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Monday, December 30, 2024

A Quilt Full of Berries

 I am happy as a groundhog in the strawberry patch. Hee! Hee!  😀🍓

Good morning, Sweetie Pies. How are you doing?  Now tell me have you ever heard that saying?     I think that is a saying or maybe  I  just made it up. 😀😏😁

Strawberry Basket Stamp

When we had the strawberry patch, there was a small family of groundhogs that lived in the creek bank. Every now and then they would saunter over to the patch to snatch a berry or two. I would say they were quite happy.  Don't you? 

Anywhoo , I bet you can guess why I am so happy. Yep, I finished Scrapberries.  

I began piecing the scrappy strawberries in September of 2018 when we renovated our house after it had flooded.  I sat in the quilt room piecing away as I listened to the "thump , thump , thump" of the hammer and  the "ratta tat tat"  of the  drills as the carpenters worked the days  away.

 It was not long till I put this project away to be forgotten - that is until the spring of this year when I decided to  finish the last few blocks of applique. Soon the quilt was in the hoop, and I have been quilting away ever since. 

There are 30 wonky scrappy  strawberry blocks in this quilt. Each block measures 10" x 10" finished. I shared the Scrapberries block in May of this year if you would like to make one of your own.  

 The blocks were sashed with 2 " black and white gingham strips with 2 " squares in each cornerstone.  The quilt measures 70 " x 82" . It is hand appliqued and hand quilted. 

You may see this quilt again come spring time . It has been as dreary as a gloomy hungry hound dog these last few days with all of the rain- to gloomy to take photos outside .  So come spring time, I will take the quilt out to the farm to be photographed with the strawberry planter and in the fields. 
Thousands upon thousands of strawberries are planted in the fall. 

A sneak peek at at a new winter stitch along. I will be posting more about it on Jan. 1st. 

I will be posting a flurry of posts in the next few weeks . Sometimes there may be 2 a day. Most will be "scheduled posts" for Mr. Pinker and I are raring to go on our winter camping trip. There will be days that I may not be able to visit, but the post should be there unless something happens. I hope you do not mind . 

I will be posting a Best of 2024 post at noon so if you are in the neighborhood drop back by. 😘❤

Enjoy these last few days of the month. Soon we will be welcoming in 2025! It is hard to believe isn't it ? 

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"Have a berry sweet day!"

Dedicated to the sweetest strawberry picker ever- my dear sis, Amy! I love and miss you, Amo 🍓🍓🍓

This quilt is dedicated to my dear sister, Amy who dreamed of taking over the strawberry farm.  I know she is pickin' berries in heaven. 

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needleworkers to meet. 

Susan at Quilt Fabrication for  Midweek Makers Wednesday

Jennifer at Inquiring Quilter for Wednesday  Wait Loss- Wednesday

Denise at For the Love of Geese for Put Your Foot Down- Thursday

Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday- Thursday

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Angela of  So Scrappy for Scrap Happy Saturday

Joy at Days Filled with Joy for Home Matters


  1. Oh, congratulations on finishing Scrapberries, it’s gorgeous! Interesting seeing how the strawberries are planted under plastic sheeting.
    Can’t wait to see more of your stitchalong! The colours look fabulous - especially the Aida.
    Happy travelling Melisa, come back soon. 🤗😁🙋‍♀️💜💜💜🥰🥰🥰 Hugs, Barbara @flashinscissors xxx

    1. Oh thank you so much, Barbara. I was thrilled to finish Scrapberries. It has a lot of memories in it. Oh yes, the plastic keeps the berries cleaner. Irrigation tape is ran underneath the plastic to keep the berries watered. It was quite a production. LOL. Have a very Happy New Year with many blessings. Hugs.

  2. Your scrapberries quilt looks so good. Lots of work but worth it. I can't wait to see more about the winter stitch along. I did the fall one and love putting it out for display. I was thinking I needed to do something winter so I pulled some of your winter freebies. Didn't decide which so I might wait and do the stitch along. Have a great day. It has been raining here the past two days as well.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Joy. I am glad to have scrapberries under my belt . Now I can move on to another quilt. I hope you like the new winter stitches. I will be working on them more today. I am so honored that you pulled out some of my winter freebies to consider stitching. I hope you enjoy them . Have a beautiful day and Happy New Year. Hugs.

  3. Congratulations on getting the scrapberry quilt finished, Melisa! It looks fabulous. I love the new blog header with all the blue and white. Can't wait to see your new stitch along!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. I was over the moon to finish the quilt. I am ready to work on another scrappy project soon. Don't you just love blues this time of the year? I pulled out my snowmen last night along with my blue plates. Have a blessed day. Hugs

  4. When I saw your title this morning I just knew you had finished your Scrapberry Quilt--it is so beautiful ;)))))--very scrappy and vintage--lovely combination, Melisa.
    Hoping your journey to warmer weather is a safe and happy one...hugs, Julierose

    1. I had hoped to post the quilt sooner, but the weather just would not cooperate. But I am thrilled with how it turned out. It brightened up my room too. Have a beautiful day, Julierose. Hugs.

