Blog Archive

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Bunnies, Daffodils and Shamrocks and a Little Freebie

Forward March,

And welcome Spring

When bunnies bounce

And birds all sing! 

When March winds blow the winter away,

They get the world ready 

For April and May-    Helen H. Moore

"March" a freebie from Rainbow Gallery website, Shamrocks Word Stitch a freebie from Helen D. on her flosstube #76Putting on the Green and Shamrock Mini Sampler freebies of mine. 

 Happy Happy March , Sweet Peeps! 

 Did March roar in like a lion in your neck of the woods?   It did here in the holler ! The wind  howled and raindrops  fell  . It was a  perfect day to dance in the rain- , but this ole' gal  cozied  up on the couch, with needle and thread.  By the end of the day on Saturday , the clouds were pushed aside by the warm smile of the sun.

This is a yard sale quilt top. 

I have moved the hoop on my Alabama Beauty twice this week.

I quilted every day on this quilt this week  getting in at least 15 minutes. 

 Perhaps I can make progress and move it one more time by the day's end. 

I made two repairs.

I replaced one of the brown triangles which was threadbare. 

A small patch where there once was a large hole.  I will replace this patch when I find another  piece of fabric that is a better match. 

A little birdie is in the works  on the  Spring Checklist  embroidery which I shared on Thursday. I coffee dyed my fabric  . I am using 2 strands of DMC 898 using the back stitch .  

Eeeh! The daffodils are in full bloom!!!💛💛💛

My March Heart block is called  A Country Spring Day. 

I colored it with crayons and colored pencils.  I used 3 strands of yellow floss  for the daffodils so the yellow would pop!    Wee Lazy Daisy stitches were made for the leaves of the tree!   If you have not tried this specialty stitch , it is real easy. Kathy Schmitz has a wonderful tutorial on her Youtube-  Lazy Daisy Stitch


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


My doodles are hand drawn and are never perfect. 

If you missed Block 1 A Winter's Night

Block 2  Country Mail Delivery 

As of right now , I am thinking of adding scrappy borders to each block. 

Do you need a basket of Luck? I sure do! Hee! Hee! Maybe a little leprechaun will bring me one or better yet a pot of gold. ☘   

Image from Pinterest

 My newest quick stitch called "Luck Basket "  is hot off the presses and is ready to be fully finished. I will be working on it today.   

It is a "Choose Your Own Colors" chart, but if you are interested, I used DMC 844 and 937.

UPDATE: March 9, 2024- I fully finished The Luck Basket into a pin pillow and added a ruffled trim from an old shirt. 

My stitch for the day is "Warm Spring" by Puntinipuntini , a gift from dear PJ. Oooh, it is going to be so pretty! Thank you , sweet friend. 🤗😘

I even started a new bunny stitch this week that I hope to finish soon. 

Well that is what is happening in the holler on this beautiful Slow Stitching Sunday.  What do you have planned ?  

 Have a super day , Sweeties and thank you for dropping by for a visit. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all

I'm a believer in great luck,  and I find the harder I work the more luck I have. - Thomas Jefferson 

Warm Spring Wishes and Bunny kisses! 
Hugs and Stitches!!!
Dedicated to my sweet Baby sister, Amy . I love you, Amo.  ❤

Little weedy  blooms .   "Live simply  ; bloom wildly"

Other Posts That Might Strike Your Fancy!
Putting On The Green St. Patrick's Day Parade - 2023's parade of St. Patrick's Day freebies. 
Parade of Homes- Early 2024 parade of home freebies. 
Buzzin Bee Parade 2023-  An early 2023 bee freebie parade. 

A sweet Sunday Quilt Stack. 


I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Frederique at   Quilting Patchwork Applique for Patchwork & Quilts - Saturday

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Kate at Life in Pieces for  Stitching Stuff ( Sunday) 

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework for Oh Scrap - Sunday 

Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for Sew & Tell- Sunday

Brenda at Songbird Designs for Monday Musings

Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday
Joy at Days Filled with Joy for This and That

Carol at Quilt Schmilt  for To Do List Tuesday 


  1. Your daffodils are lovely! Ours in Oregon, have budded; but, haven't bloomed. It snowed today but it didn't stick. I hope the daffodils wait for the weather to warm a bit!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Oh thank you so much, Terry. Our daffodils are a little late, but I am so glad that they are finally in bloom. I am so glad the snow did not stick in your neck of the woods. Wishing you warmer days in the near future. Hugs.

