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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 Cross Stitch Freebies Year in Review /Parade

Good morning , sweet friends. Can you believe we have made it to the last day of the year? How did that happen?  

Well in celebration I thought I would share a parade of some of the freebies that I posted this year. Some are still waiting to be fully finished, but I will get there- perhaps this year. Hee! Hee!  

Here Comes the Parade ! I do hope you will join me as I go down 2024's cross stitch memory lane. 

Dreaming of Snow

Snow Tart

 The Star Spangled Winter Home

Gathering Snowflakes

 Love You With All My Heart

The little heart pillows are made from old clothing. 
Love Delivery

Mini Tulip Sampler

Mini Bunny Sampler

Strawberry Stamp Header  ( Photo coming soon. )

Mini Flag Sampler

The gorgeous fabric star behind the sampler was a darling gift from my dear friend, Patricia. I love it. ❤

Bee Balm

Itty Bitty Bee Pinkeep
I added a gourd pin with some buttons to the corner of the pinkeep. 

Summer Cabin

In My Heart She Blooms- Amy's 2024 Berry

An Autumn's Day

The gorgeous crocheted pillow was a gift from dear Barbara. I love it! 

A Pumpkin or Two

Squirrel Jar

Itty Bitty Gingerbread House

Blessed - 5 year IG Anniversary 

Crows in the Pumpkin Patch

Christmas Stamp

Itty Bitty Thumbprint Cookies

Christmas Stamp

Dec. 25, 1865 Prim Cross Stitch

And Snow Fell or the Cardinal House

Baking Day

I think I had a pretty good year of stitching. That is not to count all of the other pieces that I stitched that were not my own design.  So are you making stitchy plans for 2025?  I am !😀 I am going to work on a few samplers and the Prairie Schooler  " A Merry Mini Surprise " Santas.  Oh and I must not forget the Winter Stamps that I am still working on. 

Fabric is dyed for the Winter Stamp SAL. I will be posting information about the stitch along tomorrow. Hope you will drop by. 

I will post the Doodle  freebie parade at noon. So drop by if you are in the neighborhood. Have a beautiful day! 

 As Always, 

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, y'all


Thank you for the sweet visit. 

"Every day has new possibilities."

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my baby sister, Amy. Love and miss you, Amo. 


  1. Boy, you were one busy stitcher this year! So many wonderful pieces to tempt us with. Thank you for all the generous stitches you shared with us. I'm not sure I could pick a favorite house this year.

    1. I have to admit , Ginny that I was quite surprised that I had completed so many. I feel like 2023 was a better year , but I am proud of what I did complete. Have a fabulous afternoon. Hugs.

  2. I agree with Ginny - you were one busy stitcher. Whew!!! When I grow up, I want to be you. LOL I want to stitch all of them because I can't pick a favorite. LOL But I have to get them done tomorrow because the new year is upon us and you'll be like a stitching machine. All kidding aside, my sweet friend, you are very talented and thank you so much for sharing that awesome talent with us. Big Hugs, my friend, Darlene J

    1. Hee! Hee! By tomorrow? LOL . Now wouldn't that be nice if we had the Superman powers to complete tasks at super sonic speeds. I sure would like that. LOL. Thank you so much, sweet Darlene. I can not tell you how much you mean to me. You have kept me motivated and brought so many smiles to my day. Big hugs from the holler. Now let's kick start 2025! Hee! Hee!

  3. What a beautiful assortment of all your freebies posted this year, Melisa, surrounded by your lovely collectibles! ;))) They are all so lovely...Congratulations on a very productive and
    generous year. Hugs, Julierose

    1. Aaah thank you from the bottom of my heart, Julierose. I am happy with what I was able to complete. I hope to be even more productive this new year. Fingers crossed. Have a super day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  4. I love your parades! And this one especially! Looking forward to the Winter Sal. You have been so generous with your beautiful stitching and patterns. We appreciate you so much. Thank you! Many blessings to you and hubby this new year and always.

    1. Oh Donna , thank you so much. I often forget what I stitch so it is fun for me to pull all of the stitches together. It warms my heart to hear that you enjoy them too. I hope you like the Winter SAL I have been working on the borders today for the little stamps. Have a blessed and beautiful day. Happy New Year. Hugs.

