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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Barbies, Auntie and The Pink House - A House Freebie

Happy, Happy Barbie Day!    

Did you know it was National Barbie Day? I sure didn't until I saw it on the world  wide web! 

 Were you a Barbie girl growing up?  I loved dolls -Barbie included.  Did you have a favorite Barbie? Mine was Pretty in Pink and who can forget Western Barbie.  I had only one Ken . Don't tell anyone , but he would often lose his head. 😳😜

Image from Pinterest.

We only received 1 Barbie a year; maybe two if we were lucky. Our cousin  had a lot of Barbies and even had the  Barbie double carrying  case filled with a fold out bed and a wardrobe which was filled with  shoes and fancy dresses.  

Image from Pinterest.

My vintage Barbie case and little pink sewing machine. 

Sis and I had the single Barbie case. Mom would sit at her Sears Kenmore sewing machine and whip us little dresses for our shoeless gals. We were always so excited to see what would Barbie  be sporting once her seamstress aka Mom finished her newest fashionable outfit.  We would tuck the dresses safely in our cases along with our Barbies. 

Every Christmas I would ask Santa for a Barbie Dream House alas I guess it could not fit on Santa's sleigh because I never got one. Well not until my daughters were born. Hee! Hee ! And then I bought me I mean them a Barbie Dream House.  

Images from Pinterest

Speaking of Dream Houses, I thought today would be the perfect day to share my newest house stitch called The Pink House.  

Many of y'all know that every year , I stitch a pink house in honor of my Great Aunt Dot who was like a 3rd grandmother to me. She lived in a small rural community where our family settled in the early 1800's . There she worked as the post mistress in the small rock post office right in the middle of the community.   Her home was straight behind the post office and each morning she would walk across the lawn , go through the gate and begin her day.    

Great Aunt  and my dear Nanny as children

 I guess Dot Dot would have been considered an Old Maid during her time for she never dated nor married. She was content working hard, visiting family and friends and being a wanderlust when time would allow.  

Her home was always so warm and cozy with lots of pretty china plates, delicate glassware  and treasures that she accumulated from her travels around the world. Her favorite color was the color  pink. Her bedroom was decorated in soft pink drapes and  lovely delicate chenille bedspread. At night, she would sit in bed and work on crosswords before she drifted into slumberland.  Oh, I do miss her so. In her own way , she was a "Barbie" girl!  Independent ,  Adventuresome and of course, she  loved PINK!

  Last year, I shared  "A Cold Winter's Day- Dot's Saltbox" . It is in the soft shade of pink that Dot Dot adored. 

In 2022, I shared Love Grows Here. The little key reminded me of the keys that Dot Dot  had for the post boxes.

 In 2021 , I shared Dorothy Mae's Spring House

This year's home is a "Barbie Pink" house. Perhaps not  the shade that Dot Dot would have preferred, but I think she would like it nonetheless.  A  grand single rose grows beside the house. Dot Dot did not have time for gardening, but she admired the beauty of roses .  

As I was stitching this pink house I thought how lovely it would be stitched in white or perhaps another color. It certainly does not have to be pink . 

There are 9 DMC floss colors in this piece which include 223, 730, 731, 840, 842, 844, 938, 3685, and 3687.


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


"Some Aunts have that special touch , 
they put your cares at ease. 
They know what to say and do,
to comfort and to please.
They're kind and very thoughtful;
they're quick to understand. 
Whenever someone needs them, 
they lend a helping hand. 
Our world is such a better place, 
and happier by far, 
because there are some precious Aunts 
as special as you are." 

Well , Sweeties, I have chatted your ears off long enough. Please forgive me for being so long winded as I skipped  and rambled all the way  down memory lane .   I am so grateful that you dropped by for a sweet Saturday visit. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

"If it comes in pink, I want it! " - Barbie

Warm Spring Wishes and Bunny kisses! 
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy and to my dear Dot Dot . I love and miss you both! 💓  ❤

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🌞Buzzin Bee Parade 2023-  An early 2023 bee freebie parade. 
🌞Messin and Gommin in the Kitchen -  2022 post on how I tea/ Coffee Dye my fabric. 


  1. Thank you soo much for this wonderful pattern. I will stitch it after I have finished The Blessing House.
    Enjoy your weekend !