  2. Though I love to dance in the rain, cosied up inside, sitting on a comfy couch enjoying a little hand stitching sounds like the way to go. Your yard sale quilt is a fabulous find, Melisa. As always there is lots of sweet hand stitching to be seen at your lovely place. Love those happy daffodils.

    1. It was a lovely day to stay home and quilt that is for sure. Tomorrow will be another rainy day as well- so I will call it a" quilting day" as well . Hee! Hee! Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  3. merci pour ces jolies grilles, bonne journée

    1. Aaah you are so welcome and thank you for dropping by for a visit. I hope you enjoy these humble designs. Hugs.

  4. I love your yard sale quilt, she's a real treasure! My daffodils are up but not blooming yet, soon though I hope. Happy stitching!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Gretchen. I was over the moon to buy this quilt. The quilting had already been started so I just have to follow up on the original quilter's dream. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  5. Those heart blocks are adorable! Enjoy your stitching time this week, hopefully nothing gets blown away.

    1. Aah thank you so much Kate. I worked on a new heart block today. More rain is in the forecast tomorrow. Hopefully it will calm down by the end of the week and we will enjoy some sunshine. Enjoy your evening. Hugs.

  6. Thank you for the new heart block. I'm hoping to start on them once we're back on the road. And I love the Luck pattern - so simple yet so pretty! Your AL quilt is coming along so nicely! Did I ever ask you what fabric you use for your heart blocks? I think you mentioned muslin?

    1. Oh thank you so much, Donna. I have really enjoyed working on the heart blocks. I began a new one today. I am using 100% cotton. It is the off white which I already had in my stash. Embroidery work is a great take along project. I keep a little bag in the truck of projects when we travel. I bet you are anxious to start traveling again. We may be hitting the road in a few short weeks. Hugs and Blessins.

  7. Thank you for the Luck basket design, Melisa! Hoping to get to it before March ends. Your latest heart block is so pretty. We have seen bunches of daffodils blooming alongside the roadways the past few days. While we did have a light rain on March 1st, we had the wind/rain on the 29th. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Aah you are so welcome, Robin and thank you . I hope you enjoy it. It was a super quick stitch. Don't you just love seeing the daffodils and the first signs of warmer weather? I noticed we are starting to get buds on our trees. Hugs.

  8. Happy March, Melisa! I've been looking forward to your March heart, and it is lovely. Daffodils are my favorite flower, and I can't wait to stitch a few! Enjoy whatever you work on today!

    1. Happy March to you as well, Diann. This block was a very peaceful block to work on. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I look forward to seeing yours. Enjoy your evening and happy quilting. Hugs.

  9. You have been a busy bee!!! As usual I love everything you've shown today. I'm hoping you'll motivate me to do something!!! LOL

    1. Lol , I sure try to be busy, but sometimes I get squirreled away into other projects so it seems like I am spinning my wheels. Google has been playing tricks on me as well. Sometimes I can comment other times I can't - oh bother. Lol. Thank you so much, Darlene. Hope you found something fun to work on . Hugs.

  10. Dang it I don't understand why Google won't let me sign in. Once again that busy bee post is from me DarleneJ

  11. Beautiful projects, and lovely new heart. You are always an inspiration!

    1. Aaah you are so very kind, Karrin. Thank you so much. I hope to be able to spend time at the sewing machine sometime this week. Have a great week and happy quilting. Hugs.

