Blog Archive

Friday, December 27, 2024

Hutch Tours of 2024

 Welcome , sweet friends and a lovely winter's day to you!  I thought I would give a review of my hutch tours this year. Y'all who have been with me for awhile know that I am a maximallist. I love it all and want to enjoy all of my thrifted goodies -sooo I pile it on thick in ! Hee! Hee!   I would love for you to grab a cup of hot cocoa and join me . If you would like to take a closer look, just click on the colored links and you will be whisked away to that post where you will also find links to stitches. 

This  year there was no winter hutch tour because Mr. Pinker and I high tailed it to AZ earlier this year to enjoy warm weather. 

The first hutch tour of the year began in February with my She's My Cherry Pie themed hutch. I filled my hutch to the brim with all things red and cherry related. I even included a few "Love " stitches. It was cuter in person than what the photo shows. 

Easter came  early this year so I skipped right past St. Patrick's Day and decorated my hutch with Chicks and Bunnies  in March. 

 Berries Galore Hutch was one of my favorites for hutch displays this year. The hutch was overflowing with all things strawberries.  

Peanuts, Cola and Cracker Jacks  were the treats for the Take Me Out To The Ballgame patriotic hutch. 

Lemons and Blueberries were on the menu for the late July hutch. It was a ray of sunshine. 

September was all about Apples, Apples and More Apples. I decorated my humble hutch in all things red and apple related. Lots of gifts from friends and family as well as thrifty finds were displayed lovingly. 

October brought my "Fall on the Farm" hutch. It was inspired by the Little House Needleworks piece called Old Red Barn. 

In mid October, hubby and I left for a few weeks stay in Texas . By the time we got back home, I did not have time to put up the Thanksgiving hutch. Instead, I went straight to decorating for Christmas. 

My daughter wanted me to decorate with Santa mugs so I did . This hutch was called "Santas, Santas, and More Santas". 

You do not have to have a hutch to decorate with . Just use a shelf. This year I decided to  redecorate my vintage shelf for the seasons . 

In February , I decorated the shelf in the Campbell's Soup theme.

Bunnies, chicks and flowers filled the Country Garden themed shelf in the Spring. 

For Christmas I decorated the old shelf in the Coca Cola theme along with a few vintage items thrown in. 

Do you like to decorate seasonally?  I always enjoy pulling out the seasonal quilts first and then the cross stitch. I am already brainstorming on ideas for 2025.  Changing things out is a lot of work , but it is fun to enjoy those treasures that I have collected throughout the year.  Thank you so much for taking time to visit me. 

Have a beautiful day, Sweeties. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

"With the changing seasons comes new beginnings. "

Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  . ❤


  1. I imagine it is a LOT of work changing out everything as you do, but I do enjoy your hutch tours and seeing your treasures you find on your adventures! Looking forward to what 2025 will bring! Happy New Year!

  2. What a parade! I always enjoy them so much. I appreciate all your efforts. My decorating leans to the minimal but I live vicariously through your Maximal sharing with us.

  3. Great summary!!
    Each season has its unique and exclusive details.

  4. I enjoy all of your decor tours, especially the hutch. You have inspired so much of what I try to do with the Hoosier cabinet.

  5. I enjoy each of your posts! I’ve just finished another embroidered snowman! I also enjoy decorating my own hutch! 😃

  6. You have such fun decor to match the seasons. That is so much work, but it must bring you a lot of joy or you wouldn't do it. My seasonal decor is pretty much limited to changing my tablecloth to match the seasons. But it is so fun to see all your treasures, many bring back memories of my time on my grandparents farm.


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