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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Pumpkin Blossom Inn- An Autumn Freebie

Hello, Pumpkins and a beautiful day to you! Welcome!  Are you having a bright sun shiny day ?  I sure hope so! 

 Well let me first start off with an Oops  I did it again!!!  I have some corrections for Beatrice's Bee Manor which I shared on August 25, 2023. My head must have been in the clouds that day for I made a few boo boos and omissions on the instruction page. Please forgive me.  I have since gone back and added the corrected instruction page  with the information about the mistakes.  I am so sorry for any inconvenience. If you ever see any mistakes or omissions, please do not hesitate to message me. I so appreciate it. 🤗

A new house is in the neighborhood, and it is filled with  quilted pumpkins , crows  and a few blossoms as well.  The house has been converted into an inn though and is named Pumpkin Blossom Inn. Now tell me. Wouldn't you like to stay there?  I sure would . 

Pumpkin Blossom Inn is the sister house to Strawberry Manor which will be a future freebie probably next year during strawberry season. 

It is a small with a design size of 76 x 68. I stitched mine on 14 count aida that I tea dyed myself.  Click here to read my post on how I tea dye- I mess and gom as my Nanny would say. 😂😁

I used 10  DMC floss colors including 301, 317, 610 , 730, 739 , 783, 918, 921, 3750 and 3799 

If you would like to stitch Pumpkin Blossom Inn, just grab the images below.  If you need Tips for Printing the images , just click on the colored text . Many of my sweet friends have given great tips on how they print the charts. 

 Have you ever had fried pumpkin blossoms? I have to admit that I haven't , but found this recipe that sounds so interesting.  I just might have to give it a try next summer when the pumpkin and zucchini are blooming. 



2/3 cup of all purpose flour

1 teaspoon of baking powder

3 leaves of fresh basil, minced

2 Tablespoons of finely grated Parmesan cheese

2 Tablespoons of cold water

2 eggs beaten

3 cups of oil for frying

12 pumpkin or zucchini blossoms

dash of salt optional

DIRECTIONS:  In a medium bowl mix together baking powder, flour, basil, Parmesan cheese, and salt. Mix in water and eggs until smooth.  Heat 1/2 inches of oil in large skillet over medium heat. When the oil is hot, dip the blossoms in the batter and gently place a few into the oil . Fry each side until crisp and golden. Drain on paper towel. 

A basket of fall quilts and cloth pumpkins. 

Alright, ya'll , it is time for me to head to my stitching chair and settle in to work on more autumn stitching. I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you so much for dropping by to see my new humble stitched home. 

As always...

Happy  Stitching and Quilting, ya'll


You are the pumpkin to my pie! 

Hugs and Stitches!!!!🤗🧵❤

Dedicated to my sweet sister, Amy. I love and miss you so much. The crows in this stitch are for you. 👼❣

My Fall Header Photo  
This is the photo that I am using for my fall header. My buffet is all decked out for the fall season, and these are just a few of the stitches.  Those stitches in the photo included Autumn Stamp Collection , 1803 Autumn HomeOphelia Manor on Punkin Holler Lane ,  Pumpkin Blossom Inn, Mini Sunflower Sampler, an upcoming Sunflower Strawberry, and  The Stitcherhood's Autumn freebie.  Of course, Miss Pumpkin Head had to join the party; she was a doll that I created some 17 years ago. 


  1. Thanks so much Melisa for this beautiful house. Love it. Those large crows are beautiful.
    My husband once ate fried magnolia blossom with friends and it was very nice !
    Have a nice day,

    1. Good morning, Annelies. Aah thank you so much for the kind words on my newest addition to the neighborhood. This home is now one of my favorites. Hmm I have never heard of fried magnolia blossoms I am going to have to look for a recipe. Sounds so interesting. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful freebie, Autumn has definitely arrived here. Love the Autumn header.

    1. Why thank you so much, Sue. I hope you enjoy this little stitch as much as I enjoyed stitching it. I am hoping we will start to see a bit of cooler weather and signs of Fall here soon. Enjoy your day and happy stitching . Hugs

  3. It is definitely fall stitching time! I need to get my pumpkins out soon. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

    1. Next to patriotic season, fall stitching and quilting ranks as my favorite. I have slowly been getting out my fall pieces. Have a beautiful day , Gail and thank you for the sweet visit Hugs.

  4. What a beautiful new home/inn you added to the neighborhood, Melisa! Yes, I would love to stay there with you and stitch the day away.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Robin. I think I could live at that inn. Lol. Wouldn't it be dreamy just to stitch the day away on a fall day and perhaps have all our meals prepared for us? Lol. Hugs. Thank you , dear friend.

  5. Melisa, my Pinker pouch is so excited to have a new addition to the neighborhood. Love those big quilted crows. I love the header, it just screams cool weather. I’m really looking forward to just that, so over100°+ temp. We finally had a bit of rain yesterday evening, that was well needed. Hope you have a beautiful stitchy day. I’m off now for my mile morning walk. Thanks for this awesome tour and the new Saltbox. 🧡🤗

    1. Aah I am so honored Pumpkin Blossom Inn will be hopping into the pinker pouch. Lol. Thank you so much, sweet friend. I hope the rain cooled things off a bit and did not make it too muggy. We need some rain too, but thankfully we are not that hot. Enjoy your morning walk, Patti . Hugs

  6. Your buffet decor is amazing, Melisa. And Pumpkin Blossom Inn is an adorable fall stitch. Thank you, as always, for sharing!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jeanna. It was nice to pull out some pieces that I haven't used in a few years to decorate with too. I am very excited to have Pumpkin Blossom Inn to add to the mix as well. Hugs and Blessings.