  5. Always fun to see your "parades" Melisa. You are so generous with your cross stitch patterns, and I love seeing them on your blog as well as on Diann's!

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Linda. It has been a joy and a blessing to share these little humble stitches. I love seeing Diann's stitches too. She always has the prettiest color choices and finishes- they are always so cheerful. She makes me want to restitch mine like hers. Have a beautiful day. We finally got some sunshine here. Hugs.

  6. Wonderful projects! I like how you named one after an ancestor. Our ancestor Mary Elizabeth Hawkins served in the same role as yours! A coincidence, but also a very common name. Happy New Year, enjoy your travels.

    1. Oh how interesting.It would be pretty neat if we were kin. I love studying genealogy especially learning about the women in the family. Thank you so much for the sweet Tuesday visit. I wish you a blessed New Year . Hugs.

  7. (Little Penpen) you amaze me with all that you get done! Do you ever sleep? I used your Santa hat stamp pattern to make little ornaments for my grandkids this year. They were so cute. I think my New Year’s resolution will be to NOT to buy any patterns. You offer so many great freebies, why buy? I want to do some of your houses. Thank you for being so generous with your talent!! Happy new Year!!

    1. Happy Tuesday, Penny. Aah thank you so much . I wish I did not have to do the "old sleep thing" . Wouldn't it be nice to stitch and quilt 24/7? LOL . It warms my heart that you stitched the Santa Hat for your grandchildren. I hope you enjoyed every stitch. I hope that you have a wonderful and blessed New Year. And that you are able to stitch your heart content. Warm hugs.

  8. Wow! You have shared so much with us, you are so creative and it's not just that you made so made so many designs, they are all wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us! And what's this I hear? A Winter Stamp SAL? Woo hooo! Count me in!! I don't know how, but I'll find the time!! I better start getting some blue dye! Happy New Year, may your 2025 be filled with health, joy and blessings!

    1. Happy Happy Tuesday, Diana. Eeeh! I hope you enjoy the Winter Stamp SAL. Just stitch at your own pace - no schedule or stress here. There is sure to be lots of snow in the Winter SAL. LOL. I wish you a blessed New Year and thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  9. You have had an amazing year of stitching, Melisa! I love your little stitches. Thank you for sharing them with us! Hugs!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much. I have a confession- I love love love small stitches. Hee! Hee! They are quick and I can tuck them anywhere. LOL. I had a better year than what I thought. I did not realize how many I completed until I looked back. Have a beautiful day , sweet friend. Hugs.

  10. Wow, so many wonderful designs! I am still stitching Christmas right now, but Bunny House looks like a good one for spring. I hope to do even more crossstitching and quilting this year. Also you inspire me to try embroidery. Have fun camping!

    1. Oh how fun, Janet. I still have Christmas on my mind too. I pulled out my Prairie Schooler Santas last night. You have the same goals as I do. I wish you a very productive year. I hope you are able to quilt and stitch until your heart is content. Have you already started to pick out your projects? I looked through my UFO quilt projects yesterday. I would like to move them along. I am so touched that you will be adding Bunny House to your stitch list. It was a joy to work on. Have a very Happy New Year. Hugs.

  11. Oh my you sure did have a good stitchy year!! You are so very generous, Happy New Year.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Vicki. I was a bit surprised myself. It was a busy year so I am happy with what I did complete. Happy Happy New Year. Hugs.

  12. You definitely stitched up a bundle of fun and cute cross stitch this year. It really makes me want to find my Aida cloth and start a few. Maybe once I clear out the UFO list a bit, I'll get more into hand stitching again.

    1. Aaw thank you so much, Kate. It was a good stitchy year. You have a lot of fabulous projects in the works. I hope to clear out my UFO bin too, but I am not sure that will happen if I keep adding to them. Hee! Hee! But I sure am going to try. Enjoy every minute of your quilting time. Warm hugs.

  13. Fabulous parade, Melisa! Found a few that I missed somehow.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. I had a ball stitching each and every one. It was fun to look back at 2024. Hugs and Blessings.

