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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Halloween Manor- A Halloween Freebie


There's a house upon the hilltop

We will not go inside

For that is where the witches live,

Where ghosts and goblins hide. 

Tonight they have their party.

All the lights are burning bright .

But oh we will not go inside 

The haunted house tonight....- Jack Prelutsky

Well hello there stranger! Welcome!

It has been a few blue moons since I have posted- well actually just a few days, but it sure feels  like it has been awhile for me. 😁😀 

It was fall break here, and you know what that meant-- Eeeeh Grandma time! Yep , "The Boys" ( that is what we call the grandbabes and the nephews)  have been out of school and have been keeping us busy going here and there and everywhere. 

Lots of fall fun including a fishing tournament where my nephew and grandson placed 7th. Yah!  There was so much fun  to be had that I have not been on the computer not once - so please forgive me-  I will be playing catch up this week . 

A glimpse at my small black cat Halloween tree.

The countdown is on!!! 

14 days until Halloween

37 days until Thanksgiving

69 days until Christmas

Oooh, do you want to  visit a haunted house?

 Come on ! I think we are brave enough to see what this house has in store for us!  

My newest house in the neighborhood has ghoulish ghosts and sly black cats creeping about. Beyond  the doors- who knows what secrets the house holds.   

The new home is called Halloween Manor. I believe those cats have their own magical powers- they are climbing the walls!!! 

Halloween Manor has a stitch design of 81 x 76. I stitched my spooky home on 14 count aida which brought it to about  5 3/4" x 5 3/8". 

 I used 11 DMC floss colors which include 782, 469, 934, 648, 898, Blanc, 301, 3799, 317, 310 and 919. 


If you are interested in stitching this piece,  just grab , the images. For printing tips, refer to the post Tips for Printing which has loads of tips from my sweet friends. 


Oh , gosh was that house too frightening to look at, I sure hope not. Lol. 👻🎃

Now tell me do you  have any tales of a haunted house? 
As a child, we lived in an older  house called the Lewis house which was said to be haunted by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.   Of course being an older home , we kiddos naturally heard bumps in the night. But the scariest thing I ever saw  in the old Lewis home was snakes crawling out of the attic. Yikes!  Mom gathered us youngin's up and we high tailed it to my Nanny's until dad got home to rustle those slithering critters up.   I believe he pulled at least 4 long snakes from the eaves of the house as my sister and I stood a safe distance away. 🐍🐍🐍🐍  So no ghosts- but definitely snakes going bump in the night!  Hmmmm I think I would have preferred the ghosts. 
Another one of my Halloween favorites- "Brooms for Sale " by Homepsun Elegance

Well, Sweeties, that is my tale for the day. I appreciate the sweet visit and wish you a spooktacular Tuesday. 

As always...

Happy stitching, y'all


If one door closes and another one opens, your house is probably haunted. 👻

Hugs and Stitches!!!

The grandsons were elated when they found this little guy. 

Dedicated to my dear sister.  I love and miss you so much.❤❤👼  

Here are some more links that you may be interested in. 
🍂 Messin' and Gommin  in the Kitchen- How I tea dye my fabric. 
🍂Spooky Freebie Parade- A parade of previous Halloween freebies. 
🍂Turkey Strut Thanksgiving Parade and  Turkey Holler Saltbox -A Thanksgiving Freebie- A parade of previous Thanksgiving stitches. 

🍂Time for a Parade !   A Fall Freebie Parade- A parade of previous fall stitches. 


  1. My congratulations to your nephew and grandson for their seventh place in the fishing contest.
    I love your Halloween decorations.
    Thank you very much for this spooky little house full of ghosts, black cats and pumpkins.
    I wish you a happy Tuesday.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Pilarin. The boys were so excited; that were not sure if they would even place, but to their surprise they did. This gave them the confidence they needed to continue on. And thank you for the kind words on my newest home. It was such a fun stitch. Have a very lovely day. Hugs.

  2. I love the spooky house and pumpkins, oh, and all those sweet black cats, oooh not forgetting the cute ghost! Love the black cat tree too! How did the snakes get in the loft? Too scarey! Nice to see you back, missed you. ☺️🙋‍♀️😁👍😘👋 Hugs, Barbara @flashinscissors xx

    1. I had a ball stitching this spooky house, Barbara, but I do think my favorite was stitching the ghost and all of the cats. I am not sure how the snakes got in the house, but it sure was scary. It was an old house so ; dad promptly sealed up any snake holes. Yikes. Happy Tuesday , sweet friend.

