The bees and butterflies are all over it. Have a great weekend. Hugs

  8. Your new stitch is so pretty. Never knew about a plant called bee balm. I even googled it lol! You can actually make a tea from it. Interesting. My big question is how does one "capture" a swarm? Ummm...very carefully? LOL! Blessings!

    1. Happy Friday, Donna. I am new to bee balm and still learning, but I have been so impressed by how well mom's bee balm is doing. I sure hope mine looks that way in the future. Lol thankfully, hubby had a box trap box waiting for the swarm, but oh yes, one has to be very careful when capturing one in the wild. Lol. These last 2 hives have been gentle, but we have one that is always mad. LOL. Hugs and Blessings.

  9. How exciting, you have a new community called Beeville in your already established Pinkerville community. Y’all must be very excited. I love bee balm so I think I will start yours today. Hope you find many more swarms to add to your Beeville community. Have a great day sweetie. 🤗❤️

    1. I think I need to paint a sign for our growing bee community. Lol. We were quite excited to have this new addition. I hope they new bees stay happy and enjoy their new home. I also hope that you enjoy this little stitch, Patti. Have a wonderful day and stay comfy and cool. Hugs.

  10. So happy you have new little buzzers in the holler! I hope they make oodles of honey for you! The new stitch is really cute! Thanks!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Brenda. We are over the moon to have the little honeymakers. Hopefully, they will gift us some honey in exchange for their new home. Hee! Hee! Have a great weekend. Hugs

  11. How exciting to have more bees! I can only imagine the delicious honey you will get. The little box finish is adorable. Adding the little button was creative.

    1. We are over the moon to have the new swarm. I went out to see yesterday evening and they were staying busy. Thank you so much for the sweet Friday visit. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  12. I really enjoy hearing about the daily happenings on your farm, Melisa. Well, in this case--a very special happening. Hooray for more bees! And your little bee balm finish is darling. My husband was just asking me yesterday if we should plant some bee balm. I actually had to look it up to see what it looked like. So thanks for posting both your design and the photos of it! Have a great weekend! ♥

    1. You are so very kind, Carol. I enjoy rambling on about the farm; there is always something going on. Oh how fun; I hope you do plant some bee balm. Mom's bee balm has been in the ground since last year and it just took off . It exploded with blooms this week and we are astounded by all of the activity around it - bees, bugs and butterflies. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  13. I love bee balm but have mainly seen it in reds, love your color! That little bee charm you made is the best! I might need to make one too!

    1. Mom planted her bee balm last year. We do not see bee balm in landscaping around here too much so we are quite pleased on how well it is doing. I planted mine in April so I have my fingers crossed it will be just as hardy. I am hoping mine is red. Lol. Thank you so much Shelly for the Friday visit. I wish you a wonderful and blessed weekend. Hugs.

  14. Kudos to the Mr. and another swarm! He's got the magic touch! Always enjoy all the critter shots! We had a groundhog that lived under the garage at the farm. They are so cute with their bottle-brush tails. The Bee Balm is lovely. I participated in a Row Robin a few years ago and one of the gals had a garden theme and wanted a Bee Balm flower so I did a paper pieced one for her, but I made it red. I don't have any here. I will have to check to see if it grows here.

    1. I do believe you are right - hubby has the magic touch on capturing those swarms. Lol. He enjoys working the bees too. He has been melting down some of the combs today to use. Oooh I bet the Bee Balm paper pieced block was gorgeous, Ginny and a perfect addition to your friends quilted garden. How fun ; paper piecing takes a lot of work and thought. I hope bee balm does grow in your area and perhaps you might want to add some to your garden. We do not have good dirt here so I have my fingers crossed mine will thrive live my mom's. Lol. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  15. A pretty embroidery and oh how I enjoyed reading about the new bee swarm!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Diana. It was a quick stitch . We are excited about our new swarm . They seem to be doing well.Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  16. That sounds exciting to have a new swarm! Do you have to do this every year? I bet they make wonderful honey. I love your Bee Balm stitch, too, Melisa! Thanks for sharing it!

    1. We just got back into beekeeping about three years ago . Being thrifty we started capturing swarms and adding new hives. The year before last we had one hive die out . Surprisingly it was one of our strong hives, but we have replaced it. I am hoping they will continue to do good and give us a good amount of honey. I am learning something new all the time about them. Thank you so much, dear Diann for the Friday visit. Have a great evening. Hugs.

  17. Congratulations to you and Mr. Pinker on another swarm catch! Darling Bee Balm stitch!

    1. We were so excited and the bees seem like they are doing great. Thank you for the sweet Saturday visit. Hugs.

  18. Wow, your own honey! Amazing as is that lovely stitchery, Melisa. As always thanks for the wonderful freebie. I had lots of Bee Balm at the farm; I must see if I can grow some here too.

    1. We sure hope to be able to get honey come harvest time. We love to eat it on biscuits with a little butter. Mom's bee balm has done fantastic. I look forward to seeing what color my bee balm will be. Oh yes, I hope you do add some to your garden. Have a great weekend. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  19. How fun to get those bees and have your own supply of honey, YUM! I have only red bee balm and they are so pretty when they bloom. Did you plant yours from seed???

    1. We were super excited to capture a 2nd swarm for the season. The bees seem to be doing well. Mom and I both purchased our bee balm from the Mennonite community. We did not know what color the blooms would be. Mom's was the beautiful lilac color; I have my fingers crossed that mine will be red. Lol. The bees are loving hers. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  20. Hi Melisa!!Thank you so much for the photos. I don't know anyone with bees, so it good to see Mr. P's bees. Also, thank you for the strawberry sampler in honor of your sister. I lost my sister to cancer, she was 41 yrs. old in 1999. I think about her everyday. Well, have a great day and Bless you.

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