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Friday, December 6, 2024

Dec. 25, 1865 Prim Christmas Freebie

Hello , sweet friends. Welcome. 

The other day Mr. Pinker was out and about running some errands . It was a perfect time for me to sit back ,prop up my feet and work on a little stitch. 

"I think I am in the mood for a simple prim stitch , " I said to no one in particular. In 2 shakes of a lamb tail , I had created  Dec. 25, 1865 which I quickly stitched up. 

Hmmm how should I finish this piece I wondered. I thought about a mini quilt, but then an idea came to mind. Quickly, I grabbed my cell phone and "ring- a- linged " Mr. Pinker.  "Are you still in town?" I sweetly asked Mr. Pinker . 

"Yep, he replied, "What can I do for you?"

"Can you run down to Ace Hardware and pick me up a little whisk broom? Stat! It is an emergency!!!!"  Hee Hee.

"Can do , " Mr. Pinker replied. 

With that I waited on pins and needles until Mr. Pinker returned home. As soon as he drove up , I rushed to the door and grabbed the Ace Hardware bag.  "Wheww, you must have a cleaning emergency . Where are you working? Do you need any help?" 

"Cleaning? ! Have you gone mad?" I asked with a grin. " I have a full fledged finishing emergency going on here. I have a cross stitch that needs to be finished. " With a skip and a jump , I went to my finishing table.   I swear through the eyes in the back of my head I could see Mr. Pinker roll his eyes as he strolled out of the room. " Thank you, dear,  You made this ole' gal as happy as a clam,  " I yelled over my shoulder.  

Mr. Pinker then went downstairs and I got to work. 

 I hope you do not mind if I share a short tutorial on what I did. It was super  simple and so relaxing because there were no rules.  Since I may turn this into a mini quilt later, I left my edges raw and cut my fabrics to a certain size.  

I stitched my Dec. 25, 1865 on 14 count coffee/ tea dyed aida that I dyed myself. This is a CHOOSE YOUR OWN color chart, but if you are interested, I used DMC 898. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Now onto the tutorial. 😀❤🧹


* Note: If you finish your piece on a whisk broom, use the  measurements that make you happy especially if you want your broom wrap to go all the way around . 


🧵 stitched piece

🧵 chenille candy cane. I made mine from 1/2 of 2 long chenille sticks. I then twisted them and tea dyed them. Super simple.

🧵 5" wool fabric

🧵7 1/2" finishing fabric or larger if  you want it to wrap completely around. Mine does not because I will remake mine into a little quilt later.

🧵 DMC 3371 

🧵 needle

🧵whisk broom


🧵 scissors or rotary cutter

🧵 ruler


🧵 1. Cut stitched piece to the measurements of 4 " x 4 1/2" . 

🧵2. Lay stitched piece  diagonally  on 5" wool brown piece. 

🧵 3. Layer stitched piece , 5" wool onto 7 1/2" fabric. Center. Pin. 

🧵 4. Using 2 strands of  DMC 3371 , make large uneven wonky "X's" unevenly spaced along the edges of the stitched piece. 

🧵 5. Using the same floss stitch large uneven running stitches along the edge of the wool fabric. 

Lots of wonky stitches. You may want to fuse your fabrics together. I did not. 

🧵 6. Place the coffee dyed chenille candy cane diagonally on stitched piece . Tack in place using large wonky "X's" . I tacked mine in 3 places.  (   I had made the chenille candy cane a few years ago from 1/2 of 2  chenille stems. I also tea dyed the candy cane. )

Wonky "X's" secure the candy cane. 

🧵 7. Since down the road , I will make this into a little quilt. I just wrapped the piece around the dust broom and pinned it in place. 

Just pinned the corner n the back- nothing fancy here. 

The wrap does not go all the way around. 


Finish however you like - This would be darling to put in a frame. Tack to a piece of wood  or whatever your sweet heart dreams up. 

So what do you think? Dec. 25, 1865 made for a quick stitch for the day that is for sure. And thanks to Mr. Pinker , I was able to get it finished in a short time rather than let it linger too. 

