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Saturday, December 28, 2024

After Christmas Musings

 Good afternoon and Happy Saturday , sweet friends.  Now tell me are you stuffed from all of the Christmas treats and goodies?  I sure am. 😀 I am filled to the gills. We are still eating leftovers- though today may wind it up on them. 

 Did you have a very Merry Christmas? I sure hope so.  I had meant to pop in for a visit earlier , but it has been a bustle of activity here with family visiting. 

On Christmas Eve, we celebrated with finger foods at my house. We played lots of games like the "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Cup" , as well as ,"Candy Cane Musical Chairs" ( without the chairs though- Hee! Hee!) 

Lots of finger foods for Christmas Eve munching. 

Santa thought the grandsons were awful good this year. 

 I had no doubt that they would make the "nice list" but the little one was sweating it. Hee! Hee!

On Christmas Day, I started a new sampler called "Home Town Holiday Sampler"  by Lori Holt. This was a gift from my dear friend, Joan. Thank you , Joan. I am loving it. 

A new quilt also went into the hoop as well. 

It is the Otis Payne  Bow Tie quilt . Do you remember it? I bought it at the antique store this year during the World's Longest Yard Sale. 

Lots of scrappy  fun bow ties in this quilt. Soon my needle and thread will be meandering among the scraps of loveliness. 

Though it is still tarped over, hubby  moved the truck camper forward . We will be packing it down and leaving in a few short days.

The truck camper is being prepped for an upcoming trip. 

 Westward Ho-  We will go for a few short weeks. We are in search of warm sun and outdoor activities.  

Meanwhile, I am enjoying a few blooms in the greenhouse like the bright marigolds blooms. The other day I even picked a green pepper that I moved to the green house. 

A few periwinkle blooms are making an appearance before old Man winter nips them back. 

The feeders are filled for any birdies or squirrels that would like a midafternoon snack. 


In the next few days, I will share some "End of the Year " posts. Gosh, it is hard to believe we will be saying goodbye to 2024 in just a few days. Where did time go? 

Have you put your Christmas tree away yet? Not me.  I will enjoy it for a few more days. 

It is going to be another rainy day here in the holler. I just may sit back in my jammies and stitch. I hope you are having a sun shiny day. 

Enjoy you day, Sweeties and ...

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


"It's your outlook on life that counts.  "- Betty White

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

I see a heart in this leaf. I always look for signs. 

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. The holidays are not the same without you.  I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the new year!! Enjoy your trip while I stay home and stitch away on your Saltbox patterns. Our youngest grandson was sick on Christmas Eve morning throwing up so we postponed our Christmas Eve festivities to last night on Friday and it was still a blast with all five of the grandkids - two boys and three girls. We have always celebrated our family on Christmas Eve and let our girls enjoy their Christmas Day home with their own children and husband since when they were little kids we were always up and out the door to go out of town to relatives. They always wanted to stay home and play with their toys so we thought it was nice to let them have that with their children and they love it that way and so do the grandkids. One of your biggest fans of your generosity on your cross stitch patterns you share. Take care, Carrie

  2. Enjoy your getaway and I hope you find some warmth and fun!! hugs, Julierose

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas Melisa! Hope you enjoy your time away, and find some warm sun. Missing you already! 🙋‍♀️🥰💜xx Hugs from Barbara @flashingscissors xx🙋‍♀️👋💜💜💜

  4. happy new year sweet Melisa and Mr. Pinker. i hope you have a safe and marvelous journey. the only place you can probably find warmth is out in my neck of the woods - sweet, sweet California, however, new mexico, arizona and florida probably have some warmth as well. it sounds like you had an awesome Christmas with sweet family and the grandbaby boys. how wonderful. i enjoyed Christmas with family and got to see my beautiful granddaughter, Amanda. my grandsons, Gavin and Aidan, live in washington and flights were just about doubled so they couldn't make it this year. fingers-crossed for next year. i love all family and friends and you are my friend as well. blessings and hugs are on the way to you. have a very happy, happy new year. 2025 is going to be amazing. 2024 flew by.
    Debra Broyles

  5. It's nice to 'see' you and I'm especially glad that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. I had a very quiet day and I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to saying good bye to 2024 and welcoming 2025.
    Enjoy your travels over the next couple of weeks!!! Big Hugs!!! DarleneJ

  6. I always love the leftovers from Christmas dinner. We seem to eat them for days. Your home always looks beautifully festive with your fabulous decorating. LOVE the photo of the window peeping in to see the glittering tree. So lovely. Enjoy your camping, Melisa. I hope you find some warm sunshine.

