Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Little Miss Liberty- A Patriotic Freebie

Hello, Sweet Friends. 

Today is the perfect day to share Little Miss Liberty.  I meant to share her last year , but time got away from me as it often does. 

Little Miss Liberty is another patriotic stitch that I worked on for my daughter when she was stationed in Pennsylvania with the military.   Last month Little Miss Liberty was displayed with my patriotic pieces. 

"Happy Birthday, Mr. President" is displayed next to  Little Miss Liberty. It is  a freebie from Plum Street Sampler posted on Paulette's  blog on Feb. 18, 2018 .

Little Miss Liberty is a colonial gal sporting patriotic attire as she  waves her flag and carries her lantern. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Click here for Instructions. 

Click here for Colored Chart jpg. 

Click here for Black/White jpg. 

Well Sweeties, I will not keep you long. Please forgive me for being woefully behind on messages and visiting my blogging and IG friends . I hope to catch up this week. Like I said-  time seems to get away from me especially during the summer. Do you ever feel that way? 

Have a beautiful and blessed day and... 

As always,

Happy Stitching and Quilting, y'all


"We are blessed with the opportunity to stand for something- for liberty and  freedom and fairness- and these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to."  - Ronald Reagan

Hugs and Stitches!!! 🤗🧵

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. I miss and love you so much.   ❤👼

Other Posts That Might Strike Your Fancy!

🌞Parade of Homes- Early 2024 parade of home freebies.

🌞Root a Toot Toot - A Patriotic Parade -  An early 2024 patriotic parade  of previous freebies. 
🌞Buzz Buzz Busy Bee Parade-  An early 2024 bee freebie parade. 
🌞Messin and Gommin in the Kitchen -  2022 post on how I tea/ Coffee Dye my fabric. 


  1. Little Miss Liberty is adorable. May need to eventually stitch her. Don't worry about whether or not you reply to our comments. If you do that's great and if you don't, I personally will survive. LOL I enjoy your posts because you're so darn prolific. LOL Enjoy your Tuesday. Big hugs! DarleneJ

    1. Happy Tuesday, Darlene . I hope your week is off to a great start. Thank you so much on Little Miss Liberty. She was a fun gal to stitch and bring back lots of memories. LOL I think I am starting to catch up now ; sometimes I am like a chicken with her head cut off. Hee! Hee! Have a fabulous day. Hugs

  2. Little Miss Liberty is stinkin adorable. Hope you have a beautiful day. ❤️🤍💙🤗

    1. Oh thank you very much, Patti. She was a delight to stitch. Little Miss Liberty is going to be put away for now until next year. LOL. Hugs and Blessings.

  3. So cute! Your designs belong in a book, Melisa. Hope you are having a great week!

    1. Aaaw Linda, you are so very kind. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a ray of sunshine! Hugs.

  4. Little Miss Liberty is darling, Melisa. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Happy Tuesday, Robin. I hope you have had a great day. It has been a hot one here, but I have had a good day just piddling about. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  5. Your patriotic designs are adorable, Melisa!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Meari. Your kind compliment really brings a smile to my day. I hope you have had a great Tuesday. Hugs.

  6. I love Little Miss Liberty. She is the perfect addition to your other patriotic charts, Melisa.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jeanna. She was a fun little gal to work on. I am slowly getting a collection of "patriotic gals". Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  7. Miss Liberty is really cute. I do get behind some days, trips to the airport or other non sewing agenda items seem to sneak in frequently. Have a wonderful week.

    1. It is amazing how those "non sewing" chores seem to trickle away the time. I always have my day planned, but it never goes the way I dream. LOL. Have a blessed day, Kate and thank you so much for the kind words on Little Miss Liberty. Hugs.

  8. Little Miss Liberty shows just how proud you are of your daughter and rightfully so. It's a great stitch with really fun details. Thank you. What is that old saying? "The faster I go, the more behinder I get". That's what I feel often. LOL How is your garden? Things are just starting to produce in my little patch. Picked some beans, tomatoes, and peppers yesterday. Temps have given us a little break the last few days. I am so thankful.

    1. Oh yes, Ginny I am as proud of a peacock over both my girls. LOL you are so right about falling behind- that is exactly the way I feel. Have you picked anymore gigantic peppers ? My maters are about done for. We had some water issues (that's before the rains) and then with critter issues on top of that so the garden just did not produce. I am glad I did all of the canning last year. I still have bell peppers and jalapenos coming in which is what we love. Enjoy your evening sweet friend. Hugs.

  9. Little Miss Liberty is a special work. What a wonderful way to honor your daughter!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aah thank you very kindly, Terry. She was a delight to work on and gave me comfort when my daughter was away. Have a blessed evening. Hugs.

  10. Little Miss Liberty is delightful, Melisa! I love her lantern and her striped skirt, too. It's really special that you designed and stitched her to honor your daughter. Hope you're enjoying the summer - it's been busy here, too!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diann. I loved stitching her little dress. She turned out cuter than I could have imagined. We are having a good summer here in the holler. It is hard to believe that fall will be around the corner in no time. Have a great evening. Hugs.


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