  5. Congrats to get this beautiful quilt finished. It looks great and the strawberries are watering my mouth. So sorry no strawberries time!
    Your new header is beautiful, fresh colors.
    Have a save and happy trip and return home safely.
    All the best for the coming year ,

    1. Aaw thank you from the bottom of my heart, Gabi. I wish you the most blessed New Year as well. I have to admit that I do miss the fresh berries. They were only in for a few short months , but they were oh so yummy. Have a beautiful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  6. Strawberries is a lovely quilt! So, you guys are going traveling again, probably somewhere sunny, bright and warm! Have a great time, happy stitching!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gretchen. I am thrilled with how it turned out. Lots of memories in this quilt. We are looking forward to warmer weather ; hopefully Mother Nature will oblige. LOL. Have a great week. Hugs.

  7. Such a fun and pretty finish! Enjoy your trip, hope the weather is all good. I agree, I'm ready for some sun, it's been way to dreary. Have a very Happy New Year!

    1. Oh it has been so dreary here, Kate. Fortunately the sun peeked out today, but the weather man says it is going to turn back cold. Thank you s much for the kind words on my finish. I am over the moon. Happy Monday. Hugs.

  8. Scrapberries is beautiful! Love it with those pretty checked curtains. Your strawberry field is so picturesque. Hope you have a lovely day.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Linda. Scrapberries certainly brightened up the room. I just bought those curtains from Amazon. They are blackout curtains were less than $30.00 a pair which I thought was a steal considering it was for both panels. Have a fabulous day, sweet friend. Hugs

  9. Melisa, Scrapberries is a beautiful quilt! I love it. That's a lot of strawberries in that field! I hope you have help picking them all! It reminds me of the last year my daddy farmed and we had 40 acres of watermelons! He almost killed us younguns that year! But he did take us on a trip to FL late summer. Unfortunately, he was sick the whole time but mama kept me and my cousins busy. I sure do miss them and those hard but fun times! Have a great week, my friend!

    1. Wow 40 acres of watermelon! Did y'all have any problem with deer? Aaah good ole' days on the farm. I can imagine all of the hard work you youngins' had to do. It is nice that you got rewarded with a vacation. So sorry your dad didn't get to enjoy it as much. Have an awesome week, Brenda and Happy quilting. Hugs.

  10. Your Scrapberries quilt is so 'stinkin' cute. I'm so excited for you that you've finished it. Can't wait to see the winter stitch along. You and Mr Pinker hitch up your wagon and hit the road. Post when you can and if you can't we'll still be here. Have fun and be safe!!!! Darlene J

    1. Oh thank you so much, Darlene. I am so happy to have this quilt completed . I am now going to move on to my butterfly quilt. I think I will take it along with me . I am looking forward to hitting the old dusty trail with needle and thread in hand. LOL. Big hugs

  11. The seasonal decor that you share is such eye candy. So many little details that just make me smile. Congratulations on a beautiful Scrapberries finish. I've never seen a high production strawberry set up before. Must have been interesting to be a part of that. Looking forward to the Winter SAL.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Ginny. I have to admit I have a strong fondness for strawberries. The fields have been returned to pasture since last year, but they still hold great memories of many years of growing berries. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  12. Fantastic that you put the finishing touches in Scrapberries, it looks great in that room.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Vicki. It was nice to put this quilt on my grandma's bed. It brought a bit of color and happiness to the room. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  13. The quilt turned out great.
    I'll check out the annual summary.

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, Isabel. I was thrilled to pieces to finish the quilt. I wish you a lovely week. Hugs.

  14. So glad you were able to finish the sweet strawberry quilt, Melisa! It makes your room look so warm and cozy. We, too, have had dark, dreary days lately and I just put my vintage blue and white quilt (the only quilt I own and it came from way back in my husband's family) on our kitchen table--really warms things up :) I hope you and your husband have a wonderful adventure on your camping trip. That must be such fun to pick up and go! Wishing you a fabulous year ahead filled with much good health and happiness! ♥

    1. Happy Monday, Carol. I was thrilled to finish this quilt by the year's end. What a treasure to have a quilt from your hubby's family to enjoy. I know you treasure it. I enjoy pulling out blue and white quilts this time of the year. They do warm things up don't they. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  15. Yeah! It’s gorgeous! I can’t wait to do another stitch along with you! I’m so excited to add another season to my display piece! 🥳🥳🥳

    1. Aaaw I am so excited that you will joining me! I hope you like the Winter SAL. I am going to work on it more today. Have a wonderful and Happy New Year, dear. Hugs

  16. Scrapberries is beautiful, Melisa! There's nothing better than a scrappy quilt finish, is there? I'm excited that you have a new stitch along coming up - I need a new project for the new year. Have a wonderful camping trip!

    1. There sure isn't Diann. I am in high hopes to work on another scrappy applique. If only I can find my blocks that I had worked on previously. I am sure I will run upon them when I least expect it. Thank you for the sweet Monday visit. Hugs.

  17. I love your Scrapberries strawberries, Melisa!!! Yay for strawberry quilts!!!

  18. Congratulations on your finish. Love all your strawberries. Have fun on your camping trip and safe travels. Margie \TN

  19. Bravo pour ce beau plaid "fraise".
    En Savoie en France nous avons souvent le brouillard le matin et très froid.
    Beau réveillon.

  20. I wasn’t sure I would like the Strawberry quilt when i saw the individual blocks, but seeing the “whole “ finished quilt, I’m loving it! You never know how the colors will marry when you’re planning the fabrics. You really pulled it together and it’s perfect in your room! Well done! Happy Camping and Happy New Year!😊

  21. Yay you! Scrapberries is such a pretty quilt, it deserved a finish. Well done. That sneak peek has me wishing I had more time for cross stitch. Adorable! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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