    1. Aah you are so welcome, Annelies and thank you for always being so kind and supportive. It warms my heart that you have stitched so many of my homes. Hugs and Blessings.

  2. Another cute house, happy stitching!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gretchen . It was a fun house to work on . Have a wonderful weekend and Happy quilting.

  3. (Little Penpen) love this pink house!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Penny. I was not sure if anyone would like a bright pink house . I am so touched that you like it. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  4. Your houses are so pretty Melisa! What a great story about your great Aunt Dot. I bet she loved her job. Her experience reminds me of a series we enjoyed years ago about a postmistress in England - "Lark Rise To Candleford".I agree that your aunt would approve of the Barbie house. Barbies were not around when I received my beloved Ginny doll in 1956. I bet my Daddy would've had a hard time letting me have a doll that had (gasp) breasts - lol!

    1. Aaah thank you kindly , Linda . Aunt Dot was an amazing woman and she did love her job. Everyone in the community knew her and thought highly of her. Aaaw a Ginny doll. Do you still have her? What a treasure if you did. I have my Nanny's bisque doll in a china cabinet. I feel fortunate to have it. Thank you again for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  5. I had that same Barbie case....thanks for the trip down memory lane and cute pink house!

    1. Aaaw I am so glad this brought back fond memories, Kara. I am surprised I was able to find mine. Thank you so much for the sweet Saturday visit. Hugs.

  6. What a pretty house, surrounded by flowers. Like Linda said above, your Aunt Dot's story made me think of the lady post mistress of "Lark Rise to Candleford". Thanks for sharing another delightful house!

    1. Aaah thank you so much. I am going to have to watch "Lark Rise to Candleford". My Great Aunt worked for decades in the small community as the post mistress and everyone knew her. She loved her job that was for sure. Have a beautiful day and thank you again. Hugs.

  7. All your little houses are very pretty in pink. My sister was really into Barbie, me not so much. I liked making clothes for them more than playing with them. She had the house and the travel van. Thank you for the trip down memory lane.

    1. Aaah the travel van. I always wanted it too. So you were bit by the sewing bug young. How neat that you made clothes for your dear sister's Barbies. Such warm memories. Thank you so much , Kate. You brought a warm smile to my day.

  8. With three girls in my family growing up, there were definitely Barbies in the house, and my mom made lots of clothes for them, too! I wonder what happened to all those Barbies - none of them made it to my house. Your Aunt Dot sounds like a lovely person, and it's so neat that your pink houses are stitched in her honor, Melisa! This year's house is a lot of fun!

    1. It would be a treasure if you still had the Barbie clothes that your mom made. I bet you were excited like I was to see what you mom created for Barbie. I still have my Barbies but not the clothes. I assume they are in mom's attic. Maybe I will take a search sometime. Thank you so much, Diann for the sweet visit . Hugs.

  9. No Barbies when I grew up--I had a "Betsy-Wetsy"--that's how Olde I am!! ;0000
    Lovely stitcheries and great story about your auntie...lovely memories...
    hugs, Julierose

    1. Aaah a Betsy Wetsy-how sweet. I bet you loved her so. I believe I had one to with the bottle and the diapers. Dolls were my favorite play toy. I still love dolls to this day. Thank you for the sweet visit, Julierose.

  10. Your stories of Dot and your childhood are very touching. And your pink houses are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Aaah I so appreciate your kind words. My Aunt Dot was very near and dear to my heart. I miss her so. Thank you for dropping by for a sweet visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  11. Loved your Dot stories which included yourself growing up! She would be tickled that you still think so fondly of her after so many years. Wouldn't she giggle about all the pink you used for the houses and don't you think she would have painted her house pink if she had lived in another era?--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. I do believe you are right, Terry. Dot Dot would have painted her house pink. She was fascinating to me; I admired and loved her so. She and my Nanny doted on me. I miss them both so much . Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  12. What a lovely pink house! I do believe your Aunt Dot would have approved. I had the Barbie, Midge, and Francie dolls and played with them a lot. My Grandma Dorothy made all my doll cloths. In fact, I was the rose among the thorns (only girl for 7 years, all the others in that time period were boys) so Grandma went all out making things. (Grandma insisted on bras and panties for Barbie!) Wedding dress, mink coat, formal dresses, casual outfits; Grandma just loved dressing Barbie! A few years later started a run of girl cousins and Grandma produced Barbie clothes by the drawer full. She even bought her own Barbie to fit her designs on. I didn't play with my dolls anymore by then but always got to pick out an outfit before she gave them to the little cousins. I still have my dolls and clothing; just too special to give away. It was always a treat for my daughter to get to play with my dolls. She had her own and a house and a car and a commissary and a dentist office.... You get the picture! Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