  3. Oh I'm so glad you shared this Halloween house. Don't think I can get it done this year. I totally understand about spending time with grandchildren. They grow up so fast and I don't want to miss a thing. Enjoy them. Have a blessed day.

    1. Joy, I was so happy to find that I had not put away my floss colors for this house. I had not written them down so that had delayed me on sharing this house, but lol all worked out. I hope you add it to your stitch list for maybe next year. Oh yes, the boys have kept me entertained ; I tell them everyday that they are growing up on me. Have a great week. Hugs.

  4. I love your new Halloween Manor - so cute. Glad to hear you got to spend time with the boys. Nothing like spending time with family! Your tree - Love it! One day I hope to have enough room to have a tree to change its decorations seasonally! Blessings!

    1. It was a wonderful week with the kiddos; they certainly kept me busy. Oh thank you so much on my newest spooky home and my Halloween cat tree. It is a fun tree to decorate each season. Hope you have had great day. Hugs.

  5. Such a fun haunted mansion, love the kitties. Snakes in the attic, I'm with you, ghosts would be less scary! Yeah for the boys finish at the fishing tournament. Happy stitching this week.

    1. Oh thank you so much, Kate; it was such a fun stitch especially stitching the kitties and ghosts. Lol those snakes in the attic were frightening. The boys have another fishing tournament this weekend. Fingers crossed they catch something. Hugs and blessings.

  6. Morning Melisa. 👋👋 anytime we get to spend with our grandbabies is at the top of our lists. Never begrudge that time, it’s the best. Wait till your grandbabies have babies. I’m just blown away when I think I can’t love someone more and here come another bundle of joy. Enjoy all your precious memories cause they grow up so stinkin quickly. ❤️❤️❤️. Love the ghost peeking out the front door of Halloween Manor, it’s adorable. It’s going in my pinker pouch for next year. Have a beautiful day my friend. 🧡🧡🎃

    1. Happy Tuesday, dear Patti. Oh I was telling the boys the other day that they are growing up on me and they are becoming more and more independent. It seems like yesterday that my girls were babies and now here they are all grown up. I agree time does fly. Thank you for the sweet visit and eeeh! the pinker pouch! Hee! Hee! Hugs.

  7. It sounds like you had an enjoyable time while the boys were on fall break. Well done on the 7th place finish in the fishing tournament! I bet they had a grand time. Your newest house is adorable, Melisa. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Robin, we had a ball. Of course most of the time was spent outside. They are all over the place; luckily they have a large area to roam. Lol. The boys were over the moon to place in the tournament. I hope they keep their string of luck. Hope your day has been a good one. Hugs.

  8. The old house I grew up in replaced a house that did have a ghost in Civil War uniform that scared one of the house keepers. I'm glad he didn't move to the new house!

    And 25 years ago, I saw the ghost of one of our cats that passed a couple week prior. I was up late reading (not asleep) and went to the kitchen at night and he shot across the floor to the basement just as he did while alive. Except instead of being a gray/brown tabby, he was white.

    And a few years ago, I fell asleep watching TV and woke up. Something black shot across the living room to behind the couch. Just as the black cat that had passed away a few months prior always did. On that one, I'd just woke up, so I'm not sure that wasn't my mind playing a game. But I like to think she came back for a minute.

    Love the new pattern! Snakes in the attic - I don't know that I'd ever be relaxed in that house again.

    1. Oh how interesting Gail. What a rich history your property had .If you was like me, I bet you always kept your eyes peeled as a child for a ghost. Lol. I always find stories like that so interesting. It certainly sounds like your sweet angel kitties have visited you to say that all is ok. I've had a few instances like that . It gives one pause doesn't it? Oh yes it is hard to relax once you know a snake has been in the house. Eeek! Lol. Happy Tuesday and thank you for making my day.

  9. Another super cute stitchery, Melisa. You have some fun Halloween decorations, too....not scary :) Have a great week!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Jeanna. I enjoy decorating for Halloween, but I am not much into the real scary Halloween. Hee! Hee! Happy Tuesday. Hugs

  10. Your Black Cat tree is so much fun, Melisa! Love all your decorations! Halloween Manor is really cute - the cats and the ghost peeking out the door - so fun. Great photo of the praying mantis, too! We had one living in our front garden a few years ago, and she was fascinating to watch.

    1. I had a ball decorating the little black cat tree. All of the black cat decor has slowly come about over the years ( a non intentional collection LOL) . The boys love looking for bugs, salamanders, snakes and any critter they can get a hold of. They were fascinated by the praying mantis. Hope you have had a very lovely day. Hugs.