  14. So many adorable charts in this parade. You are so very generous with your talents, Melisa. Thank you!!

    1. Aaah thank you very kindly, Jeanna. It has been a joy to create and share these humble designs. I hope they have brought joy to others as well. Have a wonderful day, sweet friend. Hugs.

  15. I thought I had all of your beautiful patterns in my folders ready for stitching but found a couple that I must have missed. I keep lists and categories of all of your patterns to work on and I stitch daily - thank you so much for your generosity and your talent that you share!! Carrie

    1. Aaaw Carrie I am so touched that you have been keeping up with my designs. That really means the world to me. I sure hope you enjoy them. I have the tendency to forget what I have stitched so it was fun to look back and compile the designs for the year in one place. It sounds like you are a girl after my own heart - with keeping a needle in hand daily. I wish you and your family a blessed New Year. Warm hugs from the holler.

  16. What a wonderful year of stitching for you! And what a grand year for all of us thanks to your generosity. Thank you so very much, Melisa!

    1. Aaww shucks! Thank you so much, sweet Susie. It was a good year- actually I did better than what I thought. LOL I thought I was spinning my wheels and not getting much completed . Happy New Year, sweet friend. Hugs.

  17. You are amazing with all that you finish! What a great review of adorable projects!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Aaaw , Terry. You are so very kind. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It felt good to look back on what I have accomplished for the year. Have a blessed day. Warm hugs and blessings.

  18. So fun to see all your stitching for the year! I joined in on quite a few - especially your mini samplers. I just love them! Thank you for all that you so generously share with us, Melisa!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diann. I can not tell you how much it has meant to me that you have stitched along with me in cross stitch and embroidery. You have certainly kept me motivated . Your kindness means more than you will ever know. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for 2025. I know you will be tempting me into projects as well. Hee! Hee! Hugs.

  19. So many lovely designs, all beautifully stitched.

    1. Aaaw thank you from the bottom of my heart, Tammy. You are s kind. I wish you a blessed and wonderful New Year. Hugs.

  20. It was such fun to see your year in review, Melisa! You have to be the most prolific designer/stitcher/quilter/creator around! Thank you for sharing your talent with us! And Happy 2025! ♥

    1. Oh thank you from the bottom of my heart, Carol. I know I have told you before , but seeing all of your pretties and reading your blog got me back into cross stitching. So Thank you, sweet friend. Happy New Year to you and yours. Hugs.

  21. Nobody does it better!

    1. Aaaw! You are as sweet as a button! Thank you , dear. Have a beautiful and blessed day. Hugs. And Happy New Year.

  22. Wow, that is so impressive ! I went through the list many times, oohing and aahing , and just wanted to thank you for all that you do. God bless you and keep you. Happy New Year!

    1. Aaaw thank you so much. You brought a smile to my day. I truly appreciate you taking the time to visit me. Have a blessed and Happy New Year, dear. Hugs.

  23. Thank you for sharing your round up of the year, I’ve enjoyed stitching some of these, but can’t keep up with you, 😆, and so there are a lot more I’d still like to stitch! Thank you so much for sharing, Melisa.
    Happy New Year to you and yours. Looking forward to reading more of your adventures in 2025.
    Hugs 🤗 Barbara @flashinscissors 🥰xxx🙋‍♀️👋

    1. Aaaw I am so very honored that you have stitched some of my humble designs, Barbara. It means the world to me. I wish you a very Happy , blessed and productive New Year, sweet friend.

  24. Oh I just love a great parade! Happy Crafty New Year ahead Melisa! (nwpaintedlady)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Sharon. I hope you have a very Happy New Year filled with blessings, joy and of course lots of stitching and crafting too. Hee! Hee! Hugs.

  25. So many sweet and wonderful stitcheries, so many memories. I had to re-read a whole lot of your posts!! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us! May the New Year bring you and your family love, joy, peace and goodness! Sending you warm hugs and wishes from sunny Arizona.

    1. Happy New Year, dear Mary. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well. I am s touched that you revisited some of my old posts. Thank you so much , Sweetie. I wish y and your family a year of happiness and many blessings. Hugs from the holler.

  26. What a beautiful assortment of all your freebies posted this year, Melisa!
    Have a Happy 2025!


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