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Monday, December 23, 2024

Coca Cola Christmas

 Good afternoon, y'all . I am in the mood for an big iced cold glass of Coca Cola! I am a soda nut, but alas , I have not had cola in months. Boo Hoo!   So for now I will just enjoy a "Coca Cola Christmas " in my small foyer. 

 Yep, I decorated the small hall with the few Coca Cola items that I have.  The little tree is surrounded with crocks, tins and a carton of Cokes. 

The tree was simply decorated with candy garlands. The tree is topped with a Hands on Design and Priscilla Blain piece called "Chalk Full - Merry". 

There  is a mod podge of items on the old shelf. 

Including a wee white tree with a few Cola ornaments.  Not many Cola ornaments are there?😏 Oh  well, I will slowly acquire more. 

Old tins, bottles, salt and pepper shakers and one stitch are as snug as a bug in a rug in the Cola crate. Always Believe was a freebie I shared a couple of years ago. 

Pottery, Dollar Tree plates, Coca Cola postcards and tins fill the 2nd shelf.

Mistletoe Kisses was a freebie ,but for the life of me I can not remember the designer. Do you know? 

The bottom shelf is filled with just a few pieces of Watts pottery, an old door knob and a few treasures.  You may find a few dust bunnies too, but just ignore them. 😀👯👯👯

 Quilts, quilts, and more quilts. ! Can I squeeze one more quilt  in ?  Hee! Hee!  My favorite place to decorate is the thrifted shutters where I hang seasonal quilts. 

Front and center is  "Father Christmas " from the book Fast, Fun , Fabulous Quilts.

If you come to my house , you will find that every door is adorned with a quilt, wreath or some decoration. Come Christmas time, I decorate many of the doors with old red long johns and my girls' childhood Christmas dresses and gowns. They bring back fond memories. 🤗

Hanging among the dresses and gowns is With Thy Needle and Thread's  "Snow For Christmas". 

The bathroom door holds more long johns and dresses along with With Thy Needle and Thread's freebie called "Merry and Minty. This was a SAL with Brenda in 2020 . It is still available on her Facebook. 

Oh, I have never shown you any of my bathrooms. Let's go into this one. 
OOOPS! Excuse me, Santa . I did not realize this one was occupied. HEE! HEE! .  I bought this Santa at the thrift store and placed the fella here until I put him on the patio. Isn't he a hoot? 

The pink bathroom  is rarely used . I did not decorate it this year for Christmas except for Santa's short visit. LOL. 
These are a few of my vintage embroideries and crocheted laces displayed in the bathroom. I did put up one framed Christmas card and a small tree- so I was wrong there was a little Christmas in here.

Alrighty, y'all that's my foyer in a nutshell. Or should I say in a cola crate? Hee! Hee! 

 I will keep my eyes peeled for Coca Cola ornaments throughout the year. 

A darling 1990's stitch that I purchased years ago at the thrift store. 

Here is another super easy recipe that my family enjoyed during the Thanksgiving holiday. Again , I will be serving it as a Christmas side. 
1 lb mushrooms whole
1 stick of butter
minced garlic
ranch dressing mix

DIRECTIONS:  Add ingredients to slow cooker. ( I added just a smidgen of water to the slow cooker. ) Cook for 4 hours on high or to your liking. 

Merry Christmas, Sweetie Pies!  Thank you for dropping by. 

 Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll


Remember " You are awesome!" 

All you need is love . 

Gingerbread hugs and stitches!!!

Dedicated to my sweet sister , Amy who embraced the Christmas spirit. Love ya, Amo. 


  1. My husband loved his can of Coca Cola. I didn't drink much soda until I met him. Obviously he was a bad influence. LOL I love all the cute decor in your foyer. HMMM I see that the chicken with her head cut off is still out and about. LOL
    Take care, Miz Melisa!!!! DarleneJ

  2. So fun to see all your Christmas decor, especially the Coca Cola things you're collecting! Santa on the pot made me laugh out loud! You are so creative, Melisa!

  3. You did a wonderful decorating job ! Merry Christmas to you and your family Melisa !

  4. What a wonderful decoration. Great! Your Santa on the pot gave me a good laugh.
    Happy holidays,

  5. Loved seeing all of your decorations! Thank you for sharing! Blessings!

  6. LOVE your decorations Melisa! There isn't much better in life than an ice cold Coca Cola. I enjoyed the peek into your house, it is just beautiful. The Santa on the toilet is my favorite - lol! Have a merry Christmas Eve!

  7. Très belle décoration ,bravo ! Joyeux Noël à toi et à ta famille .

  8. What fun displays, Melisa! I'm more of a Pepsi gal, but I haven't had one of those in probably 15 years. Enjoy your Christmas Eve Day!

  9. (Little Penpen) such cute decorations! I think you should enjoy a coke for Christmas!

  10. I marvel at all your decorations and the time it takes to set up and take down! But I have come to realize that you enjoy every minute of it!! Merry Christmas Eve!

  11. Adorable foyer, Melisa, and I love Santa on the toilet! LOL That's a hoot! Merry Christmas Eve!!

  12. You have such a festive home! My dad worked for coke-a-cola when I was growing up. We have a few collectables from that time. What a fun and festive decor you have to enjoy for the holiday. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  13. OMGoodnes, Melisa! Just when I think you have done it all, you show us more fun and details of another part of your home! Santa on the throne made for a great chuckle! All the vintage linens has me wanting to linger for a closer look. Love the chamber pots up top on the shelf. Your thrift find is just lovely. I really enjoy mushrooms and the recipe sounds so good! Thanks! I think we are going to go look at lights tonight with some hot cocoa in hand. We have a street where the entire neighborhood decorate and it is really quite spectacular. Merry Christmas, dear Friend. You and Mr. Pinker hug each other for me, okay?

  14. No snow here in Texas and after the two years of ice and no power for days I am so glad. I do so love all your stitching and I make needle point ornaments. I also love Coke and have a few things. Just the two of us here this year. We are off to church for Christmas Eve now that we have a ride.

  15. My daughter was a Coke scholar so Coke memorabilia is always of interest. You sure have found a bunch of cool items and your ability to set up intriguing displays still wows me! I hope you have a wonderful holiday! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  16. Merry Christmas Melisa. I just love how you decorate your home, with all the different themes. I looked through my charts and the Mistletoe Kisses was a freebie from IStitch Designs dated 2017. She has other cute charts on her website too.

  17. Merry Christmas!!! I love how decorated your home is and Santa on the toilet - too funny!! Hope you had a wonderful few days! xx

  18. Your displays always put a smile on my face Melisa, what a joyful Coca Cola foyer, I love it!
    I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, happy new year!!

  19. So late to the party but felt all the excitement and joy! Hope you had a fabulous Christmas and are still enjoying!!!! (nwpaintedlady)

  20. You have some nice coca cola pieces and I love the way you have decorated the foyer and bathroom. That Santa is a hoot!


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