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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Amy's Strawberry Basket Sampler -A Very Special Freebie

Good morning, Sweet Friends. I hope your day is off to a very lovely start. Today is a very special day. Not only is it Father's Day, but it is my late sister's 42nd birthday.  You may have noticed that I dedicate every post to me sweet sis. I still can not believe she is gone .

I try to imagine what we would have been doing today if she was here. Of course , we would have had a grand party with cake, balloons and lots of food to fill our bellies. Amy would have been grinning ear to ear .  I imagine afterwards, we would have sat outside enjoying the day before heading out to my house to take a splash in  the pool .  

Amy was a spitfire  - full of energy ,love and always up for an adventure. She was so strong ,  confident and the most giving person that I know. I miss her so much. 😌❤❤❤

For the last couple of year's, I have shared a special stitch in her memory. This year is no exception.  

I have been working feverishly to finish Amy's Strawberry Basket Sampler for her birthday.  Amy loved the farm and dreamed of taking over the strawberry business.  She would often be seen down in the field picking strawberries in the early mornings along with the other pickers so a basket of berries was befitting for my dear sis. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Other stitches that I have shared in memory of Amo are the following:

A Bouquet for Amy which I shared last year on her birthday. 

For her 40th birthday, I shared Amy's Pinkeep.

I have shared 2 Christmas angels. I did stitch her one last year, but have yet to post it.  

Prim Winter Angel for 2021

Always With Thee for 2022

 Amy Lou the Strawberry Picker was a stitch that I created in 2022. 

I am with you always was a mourning stitch that I created week's after she received her angel wings

I am with you always

After our Father's Day dinner , the family will visit Amy with flowers, and balloons. Amy's sons and nephews will write special messages to her and release the balloons so they can float to heaven to my sis. We do this every year. As we visit, I will look for signs from my sis. She always gives me a sign. I wonder what it will be today ?

 I will leave you with what, Amo always said ." Love ya' and see you later. " 
I am so honored that you dropped by for a visit. 

As Always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


" A sister is a gift to the heart,  a friend to the spirit,  a golden thread to the meaning of life. "- Isadora James

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy. You are always on my mind and will forever be in my heart. . I love and miss you so much.. Love you , Amo. 


  1. Happy Heavenly Birthday to Amy! I know there's balloons and cake in Heaven especially for Amy. Beautiful designs to honor her. Gentle hugs for your Mama, you and the rest of the family. Darlene J

    1. Good morning, dear Darlene and Happy Sunday. I do believe Amy is having a grand day in heaven surrounded by loved ones and I am sure she will be smiling down upon us today. I wish you a blessed day and thank you , sweet friend. Hugs.

  2. A beautiful tribute to your dear sister, Melisa. Happy Heavenly Birthday Amy!
    Thank you for the beautiful stitches Melisa. Gentle hugs to you and your family. 🤗Barbara @flashinscissors xxx

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear Barbara for the kind words and warm hug. She was a blessing in my life and is constantly in my thoughts. I hope you have a wonderful day and are able to spend some time in the garden stitching. Hugs.

  3. Such a beautiful post honouring your sweet sister, Amy. Each cross stitch you lovingly designed and stitched for her is beautiful. Have a beautiful day celebrating both Amy's birthday and Father's day, Melisa. Just a little aside....I would think living on a strawberry farm would be heaven🍓

    1. Aww thank you so much, Kim. I enjoyed each and every stitch . It warms my heart to look at it and think back of what seems like yesterday with my sister. Have a blessed day.

  4. A beautiful embroidery to honor your dear sister!
    From heaven he will smile when he receives her balloons and sees the family gathered in her honor.
    Hugs from Seville

    1. Thank you so much, Isabel. I enjoyed stitching this piece in honor of my sister. I wish you a wonderful day. Hugs.

  5. Your tribute to Amy is beautiful! You were fortunate to have such a close relationship with her. Have a blessed day with your family celebrating Amy.

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, Gretchen. She was a blessing in my life. Have a great week. Hugs.

  6. Such a pretty tribute to your sister.

    1. Thank you so much, Kate for the kind words and for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  7. What a wonderful post today remembering your sister. What a special relationship the two of you shared!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Terry. It is not the same without her. She was a joy and a blessing to have as a sis. Have a wonderful week. Hugs.

  8. Dear Melisa I had no idea you lost Amy so recently. I just read the post you linked to, and what a tragic and obscure medical condition she had! I can't imagine your family's grief, she sounds like such a warm and vibrant person. And she was beautiful! I like her piercing and her hairstyle - she looks like a free spirit. :) Your basket sampler pattern is a lovely tribute to her!
    I hope your balloon celebration and remembrance of her is a comfort to all of you. Have you shared any "signs" from her here on your blog? I fully believe in that! I have had "signs" from my Mom, I still feel her presence so often. Thinking of you today.

    1. It was a shock to us all, Linda. Unfortunately there was more to what happened to her than what I posted. She was a free spirit- full of life and adventure. We always had a ball together and in some ways like two peas in a pod. I have shared a few signs. Usually the come in the form of a butterfly or a crow. Today 3 birds flew over as we released the balloons and a fourth flew by them going in the opposite direction .It reminded me that she left 3 siblings behind. Then a butterfly flew right into my face. Lol. I have the same feeling, Linda- like my sis is still here. I still talk to her too. Thank you for the warm thoughts ; they mean more than you will ever know. Hugs.