    1. Oh my goodness! You were a Barbie girl! And it just warms my heart that your Grandma Dorothy made your dolls clothes. I bet you had the best dressed Barbies ! I can imagine the many hours of playtime that you had with them. If you were like me, most of the fun was in changing their outfits. I am so glad to hear that you still have your Barbies and their clothes. It is a treasure to have them. Thank you so much for sharing such heartwarming memories. You made my day! Have a blessed evening. Hugs.

  13. What a fun post, Melisa! No, I was not a Barbie doll lover, but I did have one--that infamous first one with the black and white bathing suit! My sisters sold her (and all of the clothes my dear mother patiently sewed for her) at a garage sale when I was away at college. I wasn't upset, but I wonder how much that original Barbie would sell for today?! Your Aunt Dot inspired house designs are each so pretty... she sounds like a very special woman and I love the old photo of her and your grandmother. Enjoy your weekend! ♥

    1. Happy Saturday, Carol. My youngest sister, Amy , was not a Barbie lover either. She was a little tom boy, but my other sister and myself made up for her. Lol. I am so glad that you was not upset when your sisters sold your doll, but it sure would be nice to have at least the clothes your Mom made for her . But you do have the fond warm memories. I wish you a lovely weekend. Hugs.

  14. oh yes i was a Barbie girl. My first barbie came from my mommas best friend. Mother made all her clothes. I dont recall ever having many accessories for mine although one year santa brought me a horse for her ride! LOL! My friends and my barbies went 'camping" alot and rode horses. They were probably my favorite thing to play with. My daughter however got all the barbie things! LOL! What is that cute quilt behind the barbies, the sunbonnet sue looking one.

    1. Aaah another Barbie girl! How fun that Santa brought you the horse one year! It sounds like you and your friends had a grand time . I think my Barbies would have liked to go camping . My girls were like yours- I had to buy them all the accessories, but they were not as into them as me. LOL. I will certainly share they little quilt in a post this week. I believe the embroidery work is still free. I will have to check. I appreciate your sweet visit and for sharing your warm memories. Hugs and Blessings.

  15. Fun, Melisa!!! Yes, my sis and I had Barbies growing up, including a Barbie carrying case. My sister got the van, after I was "grown up". Love that pink sewing machine!!! And the story of your great-aunt! Cute pink stitched pillows, too! Have a great weekend!!!

    1. Oh how fun, Nancy. Aaah the van . I always wanted it too. I bet you and your sister have some warm memories of the times you played together. Oh yes , that was my 1st sewing machine. Hee! Hee! Thank you for the sweet Saturday visit . Hugs and Blessings.

  16. Bravo, you were a Barbie girl!!!
    How nice to honor your great-aunt by embroidering a little house in her favorite color every year.
    A big hug from Spain

    1. Aah thank you so much, Isabel. I loved my Barbies as a child and the little house was a joy to work on. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs and Blessings.

  17. Your Great Aunt Dot sounds like a wonderful woman. I didnt know about Barbies when I was young, I dont think they were around then. But my daughter was a Barbue girl, and used to make her own Barbie dresses too for her dolls.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Jenny. My Great Aunt was an amazing loving woman. I miss her so. Well How interesting , I did not know what year Barbie came out. Your daughter sounds like she was crafty like you at a very young age. This is such a sweet memory; thank you for sharing. Hugs.

  18. PS, I've asked Mr Google who told me Barbie dolls arrived in 1959, I was 14 back then, so too old for dolls.

  19. Happy Saturday. Thank you so much for sharing. I just love all of these little houses. Pink House is so cute..I think I may sitch mine a different color as you suggested. I'll have to ponder what color...hmmmmmm

    1. Happy Saturday, Jennifer. and thank you for such a kind compliment. I am so honored that you will be adding this humble home to your stitching list. I hope you will keep me posted on what color you use. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  20. Hello Melisa, I was Pre-Barbie. I had, and still have my Miss Revlon doll. She is a bit shorter and a bit more buxom than a Barbie. Both me and my sister had one and our mom made some of her formals and knitted many items. We never owned Barbie’s. I also have a Big Miss Revlon doll, who is the size of a baby doll, but is a bigger version of my smaller Miss Revlon doll. I have another doll, her little sister called a Ginny doll. Still have all three plus all the clothes my mom made and I made for them. Of course I had all sons, no daughters to pass them on to.