  12. Happy March to you, Melisa! Yes, our first day of March was blustery, but today is sunny and tomorrow we are hitting record highs :) So welcome after the chill of winter. Your little daffodil piece is so sweet as are the other two. And thank you for the little luck basket--we could all use a little luck now and then :) Have a wonderful week ahead! ♥

    1. Happy March, Carol. Oh it is so nice that you are enjoying warmer days. I bet you are excited for Spring and being able to enjoy the outdoors with your sweet grandson when he comes by for a visit. Our grandchildren have been taking advantage of the warm weather every chance they can get. Have a wonderful week . Hugs and Blessings.

  13. I just love reading about all your stitcheries, Melisa--I can no longer stitch, but it is so fun to see yours come to life!! i am hoping to be able to finish hand quilting my Christmas Ojos, but will maybe have to machine it--well, so be it, you do what you can do, right?
    Happy March--Spring can't be far away now..hopefully hugs, Julierose

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Julierose. I am not able to stitch as pretty as I used to, but I still enjoy the process and trying. I hope you are able to enjoy working on your Christms Ojos. Oh yes, whether it is by hand or machine- it is a joy to have needlework to brighten our day. Isn't it? Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  14. Your Daffys are beautiful, Melisa! Thanks for the new goodies! Hugs!

    1. I am excited to see the little rays of sunshine in bloom. They are not a lush as usual , but still pretty as can be. Thank you for the sweet visit, Brenda. Hugs and Blessings.

  15. Our daffodils are up but should not be as far along as they are at this time of year. Lots of fun spring stitching going on at your place. Gail at the cozy quilter

    1. Don't you just love this time of the year, Gail? I always get excited when I see the 1st signs of spring. I hope you are enjoying your daffodils here soon. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  16. Love your daffodils, and you colored your fabric so skillfully! Did you use anything besides the lazy daisy stitch? I'm tempted to do that one, because it reminds me of the daffodils that used to line our driveway at the old farm in Oklahoma. Mom and Granny called them "jonquils", and they might have been jonquils because the fragrance was wonderful. Along with the daffodils/jonquils, there were also irises and peonies, along with some old asparagus that came up every year. Heavenly, and I miss it so much!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Linda. This was a peaceful block to work on . It warms my heart that it brought back fond memories for you; . Your family farms sounds like what my Nanny's used to look like . She had daffodils along the sidewalk and one big peony bush beside the mailbox. Purple and yellow irises grew on each side of the well house and the clothesline poles. Aaah I do miss those times as well ; thank you for bringing back fond memories for me too. I just used the back stitch and lazy daisy in this block, but I think the embroidery would look darling in the stem stitch too. Hope you enjoy. Hugs.

  17. vos quilts sont magnifique
    j'aime les jonquilles cela me rappelle mon enfance
    merci pour vos jolies créations

    1. Aaaw thank you so much, Vero. It has been a joy to work on this quilt and I look forward to having it complete. It warms my heart to hear that the photos of the daffodils brought back fond memories. Have a beautiful day .Hugs.

  18. Love both the Heart doodle daffodils and your beautiful real ones! What a ray of sunshine! We woke up to snow again this morning. Early March is living up to it's "in like a lion" reputation. The Shamrock Basket has the perfect 4 leaf clover in it! Your AL Beauty is coming right along and a few repairs along the way only makes it more special and yours. Thank you for the new lovely stitches.

    1. Yikes SNOW! Brrr ! You stay warm , Ginny. Mother Nature needs to hurry and send you some warm weather. It has been years since we have seen a snow here in March. Thank you for the sweet visit and all the kind words on my projects. I hope you are able to enjoy some stitching time today. Hugs.

  19. Love these embroidered hearts, so pretty! Beautiful daffodils too ;)
    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful place!

    1. You are so very kind, Frederique. Thank you so much. I have really enjoyed working on these new blocks and look forward to creating more. Enjoy your day and Happy quilting. Hugs.

  20. Replies
    1. Aaah thank you so much, Isabel. It was a quick stitch to work on . I hope you have a very lovely day . Hugs.

  21. Love your hearts, they are so sweet! You really are talented Melisa! Thanks for joining in on Monday this and That and I hope you had a great week! xx

    1. Aaah thank you very much, Joy. They have been fun to work on. I have been enjoying all of your blog posts.You are staying so busy with so many lovely projects. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.


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