  7. Love, love, love it, Melisa!! Thanks for the new house! Have a fantastic week. Hugs!!

    1. Aaaw you are the sweetest, Brenda. I have been dreaming of an orange house for some time. Hugs.

  8. Replies
    1. You are always so sweet and supportive, Isabel. I can not thank you enough for bringing a smile to my day. Hugs!

  9. Once again, thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your designs.

    1. Aaah you are so very welcome , Rita and thank you for the kind words and for dropping by for a visit. I hope you have a very lovely day. Happy stitching.

  10. Pumpkin Blossom Inn sounds just delightful! Thank you for the pattern. 👍😁😘 Thank you too for all the wonderful Autumn links. It’s cooling down fast here now, very Autumnal 🙂👍😘🙋‍♀️ Hugs, Barbara @flashinscissors. xx

    1. I wish I could move right on in to Pumpkin Blossom Inn. Lol. Thank you so much , dear Barbara for the sweet compliment on my newest house. It was a delight to stitch . I am so glad that it is beginning to look like the fall season in your neck of the woods. I am looking forward to seeing the leaves change. Have a fabulous day, dear Barbara. Hugs.

  11. Love the new inn. I'm finishing up Candy corn house now, and have already kitted this one to do next! Thanks!

    1. Aaah I am so honored, MJ. I hope that you have enjoyed Candy Corn House and it warms my heart to hear that you will be adding this one to your fall stitching. Enjoy, my dear and happy stitching.

  12. I love the Pumpkin Blossom Inn..thank you so much. The fried blossoms sound interesting. I hope someone tries them and lets us know what it is like. Blessings!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Donna. I had a ball stitching this house up. I am so excited to add it to my fall display. I would love to try some fried blossoms . They do sound interesting. I guess I will have to wait till next year though. Lol. Have a blessed day . Hugs.

  13. What an inviting Inn. The flowering pumpkin vine is just lovely and the blue quilty blocks accent the rusty orange of the house so well. Your crows are so detailed! I have had fried pumpkin/zucchini blossoms a couple of times. The seasoning in the batter can vary and one kind we had were made with a bit of grated cheese put inside them. They were both pretty yummy!

    1. Ooh I think a bit of grated cheese would be delightful to add to the fried pumpkin blossoms. I will definitely have to remember that next year when I am able to try this recipe. Thank you so much for the kind words on my inn, Ginny. I think the crows were my favorite part to stitch ; I guess because I have an affection for them. Thank you for the sweet visit . Hugs.

  14. Aah you are so welcome, Diana and thank you. It was a fun little house to work on. I am so excited to have it completed and on display for the fall season. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  15. Thank for the cute chart Melisa, it's so kind of you to share it with us. Autumn is my favorite season and this will go fit into my decor perfectly. Happy Stitching! Sue x

    1. Aaah I truly hope you enjoy this little design, Sue. I am so very honored that you will be adding it to your fall stitching. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs.

  16. I like that chart, and love that you are planning so far ahead for a new one in Strawberry season. Should I expect a new on-going series? My XS project is going SO slowly. I should have substituted one of your smaller full-coverage design, but too late now! I might do one of the saltbox houses now and then, to keep in practice ... and pay someone else to finish it. That's another part I don't care for in XS! Thank you for the ideas, and the XS pattern.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Susan. I enjoyed stitching this house so much that I had to stitch a strawberry version. I have been dreaming of another version of it. Hopefully it will come to me. Lol. I am so glad to hear that you are persevering on your cross stitch project. I know it will be a beauty. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  17. Melissa, I just love the Pumpkin Blossom Inn chart! It is next on my list to stitch. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent! Have a great day!

    1. Aah I am thrilled that you like Pumpkin Blossom Inn and am so honored you are adding it to your stitch list. I hope you enjoy each and every stitch. Thank you for the sweet visit and kind words. Hugs.

  18. In the lower part of your main picture are some crow on pumpkin pillows. Are these your charts as well? I love all of your charts thank you so much.

    1. Oh yes they are my little designs. I have a "thing" for crows. Lol The small one is called Pumpkin Basket which I posted Sept 30, 2022. The other one is Autumn Jar which I posted Sept 21, 2021. I hope you enjoy them.


  19. Such a beautiful piece! Thank you! (Just today, I came across your IG account and blog. What eye candy! It is a joy to read. Have a blessed day. :)

    1. Aaah you are so very kind, Lona. Thank you so much for dropping by for a visit and sweet compliment. I am so touched. I hope you visit again. Have a blessed week and happy stitching.

  20. Thank you for this one. This & your Santa cup are my 2 favorites of your patterns. Happy Fall!

    1. Aaah you are so welcome and thank you for bringing a smile to my day. I am so touched that you like those designs. I have to admit they are my favorites too. Hee! Hee! Have a wonderful evening, dear.Happy stitching.

  21. Just found your new saltbox pattern, and I love crows. I think I have run off every one of your patterns. You are so nice to do that! Keep um coming!


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