    1. Happy Saturday, Gail. I had to look up Miss Revlon. Upon seeing her, I realized I have seen these dolls before but did not know what they were. What a treasure to have not only all 3 of the dolls but the clothes that your mom made. I bet the clothes are gorgeous. I sure hope that you have a granddaughter in the future to pass them on to. I often wonder who will get my Raggedy Ann dolls that my grandmother made. I treasure them. Thank you for the sweet Saturday visit and for sharing about Miss Revlon. I learned something new. Hugs.

  21. My Barbie doll was one of the first kind with the pony tail, striped strapless suit, and heavy eye liner. I also had a knock-off doll called Mitzi, which I thought, at the time, was prettier. We made our own houses and furniture and clothes. My GF and I played long after we were of an age to play with dolls and it was "acceptable" anymore. We just didn't tell anyone! LOL Thank you for telling us the story of your Gr'Aunt Dot. She sounds like she was really a special lady. Thanks for another beautiful house in her honor!

    1. Aaah what a sweet memory, Ginny . I had completely forgotten about Mitzi. I had one too. We made our own furniture too until mom finally bought us the blow up furniture. We were over the moon. Aah there was nothing wrong with enjoy the dolls as long as possible; I did the same. Have a beautiful day sweet friend. Hugs.

  22. I had Barbies friend Midge! So many fond memories. Your aunt sounds delightful! We need more people like her. Thanks so much for another house. You are very generous and talented. Margie \TN

    1. Oh yes, Midge!!! I never had her. Hmm I am not sure I never got a friend for Barbie. Lol. My Great Aunt was very special ; I feel fortunate to have had a 3rd grandma. Thank you for the sweet Saturday visit , Margie. I hope you have had a lovely day. It has been rainy here in my neck of the woods. Hugs.

  23. Oh no I missed Barbie Day! I loved my Barbies, Skipper, Ken and wasn't there another Skipper's size? My oldest brother, 15 yrs older than me, bought me my first ever Barbie when we flew to Calif for his wedding. I still have and treasure that doll, she had 3 wigs. I had a cardboard Barbie house, case and gobs of clothes sewn by my brother's MIL and my mom. Thanks for sharing about yours:)

    1. Aaah what a sweet memory, Vicki and what a treasure to have your 1st Barbie. I think that is so special that your older brother purchased your 1st Barbie . I bet your Barbies had a fabulous wardrobe! Thank you for the sweet Sunday visit. Hugs.

  24. Hello, I just want to tell you how much i enjoy your stories. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your patterns. I can't get enough of the little houses!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  25. Hi Melisa! I'm sorry I've missed a lot of your posts, I've been so busy. But I'm glad I got to read this one, you have brought me a lot of sweet memories with my barbie dolls! I had the kissing barbie, the ballerina, the rock star, the gymnastic one and I had the western one along with Western Ken. My sorrow was that I never got to have Western Skipper. But I had 3 Ken dolls in total and I got the dream house, so I was pretty lucky. My mom would also made a lot of dresses in her sewing machine for my sister and me.
    The new Pink House embroidery is so pretty! I will save it for stitching in the future, thak you for sharing!

    1. Happy Sunday, Diana. Oh , I completely understand; this is a busy time of the year and time gets away. You had a lot of the same Barbies as I did. I had completely forgotten about Kissing Barbie. She was one of my favorites too. Hmmm I am going to have to look in my totes to see if I can find her. Alas I only had one Ken. Western Ken would have been nice to have. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  26. Aaah another Barbie girl! Do you still have your Barbies, Brenda? I know I have a few of mine , but I am not sure if all of them are here or at Mom's. They provided many hours of play for me and my sis. Thank you for the sweet visit . Enjoy your day. Hugs.

  27. Melissa, I still have my double Barbie case. It has to be 50+ years old.

    1. Oh how fun, Kim! What a treasure; they do not make cases like they used to do they? I always admired the double case, but I was glad to have my single case too. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs.


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