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Friday, April 29, 2022

Strawberry Saltbox - A Spring Freebie

A very berry good morning to you , Cupcakes!  I am feeling Fridaylicous! How about you?  

I could not say goodbye to April without sharing a saltbox stitch with you.  

 If ya'll saw my Strawberry Hutch Tour earlier this week , ya'll  know that strawberry season is upon us here in the South.  

Lots of reds and anything berry related. 

So I just had to stitch myself a Berry House.  Eeeh I hope you like it!!

 You know me and reds. This one makes my heart go thumpity thump. 

 I debated and debated on whether or not to frame this one or to make it into a pillow like the others. Well the simple pillow finish won out. 


If you are interested in Strawberry Saltbox , please check out the links below where you will find the jpgs. 

Many of you know , but I always like to leave this little disclaimer.  

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding that I  have to put each page on separate links because of the devices I use. I apologize for that.  These are images of the chart  or JPG s and not downloads.   I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs. 

Click here for the instruction jpg. 

Click here for the Colored chart in jpg form. 

Click here for the Black / White chart in jpg form. 

If you would like to include your initials  like I did . I have included an alphabet from a previous chart or you can create your own.  You can see that I used a different "V" than what was charted. 

Click here for the alphabet/ numbers chart. 

With fresh strawberries ripening on  the farm, you would think that I would prepare something yummy , but I haven't had the opportunity yet. But I did find a recipe  in our monthly CO OP magazine that sounds rather interesting, and I thought I would share it with you. 


PREP TIME: 20 minutes   CHILL TIME: 8 hours


11 ounce ( 1 box ) of vanilla wafers

2 cups of semi sweet chocolate chips, divided

1/2 cup of strong coffee

1/2 cup of cream , divided

2 cups of whipped cream

2 cups of strawberries thinly sliced

1/2 cup whole strawberries for garnish


1. Line a 8 x 5 inch loaf pan with plastic wrap, leaving extra on the sides to fold over the top. 

2. In a microwave safe bowl, combine 1 cup of chocolate chips, coffee, and 1/4 cup of the cream. Microwave on high until the chocolate is completely melted . Stir until smooth. 

3. Cover the bottom of the pan with a single layer of vanilla wafers. Lightly drizzle some of the chocolate over the wafers. place sliced strawberries in a single layer over the chocolate. Repeat layers as many times as needed to fill the pan. Fold the plastic wrap over the top and refrigerate for at least 8 hours. 

4. Turn torte out onto a cake plate and spread whipped cream over the entire torte. 

5.Melt the remaining chocolate chips and mix with the remaining 1/4 cup of cream until smooth. Drizzle chocolate over the torte. 

6. Garnish with whole strawberries . Serve immediately. 

Doesn't that sound yummy?

Well, I am off to see what the day allows. I hope your Friday is  like a Bowl of Strawberries- filled with sweetness!!!! As always...

Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

Stand out like a strawberry in a bowl of peas !  

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗❤🧵

If you have missed any of the other saltboxes, just click on the names below and you will be whisked back to a previous posts for your reading pleasure, and you will also find links to the charts there as well. 


 Candy Cane Cottage , Thanksgiving House,  Autumn's Saltbox , Susan's Summer Saltbox ,    Crow Creek SaltboxOphelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane ,  Willowisp Manor of Holler Lane  ,  Turkey Creek Manor ,  Winter Saltbox  , and Dorothy Mae's Spring House   ,  Spring Green Saltbox  ,  Katie Anne's Saltbox , Sarah Jane's 1776 Saltbox , Aunt Bea's Summer Home  ,  Christmas Eve Saltbox  , Edna Viola's Saltbox ,  Winter Manor  ,  Elizabeth Hartline's Saltbox  and The Tulip House .  

Stay sweet!

 Dedicated to my dear baby sister, Amy. The strawberry field looks mighty lonely without my dear sweet sister walking the rows and picking, I love you , Amo . 


  1. Thank you very much Melisa ! What a wonderful present. At the moment we have lots of strawberries here in The Netherlands too. I have now stitched three of your houses, busy with number four, and this one will be the next !