  9. What a lovely tribute post to your dearly loved sister, Amy. I hope your fond memories of her will warm your desolated heart, Melisa. Hugs x2 Julierose

    1. Aah thank you so much, Julierose for the kind words and sweet visit and this very special day. I can still feel my sis with me which fills my heart with love and joy. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  10. What a beautiful strawberry basket sampler you created in Amy's memory! Thinking of you as you celebrate Amy today, dear Melisa.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. It was a joy to stitch and brought back so many fond memories. I miss her so much. Have a blessed day and a great week. Hugs.

  11. I am sure she is smiling down at you and watching you stitch away. Happy Heavenly Birthday to Amy!

    1. I feel her presence everyday, Vicki. It still is unbelievable that she is gone. Thank you so much for the kind words and sweet visit. It means so much to me. Hugs.

  12. Happy heavenly birthday to your sweet sister, Melisa! I'm so sorry you have to miss her like this. Your strawberry sampler is lovely, and I will have to put it on my list to stitch. I hope you have a wonderful day with lots of good memories shared.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Diann. She is always on my mind and will forever be in my heart and stitching this piece brought back so many fond memories. I wish you a blessed day . Hugs.

  13. Sweet precious memories for your sister Amy. Y’all enjoy your day with memories of her. She is watching over you all. Watch for her sign showing she is with you. ❤️🤗. Your design for her is stinkin lovely.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Patti. The family gathered and released the balloons. I did receive my sign from my sweet sis- a butterfly flew right into my face - how strange but a sweet sign. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

  14. Such a beautiful tribute to your sister. I know she is always in your thoughts.

    1. I think about my sis everyday , Susie . She was a blessing and the best sis. Thank you for the kind words and sweet visit. Hugs.

  15. Oh my dear Melisa--Happy Birthday to your sweet sister--and you won't believe this --but today is my sister Barbara's 70th birthday--or would of been is she had not passed from health issues in 2019--my sister was a decorator--and a good one--she just had the knack--miss her, too!
    so here is a big hug from someone who had a sister whose birthday is the same as your sisters--HUG-diane

    1. Oh, Di, I am so sorry that you too have experienced the loss of a sister. I wish your dear sister a Happy Heavenly birthday and I hope that you were able to remember all of the good times you both had together. Sending you a warm gentle hug as well. Thank you for the sweet visit on this special day . Hugs.

  16. Melisa, once again, you had me in tears. What a beautiful and touching tribute to your sister. This hit me especially hard this year as we lost our baby sister this past December. I have made several of your tribute designs for my two other sisters, thank you so much for providing words and thoughts that bring us three together in remembering. Have a most wonderful day with your family and may you find her sweet message. Many hugs from sunny Arizona, you are truly a special person.

    1. Oh dear Mary. I am so sorry that you lost your dear sister . I know the pain is still raw for you , and if you are like me it will be for awhile if not forever. It is almost an unbearable pain isnt it? I am so touched that you have stitched some of the tribute designs for you other sisters. I hope that they brought you a bit of comfort as you stitched them and I hope that your sisters find them comforting as well. I am sending you a warm gentle hug . Thank you sweet friend. You are such a dear.

  17. So nice to remember and celebrate your sister today. Strawberries are an appropriate theme for remembering Amy. Hugs to you. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

    1. The family gathered together as we remembered my sister. She was a blessing. Thank you so much, Gail for the sweet Sunday visit and kind words. They mean the world. Hugs.

  18. Dear Melisa - happy heavenly birthday to your sweet sister. That is a special tribute you all carry out each year for her. Praying for you and the whole family on this day. I look forward to hearing what sign she sent you today. (((((HUGS)))))

    1. Oh thank you so much, Brenda. She is always on my mind and in my heart. Making things for her brings me so much comfort. I can not tell you how much I appreciate the kind words, prayers and thoughts. I hope you had a blessed day. Hugs.

  19. What a beautiful tribute to your sister. I know she'd love your new stitch! <3. Blessings!

    1. I do believe she would have been over the moon about the stitch. Thank you so Donna for the sweet visit and kind words. Have a great week. Hugs.

  20. Hugs and Happy Heavenly Birthday to Amy!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Shelly for the warm hug and kind words on my sister's birthday. I wish you a lovely week . Hugs.

  21. The love you feel and shared with your sister shines through every time you mention her. The newest Sampler is a beautiful tribute to her. She was obviously such a bright light to all of your family. May the B'Day celebration gathering be a blessing for everyone. You all are in my thoughts and prayers today.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Ginny. She was not only a sister, but with me being the oldest like a daughter as well. A hole will forever be in my heart without her. She was a beacon of light . We had a good family gathering and we all went to the cemetery. I also received a sweet sign from my sis which gave me comfort. Thank you for the sweet visit and warm thoughts and prayers, Ginny. Hugs and Blessings.

  22. Thank you for sharing, I lost my sister a year ago and she was my hero, it is difficult.

    1. Oh I am so very sorry for your loss. Losing a sibling leaves a hole in one's heart doesn't it? My heart goes out to you during this difficult time. Sending you warm gentle hugs.

  23. Those are beautiful tributes to your sister. I'm sure Amy is smiling down on you with great love. I love your family traditions to recognize her birthday. It must mean a lot to everyone.

    1. Oh it does, Jeanna. The family gathered at the cemetery and let the boys release the balloons. They each wrote a special note to their mom. It is sad, but she was so loved and still is. Thank you for the sweet visit and kind words. Blessings.


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