Now today, I plan to finish working on this darling design called "All is Calm" by  sweet Darlene Deon of Darlene Deon Designs. ( Click here to visit Darlene's Esty) . Anywhoo, a finish has come to mind so my  nimble fingers need to get to stitching, and then just maybe I will entice Mr. Pinker to brave the cold and go down to the garage to sift through my totes for a finishing piece.🥶🥶🧊😀 Hee! Hee! 

Have a beautiful day, sweet friends and thank you for taking them time to see my little finish. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

Always work hard and have fun in what you do ...- Simone Biles
Hugs and Stitches!!!  And Snowman Kisses. 
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  . ❤


  1. What an idea. Great. Is it a special date you stitch? I like the fabrics, especially the orange one. Oooh I must be crazy, but when I see a fabric I like I buy it, even it is a small piece.
    Hugs, Gabi

    1. Good morning, Gabi and Happy Friday. Thank you so much for the sweet compliment on my latest finish. I just chose the year at a whim. LOL. Isn't that fabric fabulous. A little unusual with it being a holly fabric having an orange background. I thought it looked perfectly prim. I am going to use it in an upcoming quilt too. Hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  2. What a neat way to finish your cross stitch - I never would have thought of that! I'm usually stuck finishing the same way every year. Especially with my ornaments. As for your "All is Calm", are you stitching that on fabric you've dyed with a coffee/tea mix? Blessings!

    1. Hi, Donna. I often find myself finishing my pieces in the same old way too. Hee Hee! It is hard for me to come with ideas especially ahead of time. Oh yes, I did coffee/ tea dye my fabric. I finished stitching it today so hopefully, I will have it FFOd soon. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs.

  3. What a darling prim stitch and finish, Melisa! Lovely fabrics you used to back your piece! Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Robin. It was fun to do something different. I am sure I will make this into a teeny quilted piece later but for right now I am enjoying it. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  4. What a great idea. Beautiful ! Enjoy your day !

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Annelies. It was a joy to work on this quick little project. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  5. What a darling project with the whisk broom, Melisa;))) Hugs, for a super weekend--Julierose

    1. Oh thank you so much, Julierose. It was one of those ideas that came to me on a whim. It worked up quick too. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs

  6. Your Prim stitch and finish is stinkin adorable. I just love your finishes and this little broom is a great one. You have a great stitchy day. 🤗

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Patti . I was grateful hubby could pick up that little broom so I could finish this quick stitch. Have a super day. Warm hugs

  7. Your finish is so, so cute Melisa! I laughed out loud at "Cleaning? ! Have you gone mad?" :D

    1. LOL. Who wants to clean when there is stitching and quilting to do? Hee! Hee! Thank you so much, Linda for the sweet visit and giggle . Hugs.

  8. Interesting date, Melisa! I just had to google it! A nice little stitch and I love your fabrics. Now where did I put my tea dyed fabrics? 🤔 Off to see what I find. Hope you are OK medically now. 🥰🤗❤️❤️❤️🙋‍♀️ Barbara of @flashingscissors xxx Oh, and well done Mr Pinker! 🤗

    1. Oh thank you so much, Barbara for the well wishes. This week has been a good week. It sure is no fun getting older. I hope you enjoy this little stitch . I don't know why I chose the year 1865, but it kept coming to mind. LOL. Enjoy your day , sweet friend. Hugs.

  9. (Little Penpen) How cute! Good ole Mr Pinker!

    1. Lol Mr. Pinker is a gem. Hee! Hee! Thank you so much Penny for the sweet visit. Wishing you a lovely weekend. Hugs.

  10. Mr. Pinker sure is the best. . .I did laugh over the cleaning comment though! You finish is so cute and what a great idea!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Lol he is Terry. I feel fortunate to have my DH. Thankfully, he is willing to indulge me in my quilting and stitching endeavors. Enjoy your weekend, sweet friend. Hugs.

  11. What would we do without our supportive spouses, Melisa?! Mr. Pinker and Chicken Legs are two of a kind! Thank you for sharing your darling stitch with us. I always enjoy seeing how creative you are with your finishes! This looks sew cute on that whisk broom! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. Hope you are feeling better. Hugs!