    1. Good afternoon, Annelies. Eeh strawberry time. I love berry season. I hope you have been able to get some fresh berries. I am so excited that this will be the next house on your list. Thank you so much for stitching them. I so hope you have enjoyed my humble little designs. Have a very lovely weekend. Happy stitching.

  2. I love strawberries ! Thanks for the delicious recipe. I enjoy all your posts, they are a bright spot in my day. Thank you for another lovely salt box pattern; I love them all !

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sandi. You brought a smile to my day. I hope to make this recipe very soon. Let me know how it turns out if you try it soon. Have a beautiful evening and happy stitching.

  3. Replies
    1. Aaah you are so kind, Gail. Thank you . I hope you enjoy it and I wish you a very relaxing and lovely weekend.

  4. Thanks for another sweet saltbox I have 10 stitched working on #11. Love them all

    1. Oh wow, Nina. That is amazing. Thank you so much for stitching the little houses . I have truly enjoyed sharing them. I bet your collection looks fabulous. You made my night. Happy stitching.

  5. Your newest addition to your Saltbox collection is darling, Melisa. Happy Friday!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. I had such a fun time stitching it. It is always fun trying to figure out what to do with each little house. lol. Have a beautiful weekend.

  6. How sweet is that strawberry saltbox!!??!! Love it and love the sign off about the strawberry mixed in with peas. Cracked me right up!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Susie. I had a ball creating it and am so glad to finally have it on display. Lol I always told my girls that and it still makes me smile. Have a fabulous weekend and happy stitching.

  7. I can't believe what a fast stitcher you are!!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Vicki. I do not feel fast at all. But I do have a needle in hand almost all of the time. It keeps me calm. Have a great weekend and happy quilting.

  8. Oh sweet friend, your designs are all so lovely. God truly blessed you with so many talents. Thank you for sharing them with all of us. Wishing you a day full of many blessings. :)

    1. Oh thank you so much for the sweetest compliment. You are too kind. I hope your weekend is a blessed and joyous one . Sending hugs.

  9. Thank you so much for the strawberry house and the recipe. I LOVE strawberries!

    1. Aah you are so welcome, Cathy and thank you. I think strawberries ranks as my one of my favorite fruits. I have been wanting to stitch a strawberry house for awhile. Have a great weekend and happy stitching

  10. Merci Melisa pour cette nouvelle petite maison. Pas encore de fraises dans le jardin il fait encore trop frais. Mais j'ai eu le plaisir d'en manger quand même. Elles viennent du sud de la France. C'est tellement délicieux ce petit fruit.
    Amitiés de France,

    1. I hope the weather warms up soon for you, Christel. And so glad you was able to enjoy some berries from southern France. I know there are places in the US that it is still too cold for berries too. Ours are usually in from April - the 1st part of June. Thank you for the sweet visit and wishing you a blessed weekend.

  11. This one make my heart pitter pat as it is so lovely. I can only say thank you for all your great small stitches.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Dorothy . That makes my day that you like it. I have always had a fondness for red houses and strawberries . Hope your weekend is a lovely one . Happy stitching.

  12. Sweet Strawberry Saltbox House, what a wonderfu ending to a month of new beginnings of flowers and fruits and a few veggies. I don't think that I have seen a sweeter house, you are a talented and generous lady, Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Love and hugs to you from Arizona.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Mary. I had hoped to share this house earlier, but I kept debating on the finish. But I am glad it is finished and out on display. I have been out in the garden all evening planting flowers and doing clean up. Hopefully once all our out I can sit back and enjoy them. Have a great weekend, dear, Mary. Sending hugs and blessings.

  13. Oh Melisa....I just finished the green saltbox and I was planning to do the pink house next but when I saw this strawberry house, all sense flew out of my mind and I printed this chart and immediately searched my stash for some flosses. I belong to a floss club ( Colour and Cotton) so I often try to use those for my stitching when I can substitute. These little houses just make my heart happy. Thank you so much!!

  14. Wow!! I can't believe I missed some! Thank you!! Happy New Year!!


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