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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Blessed -IG Five Year Anniversary Chart - Freebie

 Rain drops keep falling on my head...

Good Thursday morning, Sweet friends. 

Yesterday I awoke to a beautiful rainy day. It was a gentle rain that only lasted a few hours , but it made the plants perk up with joy and shout "Yahoo!" 

More rain is on the way as Hurricane Helene approaches and makes landfall. My prayers go out to all of those in Helene's path. 

For the last 4 years, I have always shared a "Blessed " chart. 

Sept 26, 2020 - 1 year IG Anniversary Post

Five years ago today, I took a big plunge for me and that was to get on social media. Oh boy, was I scared  to death, but with a few words of encouragement from my daughter, I posted a photo on Instagram.  I know this is not a big deal, but it sure was in my mind especially since I was not very tech savvy . 

So I could not let this day go by without telling you how grateful I am to all of you. You are my sweet friends and a blessing in my life. 

You brighten my day and lift my spirits. Your sweet visits , words of encouragement and support  means the world to me.  I do feel blessed. 

Thank you!

Previous Blessed Charts


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Alright Sweeties,  I am off to see what the day allows.   

I wish you a day of blessings and joy and thank you again for just being YOU! Love ya! 

Sending you hugs and love  , ❤🤗

I will be posting how I finished this piece later today ( 2 pm CST) . Please pop back in if you are interested. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Every friend is a gift, a blessing , a reason to be grateful. 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much.❤❤👼  You were and still are a blessing in my life. 

Thank you for the sweet visit.


  1. We all love you, too, dear lady. You're the bright light in my days. Enjoy this day! Hugs!

    1. Aaah I love you too, sweet Darlene. You always bring a big smile and lots of giggles to my day. I am so grateful that we have met through Instagram . You are a blessing. Warm hugs.

  2. Thank you for the new chart and all that you share. You have been a blessing to me as well. I look forward to reading your blog. I check it everyday. We have never met but I feel like we are long time friends. Have a blessed day and stay safe.

    1. Aaah you are so welcome , Joy and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can not tel you how much your kind words mean to me. I feel like we are friends too no matter how far apart we are. Have a beautiful and blessed day. Hugs and Blessings.

  3. Please thank your sweet daughter for giving you that techie nudge and for sharing you with us. A blog visit with you always brightens my day and I hope you know what a blessing you are to me. Happy IG-aversary!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Maureen. I will always remember what she said - "You will meet others like you. " I truly feel like I have made so many dear friends and thank you for being one of them. I send you warm hugs and blessings.

  4. Happy IG-anniversary Melisa! I know what you mean, I felt "exposed". LOL! I forgot what part of Tennessee you are in, but Helene will most likely affect your whole state. I pray you won't have strong winds, but I hope you do get your much needed rain.

    1. Oh thank you so very much for the happy anniversary wishes. I have been watching the weather this morning. The electricity has already gone off for several hours this morning, but thankfully restored. I am not sure why though because it has not been windy yet. I plan to batten down the hatches here shortly and secure the umbrellas, cushions and such. I always worry about trees falling on the house. Fingers crossed it will not get too bad. Have a wonderful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  5. Happy IG 5th anniversary (IG? What is that?) Love your blessed patterns - thank you so much. Here in FL, dh and I are inland - WAY away from the coast. Thank you for the prayers.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Donna.  IG is what I call Instagram. I am so glad that you have moved further inland. I have been watching the news about Helene's progress this morning; it sounds scary with the large storm surges and winds.   Do stay safe. You will stay in my continued prayers. Hugs and Blessings.  

  6. Happy Anniversary. . .Wow! Five years that is a big deal! Your Blessed patterns are wonderful. How generous you have been and continue to be!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aah thank you so much, Terry. It was a big move for me to get on social media, but it has been a blessing. This is a wonderful community to be part of . I am so grateful that I found you ; you are such an inspiration and a sweet friend. Have a wonderful afternoon and rest up before those sweet grandbabes arrive. Hugs.

  7. Happy IG anniversary, sweet friend. You are truly a blessing to us as well sharing your creativity and love of stitching, crafting and decorating! Sending big hugs to you. Stay safe as this storm heads your way.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Brenda for the sweet anniversary wishes. You are the sweetest and I am so grateful to call you a friend. You stay safe as well . Are you in the path of the storm where you live in AL? I dread the high winds. Love and Blessings.

  8. Happy 5th year anniversary! I am blessed to have stumbled upon you via IG and your blog. Your newest Blessed design is a pretty one. Thank you for sharing your creations with us.

    1. Oh Robin, you have been such a dear friend of mine since the very beginning. I can not tell you how much you mean to me. Thank you for being there for me. Big hugs and lots of love.

  9. Happy anniversary. 5 years wonderful patterns and ideas. You are very generous to share them with us.
    I read you live in the state TN. My favorite music comes from there. Years ago, my husband and I wanted to go there but we were warned because of a tornado, So we went to the other direction and I did not see the Grand Old Opry or one of my favorite singers. Buhuuhuu!
    Blessed is a very elegant pattern.
    Stay safe,

    1. Aaah thank you so much for the sweet anniversary wishes, Gabi ,for the sweet visits and for being such a kind friend. I appreciate you so much. Oh yes, this state is filled with so many talented musicians. I wish the weather had not interrupted your plans to visit, Nashville and especially to see your favorite musician. I hope that you will be able to come back and visit someday soon. I think you would enjoy it. Thank you again, Gabi and I wish you a blessed day. .Hugs.

  10. Thank you for the Blessed pattern--my word for years now has been 'believe'--but blessed is a good one to add--wait'n on some outer bands from Hurricane Helene here on the east coast of Florida today!!! hugs, di

    1. Aaah you are so very welcome, Di and thank you for being such a kind and supporting friend and for being such an inspiration. Believe is a great word too. I have a few smalls that I have stitched over the words with that word. Do stay safe as Hurricane Helene comes through. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and Blessings.

  11. Happy 5th IG Anniversary, Melisa. YOU are a blessing to all of your followers. Thank you for providing a positive and happy place to visit and for sharing your incredible talent.

    1. Aaw shucks, Thank you so much, Jeanna; you are the sweetest. I am so grateful to have met you, sweet friend. I always enjoy visiting you as well. Seeing all of your lovely projects keeps me motivated. I wish you a wonderful day. Will your area be affected by Hurricane Helene? Please do stay safe. Hugs

  12. Happy 5 year anniversary, Melisa! I'm in awe of all the wonderful designs you've shared with us--so generously--through the years. It is very difficult to put yourself out there on social media (at least for me!) so I understand your feelings. I hope you know what a beacon of light you are in our stitching community! ♥

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Carol for the sweet anniversary wishes. It was very hard to put myself out there but I am so grateful to everyone has been so kind. Long before I got on social media , I followed your blog and just fell in love with all that you did. Thank you for being an inspiration and for all that you do . I am so blessed to call you a friend. I wish you a lovely afternoon. Warm hugs.

  13. Happy Anniversary, Melisa! It is a big step to get yourself on social media, but we're sure glad you did! Thank you for all that you share - your sweet designs have made a difference in my life. I just love stitching them! Your collection of Blessed designs is lovely!


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