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Sunday, December 8, 2024

Finish It Sunday

It has escaped! It has escaped! It has escaped the WIP basket!


 The No Name Sampler  finally made a break from the WIP basket after being exiled there for weeks.  😁😀😅

Good evening, y'all and Happy Sunday. 

 It all happened when I sauntered by the old basket and then that sampler just attached  itself to my hip and made its way to the couch. 

"Stitch me! Stitch me! " It pleaded!

 " Aaah you are back," I said to the sampler as I eyed it lovingly. "Why of course I can add a few more stitches into you as long as I do not have to frog any. Hmmm now where is my bag of flosses," I inquired as I looked around the room. 

Can you guess what has happened? Yep, I misplaced my trusty ziploc bag of "No Name Sampler flosses". Oh well, since I am flying by the seat of my pants  , I looked through my stash to find the house color( DMC 3072)  and began to stitch again.  This will be a project that I will work on today as well.   


Joy at Days Filled With Joy is hosting her free annual Christmas SAL. This year she is sharing a beautiful Advent  embroidery design. Her stitches are always so sweet and relaxing to work on . At the top of her blog is Freebie tab to click on and visit. 

Friday was a fine day to work on finishing several projects one of which was Mistletoe Kisses . After much thought, I   decided to turn it into a little bag. After finishing it, I ran downstairs in glee. 

"Honey Pie," I said to Mr. Pinker. "Can you brave the cold weather tomorrow and go down to the river and shoot down some mistletoe for me? Pretty please. " I asked as I batted my eyes innocently. Hee! Hee!   

"Why sure, " replied Mr. Pinker  . " Are you going to hang it in the doorway?"  

"Nope. I have a finish !" And with that I whipped out  Mistletoe Kisses to show Mr. Pinker.

 " Quite nice , " he said . " I think I can do my part in finishing your project. "

 Sooo on Saturday Mr. Pinker braved the temps of 20 something degrees on a mission for mistletoe. Fortunately, it is easily found in our area and in 2 shakes of a lamb's tale Mr. Pinker had a large bunch of mistletoe for my enjoyment for the season. 

 Mistletoe Kisses is a freebie from Silver Creek Sampler  and is available on their website with several other darling freebies. 


Being on a "Finishing High" , I went to my basket of Finishes to see what else I could finish into an ornament. 

" Aaah yes! " JBW Designs Christmas Sampler, I want that on my
tree today, " I said to no one in particular.  

Dear Karen , sent me this darling chart earlier this year, and I stitched it while camping this summer at a tractor pull. ( Thank you , Karen, I just love it! )   As I looked it over, I  bit my  lower lip as I remembered cutting the fabric short ( that's the quilter in me  or maybe that is Miss Cheapskate coming out in me-  wanting to be thrifty and not waste fabric.😏😐 )

 " Not much fabric to play with, " I said to myself. " A Christmas tree it will be !" 

Soon I wrapped the fabric around a triangle . It was a tight fit but I got it. By this time it was 10:00 at night and Mr. Pinker came  sauntering into the room. 

"Uuh ,  dear. I have another mission for you. " I said with a smile. 

"Can you go outside and snap off a little branch for a tree trunk?' 

"Sure . " said Mr. Pinker.

 After explaining the size. He ran outside in the bitter cold and got a little stick.  

"Now what would I do without you," I said to Mr. Pinker.  As quick as a whip,  the ornament was done. 

And by the night's end it was on the tree. 

Scrapberries is still in the hoop.   I have been  quilting on it every day this week. 

I have most of the top and bottom borders completed. 

I will continue quilting on the side borders this week. 

Well, Sweeties, I  have certainly been a chatterbox this afternoon. I do appreciate you taking the time to visit me and listen to my old tales. 

Have a blessed and beautiful day and ...

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling- Edna Ferber 

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . I miss and love you so much.  I   ❤👼

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 


  1. Love that sampler. Actually truth be told I love it all. 😀 BTW I hope your health is improving. Continuing to pray for you. Enjoy your Monday! Darlene J

  2. You've been busy! Loving the new sampler - you sure get them done faster that we can x-stitch them! I love your adding the mistletoe to the Mistletoe Kisses. Will have to look for artificial here. Hope you're feeling better! Blessings!

  3. I do love when several finishes happen. I often ask myself "why did you drag your feet?" Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  4. Shew - that is a lot of goodness right here!!! That mistletoe tho - LOVE that - and that you had to batt your eyes haha!!!

  5. Melisa, you sure have been working steadily! You must have gotten your health under control. I have to have cataract surgery very soon in the New Year, but hopefully I will be seeing like a much younger woman again. I have so many projects that just are begging me to start, finish and gift to others. Your hubby is the best, you are a very lucky lady!! Sending you warm hugs from sunny Arizona.

  6. Melisa, those pudding mice have my heart... please say it's a future freebie from you :)
    I do struggle with cutting fabric generously.... - definitely do not like waste! So i guess i'm thrifty too :D
    Good job. and in just 2 shakes of a lamb's tail you say? mmm
    Do horse tails' shake work just as well...or maybe goats, or chicken... (no lambs here :/)
    Thanks for the laugh. Enjoy the season. Lil

  7. Your embroideries are lovely, and I love how your sweet Mr Pinker runs to fulfill your every wish ;) Love to see your pretty strawberries too. Thank you for sharing your peaceful and sweet place.

  8. Scrapberries is looking great, Melisa! I love the new ornie you made. And I really like how that new stitchery is coming along. Can't wait to see it. Hugs! B

  9. How wonderful to have mistletoe right there to add the perfect finishing touch to your latest stitch. It turned out so nice and the little Christmas tree ornament with the touch of nature for the trunk - genius! Scrapberries is coming right along and it will be done before you know it.

  10. I fall in live with this fabulous embrodery!!

  11. Oh my, I always feel like I am late to the party ~ but what a way to start a Tuesday reading thru all the fabulous projects. Mistletoe kisses back to you for all the love you share :) (nwpaintedlady)

  12. LOVE those strawberries! Scraplicious!

  13. Love your two holiday finishes! The tree is really fun. Hope you got a bit of a warm up, ithat's cold to have to go foraging in!


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