    1. Lol we are 2 lucky gals aren't we? Hee! Hee! Aah you are so welcome, Brenda. It was a fun quick stitch. Stay warm and cozy and enjoy your weekend. Hugs. P. S. Thank you for the well wishes. I am feeling better each day.

  12. That was so creative to put it on a whisk broom! And xtra special addition of the candy cane!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Vicki. It was nice to do something different and I thought the candy cane jazzed it up a bit. Have a great weekend and happy quilting. Hugs.

  13. What an adorable way to finish Dec 25, 1865! Great job and thanks for the tute! I usually struggle with a finish.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Susie. It was fun to do something a little different though I will probably make it into a mini quilt later. I am the same way- I struggle with finishing as well. I guess that is why I have so many unfinished pieces. LOL. Have a blessed day. Hugs

  14. That is cute as can be, Melisa! Such a fun idea for finishing a little piece. And I love your reply to Mr. Pinker about if you were cleaning, too. I'd much rather be stitching and crafting myself!

    1. Lol quilting and stitching wins hands down over cleaning! Hee ! Hee! Thank you , Diann. This was a fun little project. It was nice to get a piece finished quickly and not let it linger. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs.

  15. It's Fri-YAY!!!! Not that it matters in my world. LOL I love the whisk broom - so stinkin' cute!! Mr Pinker is a "keeper". Have a great day!! Darlene J

    1. Eeeeh the weekend! Yes! LOL . Thank you so much, Darlene. I do believe you are right on Mr. Pinker . Hee! hee! Enjoy your day , sweet friend. Hugs.

  16. A special friend would have said, “ it’s so stinkin cute”! I agree, dear Donna! I am n the lookout for quick smalls this season. We are away from home, but I packed Christmas floss colors, some pieces of Aida and a small hoop. There is a local Walmart if NEED something,, :)

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Judy. Every now and then I just need a quick simple stitch. I hope you enjoy your time away from home. It sounds like you have all you need to work on projects. I do the same thing when I travel and what would we do without Walmart. Hee! Hee! Safe travels and Happy stitching. Hugs.

  17. I love this new pattern....oh and that finish is so wonderful!
    I think you hit the nail on the head.

    1. Aaaah you made my day, Isabel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Enjoy your weekend, sweet friend. Hugs.

  18. Oh no, Melisa!!! I just noticed an error on your whisk broom cover. You need to make another one so you're not embarrassed when company comes. Send that one to me because no one comes to see me. Just thinking of you! Lol lol lol 😆 🤣 😂 Darlene J

    1. Hee! Hee! LOL. You always know how to bring the biggest smile to my day, dear Darlene. Love ya'!

    2. an error as in st nick is on the 6th not 25th , huh?? :D

  19. So creative and still able to change it up down the road. I really like how you used the broom. Thanks for the stitch and finishing idea. Your All is Calm is really going to be something special. I wonder what I could use my whisk broom to decorate with?! LOL Hmmm...

    1. Oh thank you so much, Ginny. Hmmm wouldn't it be cute to have a cover for every season? I may have to think about that. LOL. I can not wait to finish All is Calm. I hope my finishing idea works. Fingers crossed. Have an awesome weekend. Hugs.

  20. What a fun finish! Even better you were able to finish it before the creative juices had cooled off. It's nice to have a partner that doesn't question your whims, but aids and abets.

    1. Oh it was great to finish it immediately. I rarely know how I am going to finish a piece and struggle with that. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  21. I just love this idea with the whisk broom (which I just happen to have) Thank you for the link to Darlene's etsy shop, I have marked it as a favorite now. You have spurred me on to more prim (my favorite) X stitching in my future; continued holiday happiness and hugs (nwpaintedlady)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Sharon. I don't know why the whisk broom came to mind, but I am glad it did . Darlene has a lot of cute designs and she is coming out with something new all of the time. Sending you warm hugs. Merry Christmas , sweetie.


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