  11. Another wonderful stitching creation! Love that ghost in the front door. Thanks and happy day to you!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Betty for the kind words and sweet visit. It was such a fun stitch especially the ghosts and the kitties. Have a very lovely evening . Hugs and stitches.

  12. Loved seeing your cute Halloween tree, Melisa! And your newest home design is adorable--I like cute Halloween not scary! You couldn't pay me to visit a haunted house :) Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ♥

    1. Lol, Carol. I am like you- I enjoy cute Halloween. This new house was a fun home to work on. I am glad to have it finished and on display. Hope you had a lovely day .. Hugs.

  13. A lovely new Halloween embroidery!
    You have been missed and I am glad you enjoyed your grandchildren.

    1. Aaw how heart warming; it is so nice to missed; thank you so much, dear Isabel. I hope you had a very lovely weekend and wish you a great week. Hugs.

  14. Oh dear, snakes, that would be my worst nightmare!

    1. Lol, Jenny it is mine too. A few years ago a snake came into the house through the chimney. I was scared to death when I saw it slither down the mantle. To say the least I ran out screaming. Luckily hubby captured it. Yikes! Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs.

  15. I think your Halloween Manor is fantastic!! I really love it!

    1. Oh thank you so much, Diana. It was a joy to stitch and share this Halloween house. I hope your day has been a lovely one. Hugs.

  16. Congratulations to the fishing folks! I think you jyst might like Halloween and all the ghosts, goblins, and spookiness that goes with it. I sure enjoy reading your happenings.

    1. Oh thank you so much. The boys were elated that not only they caught something , but placed. Lol I do enjoy Halloween- just about as much as the kiddos do. Hee! Hee! Thank you so much , dear. I hope your day has been a joyous one. Hugs

  17. 7th place. . .wow, those boys sure know how to "catch!" Your ghost house is so cute. As for your snake story . . .EEEEEkkkkkk! What an experience. I have no ghost stories; but, once we did have a pack rat that was in the attic. It took us days to trap it. It chewed through wires and caused havoc!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Oh my , Terry. I have heard about pack rats, but have never seen one. I can imagine the damage it did. Did it take any of your items and place them in its nest? EEeek ! Is right on the snake , but lol I was screaming! Hee! Hee! Thank you so much for the sweet visit and kind words. The boys were over the moon to have placed. Fingers crossed their lucky streak will continue. Happy Tuesday.

  18. Such fun at every turn today. The Black Cat tree is so stylish! Your new Manor House is Spook-tacular! Thank you for sharing. Seeing a preying mantis is always a treat! I had one settle on my arm not long ago when I was cleaning up a flowerbed. So unexpected! I am glad for you to have such fun times with your grands! Yes, I was wondering where you were and now we know. Your snake story gave me goosebumps!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Ginny. Aaw thank you for the sweet compliment on my tree and new house stitch. They were both fun projects. Hmmm I wonder if it is good luck if a preying mantis lands on you like a lady bug is. I sure hope you had a fabulous day and some good luck. They are fascinating to look at aren't they? Lol the snakes scared the bejeebers out of me. Lol. Hugs and Blessings.

  19. Congrats to the boys on 7th place in the tournament!! How fun! I wanna go fishing! LOL Snakes in the attic??? Heart attack time for this ole girl! Our first apartment after we married and moved to Birmingham was haunted. Not in a scary way. But we had some strange happenings in that place! The shower would turn itself on, eggs literally jumped out of the refrigerator at times when opening the door and pies would move from where we put them to another spot! Nothing scary...just weird! LOL Thanks for the new house, Melisa! Have a great week. Hugs!

    1. Happy Wednesday, Brenda. Thank you so much for the kind words on the boys. They are all pumped for the next tournament which is on Saturday. Oh my , it sounds like your apartment was filled with spooky activity. I bet at 1st it was very startling. Isn't it strange how old houses and buildings have unusual sounds and happenings? We live in an old house now and there are always unusual noises and an occasionally a door will open. We always say it is "Sally -our friendly ghost"  Hee! Hee! . Have a great day. 

  20. I Love your Halloween Mansion! I think it is one of my favorites. Thank you so much for sharing it with use.

    1. Aaah that just warms my heart, Carol. It turned out cuter than I imagined and I had a ball stitching it. I hope you enjoy it as well. Have a blessed day and Happy Halloween. Hugs.

  21. Wonderful new house! You are so generous. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh thank you so kindly, Susan. I had a ball stitching and of course had to include some quilted stars. LOL. Hugs.


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