  7. We're still eating our Christmas leftovers, too! Your grand boys look so cute in their matching PJs. The bowtie quilt is gorgeous with its red background fabric. That will be enjoyable to quilt! I didn't know you had a greenhouse - what a treat to have marigolds growing in December. Have a wonderful camping trip - hope you find lots of warm and sunny places!

  8. These are fantastic days to share with the family....hahaha I see that the kids were very good!!!!!
    I'm glad you enjoyed them. Now come days of binge eating and detoxification.
    I love that new sampler, you know that they are my weakness.
    Kisses from Spain

  9. Boy, this year seems to have gone by so fast. I guess I say that every year.
    Your finger foods look so yummy! Are those sliders I spy? Yum!
    We spent this passed weekend with dd and fam for a late Christmas. D-I-L smoked a turkey - wow! Never had one before!
    I love that sampler an have been looking at it!
    Have a wonderful time searching for warmer climates!
    Blessings to you and yours

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. And two new starts for the new year, that's even more fun.

  11. Yum on the food -those sliders look YUM! We had appys on Christmas Eve and a quiet Christmas with just the two of us. Love seeing your grandsons eyeing the gifts. I'm happy for the maker of that vintage quilt that you rescued - now it will be quilted and loved. How exciting to be planning a road trip! That photo of the Christmas tree seen through the window at night is so, so cozy.

  12. (Little Penpen) it looks like a wonderful Christmas! I think I want to try ginger foods next year. The kids only ate fried chicken and rolls, and ignored all my other dishes. I think they would enjoy the finger food Christmas. Nice start on your new cross stitch. Enjoy your camping trip!!

  13. Melisa, thanks for sharing the pictures. It sounded like you had a wonderful holiday season with your family. The finger foods looked delicious. What lovely pieces you are working on! Happy Sunday from the rainy holler in my corner of Virginia!

  14. Sounds like a fun time was had by all! The finger food Christmas Eve sounds and looks like it was a great hit! Yum! Does your camper have a name? I hope you find the perfect, quiet spot for stitching and fishing. Christmas is still up here. I am enjoying the quiet, dark evenings with just the lights on the tree lighting the room. One of my favorite parts of the season. Enjoy your time in the warmth and sunshine and we'll be here when you get back. Happy New Year!

  15. Lots of family time and eating here too! Looks like you all enjoyed your time together. Cute stitching that you have started! Lori holt has fun designs. I hope you have a wonderful trip in search of warm weather and sunshine. I’m sure some slow stitching will get done along the way. Happy new year?

  16. Last comment was from me…Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

  17. Sounds like a wonderful and busy Christmas with family, Melisa. I love it!! I like the Lori Holt stitchery you've begun and that bowtie quilt just has my heart! I look forward to watching that one develop! Your boys look so cute! I can't believe our boys will be 13 tomorrow! My how they grow up so quickly! I'm envious of you being able to go on so many wonderful camping adventures. Maybe one day when Chicken Legs decides to retire we can do some traveling. With my knees I likely would not be able to get in and out of a camper, but there are hotels! I hope to head to NC to visit my brother this spring or summer and hopefully get to meet up with DHs brother and maybe sister somewhere around. They still have checkpoints to get into his little community in Gerton, but they can get out, it just takes longer to get anywhere. Have a great time and thanks in advance for linking up with Monday Musings!

  18. What trees!!! Those bacon thingies look delicious! Merry Christmas, Melisa!!!

  19. Yep our tree is still up as well as all the decorations. We have several quilt hangers and will be changing the Christmas quilts for snow folks, winter animals, and some horses in the snow. (Hum, I might have the horses wrong... I finished it last year and I'm not sure what the animals are -- maybe moose?) Your tree looks terrific. Looks like Santa visited your house. Enjoy your travels.

  20. Enjoy your search for warm, sunny weather. If you happen to find yourself in the southern Colorado area, let me know. It would be fun to meet IRL. ;) Thanks for sharing in my Sew & Tell party.

  21. Your holiday sounds like it was a good one. How exciting to be packing the camper for a trip. My trees are still up and will be until at least January 3rd. Happy New Year, Melisa!

  22. Sounds like you had a very Merry Christmas! I have a hand towel hanging in my kitchen that say "Christmas Calories Don't Count!" so you are in good company when it comes to all the holiday eating! I almost didn't get past your lovely header to read the post: love the blue and white accents and all the Winter-themed cross stitch. You are giving me ideas for next year's projects. Have a wonderful New Year's!


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