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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The Ewe House- A House Freebie

Hello there , sweet ewes.  A very Happy Tuesday to ewe!

Grab a shepherd's hook ! We have some sheep to tend to. 

Thankfully, they are all in a row except for one straggler who has somehow made her way to the roof of the house. How she made her way up there- I  have not a clue. She may be a bit fiesty  so you better watch out. 


 This is my newest house stitch called "The Ewe House".   A green house just perfect for March.  It is stitched in DMC 3363 ( Medium Pine Green ) and 523 ( Light Fern Green). I even included some shamrocks in the urn beside the house. 

If you are interested in stitching The Ewe House  ,grab the images below. Many of ya'll know but I always encourage you to read my little disclaimer and note about getting my charts. 

NOTE: Normally I have been able to create links to the charts and instructions which were in JPG form. For some reason, recent updates on Google Docs. has prevented me from doing that and I am not able to create a pdf without having to deal with storage issues.  Many dear stitchers say they right click, save the image and then print.  I think some have copied and pasted it to a Word document that they can print off as well. I hope you are able to find a way to enjoy this chart. You will have to click each page to save. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding and for all of the helpful tips and ideas. 

I stitch my little designs for fun and to decorate my home. I feel very blessed by this community and love sharing my little charts, but I am not a professional designer. And I do not have professional software. Thank you for understanding . I am always grateful for your kind encouragement , your visits, and for stitching my little designs.

I stitched The Ewe House on 14 count aida that I tea/ coffee dyed myself. It is a small measuring 71 W x 73 H which on 14 count measures about 5 1/8"x 5 1/4". Surprisingly there are 15 floss colors in this piece. I was surprised when I counted them. They include DMC 610, white, 3371, 815,841, 523, 838, 739, 3346, 924, 3858, 413, 3363, & 223.

Well , sweeties that's my newest house in my neighborhood. I am in the construction zone working on a new one as we speak.  It is going to be a saltbox, and yes! there will be some critters to wrangle up in the next one as well. Lol. Gotta love our furry friends. 
Ewe have a terrific Tuesday .
Hey, don't you forget- You are awesome !!!! 

As always....

Happy stitching, ya'll


My sheep collection includes : Spring Green Saltbox,  A Basket for Ewe , Sheep Trifle and Sheep Jar

Believe you can and you are halfway there. 

Hugs and Stitches!!! ❤🧵🤗

Dedicated to my dear sister, Amy . Love and miss you, Amo.  A March sunset at my sister's house. Oh how I wish she was there. 


  1. I love the new Ewe House!

    1. Oh thank you so much, dear. It was a fun little house to work on and worked up quickly . I so appreciate that you stopped by for a visit. Have a great day.

    2. Hey Melissa, I love your Salt Box Houses. I’ve stitched 10 of them so far. I was able to print these by moving the size from 100% down to around 48% on my printer settings. Came out perfect!!

  2. Thank you sweet friend for yet another beautiful design. I want to stitch them all! Hope your day is full of many blessings dear friend. ((hugs)). :)

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear Vicki. I think we need more hours in the day to stitch all that we want to stitch don't you? Warm hugs and blessings.

  3. This is the sweetest! So cute... especially with the sheep on the roof! Lol. It really brought a smile to my face this morning. Blessings.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Donna. I couldn't resist putting the ewe on the roof. Lol. Happy Tuesday

  4. Thank Ewe, sweet friend, for another precious house! I need to dig out my bag of DMC and get started on this one ASAP, but it's in the dreaded closet bottom! HMMM. Maybe I'll send DH in there after it! LOL This is just adorable. Thanks so much! Have a happy Tuesday, ewerself!

    1. Lol thank you so much ,dear Brenda. You had me tickled on having to dig out your supplies. I often have to scramble around trying to find all that I need as well. I hope you enjoy . Tuesday Hugs.

  5. Saved and added to the list to stitch! :) Thank you so much!

    1. Aaah I am so touched. I hope you enjoy this humble little home. Have a wonderful day, dear and thank you.

  6. Thank you for the new pattern. Perhaps the sheep on the roof identifies as a goat?

    1. Lol Gail, you made me laugh at that one. I think she does identify as a goat. Lol. Thank you so much for the sweet giggle and visit. Happy Tuesday

  7. thank you so much for this freebie it bought a smile for me.thanks much for your generosity.

    1. Aaah you are so very welcome, Chitra and thank you for the sweet visit, and kind words. I wish you the most blessed day.

  8. You are amazing!! So kind and thoughtful towards others 💕

    1. Aaaah you are the sweetest, dear. Thank you so very much for the warm , kind words and from bringing a smile to my day. Happy Tuesday.

  9. I want to do all the ewe things 😃💕

    1. Lol are you a sheep lover too? I love sheep. Thank you , sweetie.

  10. You're so creative and generous. Thank you 💖

    1. Aaah thank you so very much, Carol. This was such a fun little home to work on . Have a beautiful day, dear.

  11. I love the new Casa Ewe!
    You are very creative and generous, Melisa.
    Thanks for sharing
    Hugs from Spain

    1. Oh thank you so much, Isabel. I have a deep fondness for sheep. I hope you are having a very lovely day. Hugs.

  12. Thank you so much! I love stitching sheep and this is perfect. All your designs are so cute! Can't thank you enough.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Lori. I adore sheep as well . For some reason , I especially love stitching them come spring time. I hope your day is a blessed one. Happy stitching.

  13. What a cute house! The sheep on the roof reminded me of my daughter's house and the goat's doing the same thing with some conveniently arranged things along the side of her house! So funny! Such a nice sunset view near you. Looks like Spring there...

    1. Oh how funny, Ginny. I bet the goat is a hoot to see . I do love goats too. They are great climbers. We used to have 2 at the house ; they enjoyed climbing the hills in the holler. The sunset at my sisters and the farm is always so pretty. Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. Hugs.

  14. Thank you Melisa for another cute house.

    1. Aaah you are so welcome, Ivani. It was such a fun house to work on . Thank you for the sweet Tuesday visit. Hugs

  15. "Ewe" are awesome!!! Thank you for another adorable pattern!! <3

    1. Aaaah! Ewe are the sweetest Sandie!! Thank you so much for bringing a big smile to my evening. I hope you have had a great day. Hugs.

  16. Cute pattern for the month of March! Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Gail . I just have one other green house so this was such a delight to stitch. Thank you for the sweet visit. Hugs

  17. I still like the other green one best, but this is lovely, and the sheep on the roof is too funny!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, Susan. It was fun to play with some different greens and  I thought the climbing sheep was a hoot. Oh yes, The Spring Green Saltbox seems to be a favorite. I love the flowers on it. Happy Wednesday. 

  18. Replies
    1. Lol thank you so much, Nancy. I had to add a sheep to the roof. It gives it a quirky look .Lol.

  19. Oh my, I so love your blog. I think I could busy myself working on your generous patterns forever. Thank you I want to stitch them all, especially your houses.

    1. I can not tell you how much your kind compliment means to me , dear. You brightened my day and lifted my spirits. Thank you with all of my heart. I hope you enjoy my humble charts. Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs.


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